local from_entry = require "telescope.from_entry" local Path = require "plenary.path" local utils = require "telescope.utils" local putils = require "telescope.previewers.utils" local Previewer = require "telescope.previewers.previewer" local conf = require("telescope.config").values local pfiletype = require "plenary.filetype" local pscan = require "plenary.scandir" local buf_delete = utils.buf_delete local previewers = {} local ns_previewer = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace "telescope.previewers" local has_file = 1 == vim.fn.executable "file" -- TODO(fdschmidt93) switch to Job once file_maker callbacks get cleaned up with plenary async -- avoids SIGABRT from utils.get_os_command_output due to vim.time in fs_stat cb local function capture(cmd, raw) local f = assert(io.popen(cmd, "r")) local s = assert(f:read "*a") f:close() if raw then return s end s = string.gsub(s, "^%s+", "") s = string.gsub(s, "%s+$", "") s = string.gsub(s, "[\n\r]+", " ") return s end local function defaulter(f, default_opts) default_opts = default_opts or {} return { new = function(opts) if conf.preview == false and not opts.preview then return false end opts.preview = type(opts.preview) ~= "table" and {} or opts.preview if type(conf.preview) == "table" then for k, v in pairs(conf.preview) do opts.preview[k] = vim.F.if_nil(opts.preview[k], v) end end return f(opts) end, __call = function() local ok, err = pcall(f(default_opts)) if not ok then error(debug.traceback(err)) end end, } end -- modified vim.split to incorporate a timer local function split(s, sep, plain, opts) opts = opts or {} local t = {} for c in vim.gsplit(s, sep, plain) do local line = opts.file_encoding and vim.iconv(c, opts.file_encoding, "utf8") or c table.insert(t, line) if opts.preview.timeout then local diff_time = (vim.loop.hrtime() - opts.start_time) / 1e6 if diff_time > opts.preview.timeout then return end end end return t end local bytes_to_megabytes = math.pow(1024, 2) local color_hash = { ["p"] = "TelescopePreviewPipe", ["c"] = "TelescopePreviewCharDev", ["d"] = "TelescopePreviewDirectory", ["b"] = "TelescopePreviewBlock", ["l"] = "TelescopePreviewLink", ["s"] = "TelescopePreviewSocket", ["."] = "TelescopePreviewNormal", ["r"] = "TelescopePreviewRead", ["w"] = "TelescopePreviewWrite", ["x"] = "TelescopePreviewExecute", ["-"] = "TelescopePreviewHyphen", ["T"] = "TelescopePreviewSticky", ["S"] = "TelescopePreviewSticky", [2] = "TelescopePreviewSize", [3] = "TelescopePreviewUser", [4] = "TelescopePreviewGroup", [5] = "TelescopePreviewDate", } color_hash[6] = function(line) return color_hash[line:sub(1, 1)] end local colorize_ls = function(bufnr, data, sections) local windows_add = Path.path.sep == "\\" and 2 or 0 for lnum, line in ipairs(data) do local section = sections[lnum] for i = 1, section[1].end_index - 1 do -- Highlight permissions local c = line:sub(i, i) vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, ns_previewer, color_hash[c], lnum - 1, i - 1, i) end for i = 2, #section do -- highlights size, (user, group), date and name local hl_group = color_hash[i + (i ~= 2 and windows_add or 0)] vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight( bufnr, ns_previewer, type(hl_group) == "function" and hl_group(line) or hl_group, lnum - 1, section[i].start_index - 1, section[i].end_index - 1 ) end end end local search_cb_jump = function(self, bufnr, query) if not query then return end vim.api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function() pcall(vim.fn.matchdelete, self.state.hl_id, self.state.winid) vim.cmd "norm! gg" vim.fn.search(query, "W") vim.cmd "norm! zz" self.state.hl_id = vim.fn.matchadd("TelescopePreviewMatch", query) end) end local search_teardown = function(self) if self.state and self.state.hl_id then pcall(vim.fn.matchdelete, self.state.hl_id, self.state.hl_win) self.state.hl_id = nil end end local scroll_fn = function(self, direction) if not self.state then return end local input = direction > 0 and [[]] or [[]] local count = math.abs(direction) vim.api.nvim_win_call(self.state.winid, function() vim.cmd([[normal! ]] .. count .. input) end) end previewers.file_maker = function(filepath, bufnr, opts) opts = vim.F.if_nil(opts, {}) -- TODO(conni2461): here shouldn't be any hardcoded magic numbers ... opts.preview = vim.F.if_nil(opts.preview, {}) opts.preview.timeout = vim.F.if_nil(opts.preview.timeout, 250) -- in ms opts.preview.filesize_limit = vim.F.if_nil(opts.preview.filesize_limit, 25) -- in mb opts.preview.msg_bg_fillchar = vim.F.if_nil(opts.preview.msg_bg_fillchar, "ā±") -- in mb opts.preview.treesitter = vim.F.if_nil(opts.preview.treesitter, true) if opts.use_ft_detect == nil then opts.use_ft_detect = true end opts.ft = opts.use_ft_detect and pfiletype.detect(filepath) if opts.bufname ~= filepath then if not vim.in_fast_event() then filepath = vim.fn.expand(filepath) end if type(opts.preview.filetype_hook) == "function" then if not opts.preview.filetype_hook(filepath, bufnr, opts) then