" Private Functions {{{1 function! s:TotalCells(list) "{{{2 let result = 0 for item in a:list if type(item) == type([]) let result += s:TotalCells(item) else let result += 1 endif endfor return result endfunction function! s:Min(list) "{{{2 let found = v:false let result = 0 for item in a:list if empty(item) continue endif if type(item) == type(1) || type(item) == type(1.0) if found == v:false || item < result let found = v:true let result = item endif elseif type(item) == type('') let val = str2float(item) if found == v:false || val < result let found = v:true let result = val endif elseif type(item) == type([]) let val = s:Min(item) if found == v:false || val < result let found = v:true let result = val endif endif endfor return result endfunction function! s:Max(list) "{{{2 let found = v:false let result = 0 for item in a:list if empty(item) continue endif if type(item) == type(1) || type(item) == type(1.0) if found == v:false || item > result let found = v:true let result = item endif elseif type(item) == type('') let val = str2float(item) if found == v:false || val > result let found = v:true let result = val endif elseif type(item) == type([]) let val = s:Max(item) if found == v:false || val > result let found = v:true let result = val endif endif endfor return result endfunction function! s:CountE(list) "{{{2 let result = 0 for item in a:list if empty(item) let result += 1 elseif type(item) == type([]) let result += s:CountE(item) endif endfor return result endfunction function! s:CountNE(list) "{{{2 let result = 0 for item in a:list if type(item) == type([]) let result += s:CountNE(item) elseif !empty(item) let result += 1 endif endfor return result endfunction function! s:PercentE(list) "{{{2 return (s:CountE(a:list)*100)/s:TotalCells(a:list) endfunction function! s:PercentNE(list) "{{{2 return (s:CountNE(a:list)*100)/s:TotalCells(a:list) endfunction function! s:Sum(list) "{{{2 let result = 0.0 for item in a:list if type(item) == type(1) || type(item) == type(1.0) let result += item elseif type(item) == type('') let result += str2float(item) elseif type(item) == type([]) let result += s:Sum(item) endif endfor return result endfunction function! s:Average(list) "{{{2 return s:Sum(a:list)/s:TotalCells(a:list) endfunction function! s:AverageNE(list) "{{{2 return s:Sum(a:list)/s:CountNE(a:list) endfunction " Public Functions {{{1 function! tablemode#spreadsheet#GetFirstRow(line) "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow(a:line) let line = tablemode#utils#line(a:line) while !tablemode#table#IsHeader(line - 1) && (tablemode#table#IsRow(line - 1) || tablemode#table#IsBorder(line - 1)) let line -= 1 endwhile if tablemode#table#IsBorder(line) | let line += 1 | endif return line endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#GetFirstRowOrHeader(line) "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow(a:line) let line = tablemode#utils#line(a:line) while tablemode#table#IsTable(line - 1) let line -= 1 endwhile if tablemode#table#IsBorder(line) | let line += 1 | endif return line endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToFirstRow() "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') call tablemode#utils#MoveToLine(tablemode#spreadsheet#GetFirstRow('.')) endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToFirstRowOrHeader() "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') call tablemode#utils#MoveToLine(tablemode#spreadsheet#GetFirstRowOrHeader('.')) endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#GetLastRow(line) "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow(a:line) let line = tablemode#utils#line(a:line) while tablemode#table#IsTable(line + 1) let line += 1 endwhile if tablemode#table#IsBorder(line) | let line -= 1 | endif return line endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToLastRow() "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') call tablemode#utils#MoveToLine(tablemode#spreadsheet#GetLastRow('.')) endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#LineNr(line, row) "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow(a:line) let line = tablemode#spreadsheet#GetFirstRow(a:line) let row_nr = 0 while tablemode#table#IsTable(line + 1) if tablemode#table#IsRow(line) let row_nr += 1 if a:row ==# row_nr | break | endif endif let line += 1 endwhile return line endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#RowNr(line) "{{{2 let line = tablemode#utils#line(a:line) let rowNr = 0 while !tablemode#table#IsHeader(line) && tablemode#table#IsTable(line) if tablemode#table#IsRow(line) | let rowNr += 1 | endif let line -= 1 endwhile return rowNr endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#RowCount(line) "{{{2 let line = tablemode#utils#line(a:line) let [tline, totalRowCount] = [line, 0] while !tablemode#table#IsHeader(tline) && tablemode#table#IsTable(tline) if tablemode#table#IsRow(tline) | let totalRowCount += 1 | endif let tline -= 1 endwhile let tline = line + 1 while !tablemode#table#IsHeader(tline) && tablemode#table#IsTable(tline) if tablemode#table#IsRow(tline) | let totalRowCount += 1 | endif let tline += 1 endwhile return totalRowCount endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr(pos) "{{{2 let pos = [] if type(a:pos) == type('') let pos = [line(a:pos), col(a:pos)] elseif type(a:pos) == type([]) let pos = a:pos else return 0 endif let row_start = stridx(getline(pos[0]), g:table_mode_separator) return tablemode#utils#SeparatorCount(getline(pos[0])[row_start:pos[1]-2]) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnCount(line) "{{{2 return tablemode#utils#SeparatorCount(getline(tablemode#utils#line(a:line))) - 1 endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#IsFirstCell() "{{{2 return tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.') ==# 1 endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#IsLastCell() "{{{2 return tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnNr('.') ==# tablemode#spreadsheet#ColumnCount('.') endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToStartOfCell() "{{{2 if getline('.')[col('.')-1] !=# g:table_mode_separator || tablemode#spreadsheet#IsLastCell() call search(g:table_mode_escaped_separator_regex, 'b', line('.')) endif normal! 2l endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToEndOfCell() "{{{2 call search(g:table_mode_escaped_separator_regex, 'z', line('.')) normal! 2h endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#DeleteColumn() "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') for i in range(v:count1) call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToStartOfCell() call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToFirstRowOrHeader() silent! execute "normal! h\<C-V>" call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToEndOfCell() normal! 2l call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToLastRow() normal! d endfor call tablemode#table#Realign('.') endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#DeleteRow() "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') for i in range(v:count1) if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') normal! dd endif if !tablemode#table#IsRow('.') normal! k endif endfor call tablemode#table#Realign('.') endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#InsertColumn(after) "{{{2 if tablemode#table#IsRow('.') let quantity = v:count1 call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToFirstRowOrHeader() call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToStartOfCell() if a:after call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToEndOfCell() normal! 3l endif execute "normal! h\<C-V>" call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToLastRow() normal! y let corner = tablemode#utils#get_buffer_or_global_option('table_mode_corner') if a:after let cell_line = g:table_mode_separator.' ' let header_line = corner.g:table_mode_fillchar.g:table_mode_fillchar else let cell_line = ' '.g:table_mode_separator let header_line = g:table_mode_fillchar.g:table_mode_fillchar.corner endif let cell_line = escape(cell_line, '\&') let header_line = escape(header_line, '\&') " This transforms the character column before or after the column separator " into a new column with separator. " This requires, that " g:table_mode_separator != g:table_mode_fillchar " && g:table_mode_separator != g:table_mode_header_fillchar " && g:table_mode_separator != g:table_mode_align_char call setreg( \ '"', \ substitute( \ substitute(@", ' ', cell_line, 'g'), \ '\V\C'.escape(g:table_mode_fillchar, '\') \ .'\|'.escape(g:table_mode_header_fillchar, '\') \ .'\|'.escape(g:table_mode_align_char, '\'), \ header_line, \ 'g'), \ 'b') if a:after execute "normal! ".quantity."pl" else execute "normal! ".quantity."P" endif call tablemode#table#Realign('.') startinsert endif endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#Min(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:Min(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#Max(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:Max(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#CountE(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:CountE(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#CountNE(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:CountNE(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#PercentE(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:PercentE(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#PercentNE(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:PercentNE(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#Sum(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:Sum(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#Average(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:Average(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#AverageNE(range, ...) abort "{{{2 let args = copy(a:000) call insert(args, a:range) return s:AverageNE(call('tablemode#spreadsheet#cell#GetCellRange', args)) endfunction function! tablemode#spreadsheet#Sort(bang, ...) range "{{{2 if exists('*getcurpos') let col = getcurpos()[4] " curswant else let col = col('.') endif let opts = a:0 ? a:1 : '' let bang = a:bang ? '!' : '' if a:firstline == a:lastline let [firstRow, lastRow] = [tablemode#spreadsheet#GetFirstRow('.'), tablemode#spreadsheet#GetLastRow('.')] else let [firstRow, lastRow] = [a:firstline, a:lastline] endif call tablemode#spreadsheet#MoveToStartOfCell() exec ':undojoin | '.firstRow.','.lastRow . 'sort'.bang opts '/.*\%'.col.'v/' endfunction