return end end vim.loop.fs_stat(filepath, function(_, stat) if not stat then return end if stat.type == "directory" then pscan.ls_async(filepath, { hidden = true, group_directories_first = true, on_exit = vim.schedule_wrap(function(data, sections) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, data) colorize_ls(bufnr, data, sections) if opts.callback then opts.callback(bufnr) end end), }) else if opts.preview.check_mime_type == true and has_file and opts.ft == "" then -- avoid SIGABRT in buffer previewer happening with utils.get_os_command_output local output = capture(string.format([[file --mime-type -b "%s"]], filepath)) local mime_type = vim.split(output, "/") if mime_type[1] ~= "text" and mime_type[1] ~= "inode" and mime_type[2] ~= "json" then if type(opts.preview.mime_hook) == "function" then vim.schedule_wrap(opts.preview.mime_hook)(filepath, bufnr, opts) else vim.schedule_wrap(putils.set_preview_message)( bufnr, opts.winid, "Binary cannot be previewed", opts.preview.msg_bg_fillchar ) end return end if mime_type[2] == "json" then opts.ft = "json" end end if opts.preview.filesize_limit then local mb_filesize = math.floor(stat.size / bytes_to_megabytes) if mb_filesize > opts.preview.filesize_limit then if type(opts.preview.filesize_hook) == "function" then vim.schedule_wrap(opts.preview.filesize_hook)(filepath, bufnr, opts) else vim.schedule_wrap(putils.set_preview_message)( bufnr, opts.winid, "File exceeds preview size limit", opts.preview.msg_bg_fillchar ) end return end end opts.start_time = vim.loop.hrtime() Path:new(filepath):_read_async(vim.schedule_wrap(function(data) if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then return end local processed_data = split(data, "[\r]?\n", _, opts) if processed_data then local ok = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines, bufnr, 0, -1, false, processed_data) if not ok then return end if opts.callback then opts.callback(bufnr) end putils.highlighter(bufnr, opts.ft, opts) else if type(opts.preview.timeout_hook) == "function" then vim.schedule_wrap(opts.preview.timeout_hook)(filepath, bufnr, opts) else vim.schedule_wrap(putils.set_preview_message)( bufnr, opts.winid, "Previewer timed out", opts.preview.msg_bg_fillchar ) end return end end)) end end) else if opts.callback then if vim.in_fast_event() then vim.schedule(function() opts.callback(bufnr) end) else opts.callback(bufnr) end end end end previewers.new_buffer_previewer = function(opts) opts = opts or {} assert(opts.define_preview, "define_preview is a required function") assert(not opts.preview_fn, "preview_fn not allowed") local opt_setup = opts.setup local opt_teardown = opts.teardown local old_bufs = {} local bufname_table = {} local global_state = require "telescope.state" local preview_window_id local function get_bufnr(self) if not self.state then return nil end return self.state.bufnr end local function set_bufnr(self, value) if self.state then self.state.bufnr = value table.insert(old_bufs, value) end end local function get_bufnr_by_bufname(self, value) if not self.state then return nil end return bufname_table[value] end local function set_bufname(self, value) if self.state then self.state.bufname = value if value then bufname_table[value] = get_bufnr(self) end end end function opts.setup(self) local state = {} if opt_setup then vim.tbl_deep_extend("force", state, opt_setup(self)) end return state end function opts.teardown(self) if opt_teardown then opt_teardown(self) end local last_nr if opts.keep_last_buf then last_nr = global_state.get_global_key "last_preview_bufnr" -- Push in another buffer so the last one will not be cleaned up if preview_window_id then local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) utils.win_set_buf_noautocmd(preview_window_id, bufnr) end end set_bufnr(self, nil) set_bufname(self, nil) for _, bufnr in ipairs(old_bufs) do if bufnr ~= last_nr then buf_delete(bufnr) end end -- enable resuming picker with existing previewer to avoid lookup of deleted bufs bufname_table = {} end function opts.preview_fn(self, entry, status) if get_bufnr(self) == nil then set_bufnr(self, vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(status.preview_win)) preview_window_id = status.preview_win end if opts.get_buffer_by_name and get_bufnr_by_bufname(self, opts.get_buffer_by_name(self, entry)) then self.state.bufname = opts.get_buffer_by_name(self, entry) self.state.bufnr = get_bufnr_by_bufname(self, self.state.bufname) utils.win_set_buf_noautocmd(status.preview_win, self.state.bufnr) else local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) set_bufnr(self, bufnr) vim.schedule(function() if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then utils.win_set_buf_noautocmd(status.preview_win, bufnr) end end) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(status.preview_win, "winhl", "Normal:TelescopePreviewNormal") vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(status.preview_win, "signcolumn", "no") vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(status.preview_win, "foldlevel", 100) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(status.preview_win, "wrap", false) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(status.preview_win, "scrollbind", false) self.state.winid = status.preview_win self.state.bufname = nil end if opts.keep_last_buf then global_state.set_global_key("last_preview_bufnr", self.state.bufnr) end opts.define_preview(self, entry, status) vim.schedule(function() if not self or not self.state or not self.state.bufnr then return end if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.state.bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_call(self.state.bufnr, function() vim.cmd "do User TelescopePreviewerLoaded" end) end end) if opts.get_buffer_by_name then set_bufname(self, opts.get_buffer_by_name(self, entry)) end end if not opts.scroll_fn then opts.scroll_fn = scroll_fn end return Previewer:new(opts) end previewers.cat = defaulter(function(opts) opts = opts or {} local cwd = opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd() return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "File Preview", dyn_title = function(_, entry) return Path:new(from_entry.path(entry, false, false)):normalize(cwd) end, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return from_entry.path(entry, false) end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local p = from_entry.path(entry, true) if p == nil or p == "" then return end conf.buffer_previewer_maker(p, self.state.bufnr, { bufname = self.state.bufname, winid = self.state.winid, preview = opts.preview, file_encoding = opts.file_encoding, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.vimgrep = defaulter(function(opts) opts = opts or {} local cwd = opts.cwd or vim.loop.cwd() local jump_to_line = function(self, bufnr, lnum) pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace, bufnr, ns_previewer, 0, -1) if lnum and lnum > 0 then pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight, bufnr, ns_previewer, "TelescopePreviewLine", lnum - 1, 0, -1) pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor, self.state.winid, { lnum, 0 }) vim.api.nvim_buf_call(bufnr, function() vim.cmd "norm! zz" end) end end return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Grep Preview", dyn_title = function(_, entry) return Path:new(from_entry.path(entry, false, false)):normalize(cwd) end, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return from_entry.path(entry, false) end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) -- builtin.buffers: bypass path validation for terminal buffers that don't have appropriate path local has_buftype = entry.bufnr and vim.api.nvim_buf_get_option(entry.bufnr, "buftype") ~= "" or false local p if not has_buftype then p = from_entry.path(entry, true) if p == nil or p == "" then return end end -- Workaround for unnamed buffer when using builtin.buffer if entry.bufnr and (p == "[No Name]" or has_buftype) then local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(entry.bufnr, 0, -1, false) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.state.bufnr, 0, -1, false, lines) jump_to_line(self, self.state.bufnr, entry.lnum) else conf.buffer_previewer_maker(p, self.state.bufnr, { bufname = self.state.bufname, winid = self.state.winid, preview = opts.preview, callback = function(bufnr) jump_to_line(self, bufnr, entry.lnum) end, file_encoding = opts.file_encoding, }) end end, } end, {}) previewers.qflist = previewers.vimgrep previewers.ctags = defaulter(function(_) local determine_jump = function(entry) if entry.scode then return function(self) -- un-escape / then escape required -- special chars for vim.fn.search() -- ] ~ * local scode = entry.scode:gsub([[\/]], "/"):gsub("[%]~*]", function(x) return "\\" .. x end) pcall(vim.fn.matchdelete, self.state.hl_id, self.state.winid) vim.cmd "norm! gg" vim.fn.search(scode, "W") vim.cmd "norm! zz" self.state.hl_id = vim.fn.matchadd("TelescopePreviewMatch", scode) end else return function(self, bufnr) if self.state.last_set_bufnr then pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace, self.state.last_set_bufnr, ns_previewer, 0, -1) end pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight, bufnr, ns_previewer, "TelescopePreviewMatch", entry.lnum - 1, 0, -1) pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor, self.state.winid, { entry.lnum, 0 }) self.state.last_set_bufnr = bufnr end end end return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Tags Preview", teardown = function(self) if self.state and self.state.hl_id then pcall(vim.fn.matchdelete, self.state.hl_id, self.state.hl_win) self.state.hl_id = nil elseif self.state and self.state.last_set_bufnr and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.state.last_set_bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(self.state.last_set_bufnr, ns_previewer, 0, -1) end end, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.filename end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) conf.buffer_previewer_maker(entry.filename, self.state.bufnr, { bufname = self.state.bufname, winid = self.state.winid, callback = function(bufnr) pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_call, bufnr, function() determine_jump(entry)(self, bufnr) end) end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.builtin = defaulter(function(_) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Grep Preview", teardown = search_teardown, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.filename end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local module_name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(vim.fn.fnamemodify(entry.filename, ":h"), ":t") local text if entry.text:sub(1, #module_name) ~= module_name then text = module_name .. "." .. entry.text else text = entry.text:gsub("_", ".", 1) end conf.buffer_previewer_maker(entry.filename, self.state.bufnr, { bufname = self.state.bufname, winid = self.state.winid, callback = function(bufnr) search_cb_jump(self, bufnr, text) end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.help = defaulter(function(_) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Help Preview", teardown = search_teardown, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.filename end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local query = entry.cmd query = query:sub(2) query = [[\V]] .. query conf.buffer_previewer_maker(entry.filename, self.state.bufnr, { bufname = self.state.bufname, winid = self.state.winid, callback = function(bufnr) putils.regex_highlighter(bufnr, "help") search_cb_jump(self, bufnr, query) end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.man = defaulter(function(opts) local pager = utils.get_lazy_default(opts.PAGER, function() return vim.fn.executable "col" == 1 and { "col", "-bx" } or { "cat" } end) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Man Preview", get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value .. "/" .. entry.section end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local win_width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(self.state.winid) putils.job_maker(vim.deepcopy(pager), self.state.bufnr, { writer = { "man", entry.section, entry.value }, env = { ["MANWIDTH"] = win_width, PATH = vim.env.PATH, MANPATH = vim.env.MANPATH }, value = entry.value .. "/" .. entry.section, bufname = self.state.bufname, }) putils.regex_highlighter(self.state.bufnr, "man") end, } end) previewers.git_branch_log = defaulter(function(opts) local highlight_buffer = function(bufnr, content) for i = 1, #content do local line = content[i] local _, hstart = line:find "[%*%s|]*" if hstart then local hend = hstart + 7 if hend < #line then pcall( vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight, bufnr, ns_previewer, "TelescopeResultsIdentifier", i - 1, hstart - 1, hend ) end end local _, cstart = line:find "- %(" if cstart then local cend = string.find(line, "%) ") if cend then pcall( vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight, bufnr, ns_previewer, "TelescopeResultsConstant", i - 1, cstart - 1, cend ) end end local dstart, _ = line:find " %(%d" if dstart then pcall( vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight, bufnr, ns_previewer, "TelescopeResultsSpecialComment", i - 1, dstart, #line ) end end end return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Git Branch Preview", get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local cmd = { "git", "--no-pager", "log", "--graph", "--pretty=format:%h -%d %s (%cr)", "--abbrev-commit", "--date=relative", entry.value, } putils.job_maker(cmd, self.state.bufnr, { value = entry.value, bufname = self.state.bufname, cwd = opts.cwd, callback = function(bufnr, content) if not content then return end highlight_buffer(bufnr, content) end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.git_stash_diff = defaulter(function(opts) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Git Stash Preview", get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value end, define_preview = function(self, entry, _) putils.job_maker({ "git", "--no-pager", "stash", "show", "-p", entry.value }, self.state.bufnr, { value = entry.value, bufname = self.state.bufname, cwd = opts.cwd, callback = function(bufnr) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then putils.regex_highlighter(bufnr, "diff") end end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.git_commit_diff_to_parent = defaulter(function(opts) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Git Diff to Parent Preview", teardown = search_teardown, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local cmd = { "git", "--no-pager", "diff", entry.value .. "^!" } if opts.current_file then table.insert(cmd, "--") table.insert(cmd, opts.current_file) end putils.job_maker(cmd, self.state.bufnr, { value = entry.value, bufname = self.state.bufname, cwd = opts.cwd, callback = function(bufnr) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then search_cb_jump(self, bufnr, opts.current_line) putils.regex_highlighter(bufnr, "diff") end end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.git_commit_diff_to_head = defaulter(function(opts) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Git Diff to Head Preview", teardown = search_teardown, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local cmd = { "git", "--no-pager", "diff", "--cached", entry.value } if opts.current_file then table.insert(cmd, "--") table.insert(cmd, opts.current_file) end putils.job_maker(cmd, self.state.bufnr, { value = entry.value, bufname = self.state.bufname, cwd = opts.cwd, callback = function(bufnr) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then search_cb_jump(self, bufnr, opts.current_line) putils.regex_highlighter(bufnr, "diff") end end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.git_commit_diff_as_was = defaulter(function(opts) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Git Show Preview", teardown = search_teardown, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local cmd = { "git", "--no-pager", "show" } local cf = opts.current_file and Path:new(opts.current_file):make_relative(opts.cwd) local value = cf and (entry.value .. ":" .. cf) or entry.value local ft = cf and pfiletype.detect(value) or "diff" table.insert(cmd, value) putils.job_maker(cmd, self.state.bufnr, { value = entry.value, bufname = self.state.bufname, cwd = opts.cwd, callback = function(bufnr) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then search_cb_jump(self, bufnr, opts.current_line) putils.regex_highlighter(bufnr, ft) end end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.git_commit_message = defaulter(function(opts) local hl_map = { "TelescopeResultsIdentifier", "TelescopePreviewUser", "TelescopePreviewDate", } return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Git Message", get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local cmd = { "git", "--no-pager", "log", "-n 1", entry.value } putils.job_maker(cmd, self.state.bufnr, { value = entry.value, bufname = self.state.bufname, cwd = opts.cwd, callback = function(bufnr, content) if not content then return end for k, v in ipairs(hl_map) do local _, s = content[k]:find "%s" if s then vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(bufnr, ns_previewer, v, k - 1, s, #content[k]) end end end, }) end, } end, {}) previewers.git_file_diff = defaulter(function(opts) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Git File Diff Preview", get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) if entry.status and (entry.status == "??" or entry.status == "A ") then local p = from_entry.path(entry, true) if p == nil or p == "" then return end conf.buffer_previewer_maker(p, self.state.bufnr, { bufname = self.state.bufname, winid = self.state.winid, }) else putils.job_maker({ "git", "--no-pager", "diff", "HEAD", "--", entry.value }, self.state.bufnr, { value = entry.value, bufname = self.state.bufname, cwd = opts.cwd, callback = function(bufnr) if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then putils.regex_highlighter(bufnr, "diff") end end, }) end end, } end, {}) previewers.autocommands = defaulter(function(_) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Autocommands Preview", teardown = function(self) if self.state and self.state.last_set_bufnr and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.state.last_set_bufnr) then pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace, self.state.last_set_bufnr, ns_previewer, 0, -1) end end, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return entry.value.group_name end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) local results = vim.tbl_filter(function(x) return x.value.group_name == entry.value.group_name end, status.picker.finder.results) if self.state.last_set_bufnr then pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace, self.state.last_set_bufnr, ns_previewer, 0, -1) end local selected_row = 0 if self.state.bufname ~= entry.value.group_name then local display = {} table.insert(display, string.format(" augroup: %s - [ %d entries ]", entry.value.group_name, #results)) -- TODO: calculate banner width/string in setup() -- TODO: get column characters to be the same HL group as border table.insert(display, string.rep("ā", vim.fn.getwininfo(status.preview_win)[1].width)) for idx, item in ipairs(results) do if item == entry then selected_row = idx end table.insert( display, string.format(" %-14sā%-08s %s", item.value.event, item.value.pattern, item.value.command) ) end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(self.state.bufnr, "filetype", "vim") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.state.bufnr, 0, -1, false, display) vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(self.state.bufnr, 0, "TelescopeBorder", 1, 0, -1) else for idx, item in ipairs(results) do if item == entry then selected_row = idx break end end end vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight(self.state.bufnr, ns_previewer, "TelescopePreviewLine", selected_row + 1, 0, -1) -- set the cursor position after self.state.bufnr is connected to the -- preview window (which is scheduled in new_buffer_previewer) vim.schedule(function() pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor, status.preview_win, { selected_row, 0 }) end) self.state.last_set_bufnr = self.state.bufnr end, } end, {}) previewers.highlights = defaulter(function(_) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { title = "Highlights Preview", teardown = function(self) if self.state and self.state.last_set_bufnr and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.state.last_set_bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(self.state.last_set_bufnr, ns_previewer, 0, -1) end end, get_buffer_by_name = function() return "highlights" end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) putils.with_preview_window(status, nil, function() if not self.state.bufname then local output = vim.split(vim.fn.execute "highlight", "\n") local hl_groups = {} for _, v in ipairs(output) do if v ~= "" then if v:sub(1, 1) == " " then local part_of_old = v:match "%s+(.*)" hl_groups[#hl_groups] = hl_groups[#hl_groups] .. part_of_old else table.insert(hl_groups, v) end end end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.state.bufnr, 0, -1, false, hl_groups) for k, v in ipairs(hl_groups) do local startPos = string.find(v, "xxx", 1, true) - 1 local endPos = startPos + 3 local hlgroup = string.match(v, "([^ ]*)%s+.*") pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight, self.state.bufnr, 0, hlgroup, k - 1, startPos, endPos) end end pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace, self.state.bufnr, ns_previewer, 0, -1) vim.cmd "norm! gg" vim.fn.search(entry.value .. " ") local lnum = vim.fn.line "." -- That one is actually a match but its better to use it like that then matchadd vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight( self.state.bufnr, ns_previewer, "TelescopePreviewMatch", lnum - 1, 0, #entry.value ) end) end, } end, {}) previewers.pickers = defaulter(function(_) local ns_telescope_multiselection = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace "telescope_mulitselection" local get_row = function(picker, preview_height, index) if picker.sorting_strategy == "ascending" then return index - 1 else return preview_height - index end end return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { dyn_title = function(_, entry) if entry.value.default_text and entry.value.default_text ~= "" then return string.format("%s ā %s", entry.value.prompt_title, entry.value.default_text) end return entry.value.prompt_title end, get_buffer_by_name = function(_, entry) return tostring(entry.value.prompt_bufnr) end, teardown = function(self) if self.state and self.state.last_set_bufnr and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(self.state.last_set_bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_clear_namespace(self.state.last_set_bufnr, ns_telescope_multiselection, 0, -1) end end, define_preview = function(self, entry, status) putils.with_preview_window(status, nil, function() local ns_telescope_entry = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace "telescope_entry" local preview_height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(status.preview_win) if self.state.bufname then return end local picker = entry.value -- prefill buffer to be able to set lines individually local placeholder = utils.repeated_table(preview_height, "") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.state.bufnr, 0, -1, false, placeholder) for index = 1, math.min(preview_height, picker.manager:num_results()) do local row = get_row(picker, preview_height, index) local e = picker.manager:get_entry(index) local display, display_highlight -- if-clause as otherwise function return values improperly unpacked if type(e.display) == "function" then display, display_highlight = e:display() else display = e.display end vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(self.state.bufnr, row, row + 1, false, { display }) if display_highlight ~= nil then for _, hl_block in ipairs(display_highlight) do vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight( self.state.bufnr, ns_telescope_entry, hl_block[2], row, hl_block[1][1], hl_block[1][2] ) end end if picker._multi:is_selected(e) then vim.api.nvim_buf_add_highlight( self.state.bufnr, ns_telescope_multiselection, "TelescopeMultiSelection", row, 0, -1 ) end end end) end, } end, {}) previewers.display_content = defaulter(function(_) return previewers.new_buffer_previewer { define_preview = function(self, entry, status) putils.with_preview_window(status, nil, function() assert( type(entry.preview_command) == "function", "entry must provide a preview_command function which will put the content into the buffer" ) entry.preview_command(entry, self.state.bufnr) end) end, } end, {}) return previewers