local vim = vim local NuiLine = require("nui.line") local NuiTree = require("nui.tree") local NuiSplit = require("nui.split") local NuiPopup = require("nui.popup") local utils = require("neo-tree.utils") local highlights = require("neo-tree.ui.highlights") local popups = require("neo-tree.ui.popups") local events = require("neo-tree.events") local keymap = require("nui.utils.keymap") local autocmd = require("nui.utils.autocmd") local log = require("neo-tree.log") local M = { resize_timer_interval = 50 } local ESC_KEY = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes("<ESC>", true, false, true) local default_popup_size = { width = 60, height = "80%" } local draw, create_window, create_tree, render_tree local floating_windows = {} local update_floating_windows = function() local valid_windows = {} for _, win in ipairs(floating_windows) do if M.is_window_valid(win.winid) then table.insert(valid_windows, win) end end floating_windows = valid_windows end local tabid_to_tabnr = function(tabid) return vim.api.nvim_tabpage_is_valid(tabid) and vim.api.nvim_tabpage_get_number(tabid) end local cleaned_up = false ---Clean up invalid neotree buffers (e.g after a session restore) ---@param force boolean if true, force cleanup. Otherwise only cleanup once M.clean_invalid_neotree_buffers = function(force) if cleaned_up and not force then return end for _, buf in ipairs(vim.api.nvim_list_bufs()) do local bufname = vim.fn.bufname(buf) local is_neotree_buffer = string.match(bufname, "neo%-tree [^ ]+ %[%d+]") local is_valid_neotree, _ = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_get_var, buf, "neo_tree_source") if is_neotree_buffer and not is_valid_neotree then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(buf, { force = true }) end end cleaned_up = true end local resize_monitor_timer = nil local start_resize_monitor = function() local interval = M.resize_timer_interval or -1 if interval < 0 then return end if type(interval) ~= "number" then log.warn("Invalid resize_timer_interval:", interval) return end if resize_monitor_timer then return end local manager = require("neo-tree.sources.manager") local check_window_size local speed_up_loops = 0 check_window_size = function() local windows_exist = false local success, err = pcall(manager._for_each_state, nil, function(state) if state.win_width and M.tree_is_visible(state) then windows_exist = true local current_size = utils.get_inner_win_width(state.winid) if current_size ~= state.win_width then log.trace("Window size changed, redrawing tree") state.win_width = current_size render_tree(state) speed_up_loops = 21 -- move to fast timer for the next 1000 ms end end end) speed_up_loops = speed_up_loops - 1 if success then if windows_exist then local this_interval = interval if speed_up_loops > 0 then this_interval = 50 else speed_up_loops = 0 end vim.defer_fn(check_window_size, this_interval) else log.trace("No windows exist, stopping resize monitor") end else log.debug("Error checking window size: ", err) vim.defer_fn(check_window_size, math.max(interval * 5, 1000)) end end vim.defer_fn(check_window_size, interval) end M.close = function(state) local window_existed = false if state and state.winid then if M.window_exists(state) then local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(state.winid) -- if bufnr is different then we expect, then it was taken over by -- another buffer, so we can't delete it now if bufnr == state.bufnr then window_existed = true if state.current_position == "current" then -- we are going to hide the buffer instead of closing the window M.position.save(state) local new_buf = vim.fn.bufnr("#") if new_buf < 1 then new_buf = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(true, false) end vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(state.winid, new_buf) else local win_list = vim.api.nvim_tabpage_list_wins(0) if #win_list > 1 then local args = { position = state.current_position, source = state.name, winid = state.winid, tabnr = tabid_to_tabnr(state.tabid), -- for compatibility tabid = state.tabid, } events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_WINDOW_BEFORE_CLOSE, args) -- focus the prior used window if we are closing the currently focused window local current_winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() if current_winid == state.winid then local pwin = require("neo-tree").get_prior_window() if type(pwin) == "number" and pwin > 0 then pcall(vim.api.nvim_set_current_win, pwin) end end -- if the window was a float, changing the current win would have closed it already pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_close, state.winid, true) events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_WINDOW_AFTER_CLOSE, args) end end end end state.winid = nil end local bufnr = utils.get_value(state, "bufnr", 0, true) if bufnr > 0 then if vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(bufnr, { force = true }) end state.bufnr = nil end return window_existed end M.close_floating_window = function(source_name) local found_windows = {} for _, win in ipairs(floating_windows) do if win.source_name == source_name then table.insert(found_windows, win) end end local valid_window_was_closed = false for _, win in ipairs(found_windows) do if not valid_window_was_closed then valid_window_was_closed = M.is_window_valid(win.winid) end -- regardless of whether the window is valid or not, nui will cleanup win:unmount() end return valid_window_was_closed end M.close_all_floating_windows = function() while #floating_windows > 0 do local win = table.remove(floating_windows) win:unmount() end end M.get_nui_popup = function(winid) for _, win in ipairs(floating_windows) do if win.winid == winid then return win end end end local remove_filtered = function(source_items, filtered_items) local visible = {} local hidden = {} for _, child in ipairs(source_items) do local fby = child.filtered_by if type(fby) == "table" and not child.is_reveal_target and not fby.show_anyway then if not fby.never_show then if filtered_items.visible or child.is_nested or fby.always_show then table.insert(visible, child) else table.insert(hidden, child) end end else table.insert(visible, child) end end return visible, hidden end local create_nodes ---Transforms a list of items into a collection of TreeNodes. ---@param source_items table The list of items to transform. The expected --interface for these items depends on the component renderers configured for --the given source, but they must contain at least an id field. ---@param state table The current state of the plugin. ---@param level integer Optional. The current level of the tree, defaults to 0. ---@return table A collection of TreeNodes. create_nodes = function(source_items, state, level) level = level or 0 local nodes = {} local filtered_items = state.filtered_items or {} local visible, hidden = remove_filtered(source_items, filtered_items) if #visible == 0 and level <= 1 and filtered_items.force_visible_in_empty_folder then source_items = hidden else source_items = visible end local show_indent_marker_for_message local msg = state.renderers.message or {} if msg[1] and msg[1][1] == "indent" then show_indent_marker_for_message = msg[1].with_markers end for i, item in ipairs(source_items) do local is_last_child = i == #source_items local nodeData = { id = item.id, name = item.name, type = item.type, loaded = item.loaded, filtered_by = item.filtered_by, extra = item.extra, is_nested = item.is_nested, skip_node = item.skip_node, is_empty_with_hidden_root = item.is_empty_with_hidden_root, -- TODO: The below properties are not universal and should not be here. -- Maybe they should be moved to the "extra" field? is_link = item.is_link, link_to = item.link_to, path = item.path, ext = item.ext, search_pattern = item.search_pattern, level = level, is_last_child = is_last_child, } local indent = (state.renderers[item.type] or {}).indent_size or 4 local node_children = nil if item.children ~= nil then node_children = create_nodes(item.children, state, level + 1) end local node = NuiTree.Node(nodeData, node_children) if item._is_expanded then node:expand() end table.insert(nodes, node) end if #hidden > 0 then if source_items == hidden then local nodeData = { id = hidden[#hidden].id .. "_hidden_message", name = "(forced to show " .. #hidden .. " hidden " .. (#hidden > 1 and "items" or "item") .. ")", type = "message", level = level, is_last_child = show_indent_marker_for_message, } local node = NuiTree.Node(nodeData) table.insert(nodes, node) elseif filtered_items.show_hidden_count or (#visible == 0 and level <= 1) then local nodeData = { id = hidden[#hidden].id .. "_hidden_message", name = "(" .. #hidden .. " hidden " .. (#hidden > 1 and "items" or "item") .. ")", type = "message", level = level, is_last_child = show_indent_marker_for_message, } if #nodes > 0 then nodes[#nodes].is_last_child = not show_indent_marker_for_message end local node = NuiTree.Node(nodeData) table.insert(nodes, node) end end return nodes end local one_line = function(text) if type(text) == "string" then return text:gsub("\n", " ") else return text end end M.render_component = function(component, item, state, remaining_width) local component_func = state.components[component[1]] if component_func then local success, component_data, wanted_width = pcall(component_func, component, item, state, remaining_width) if success then if component_data == nil then return { {} } end if component_data.text then -- everything else is easier if we make sure this is always the same shape -- which is an array of { text, highlight } tables component_data = { component_data } end for _, data in ipairs(component_data) do data.text = one_line(data.text) end return component_data, wanted_width else local name = component[1] or "[missing_name]" local msg = string.format("Error rendering component %s: %s", name, component_data) log.warn(msg) return { { text = msg, highlight = highlights.NORMAL } } end else local name = component[1] or "[missing_name]" local msg = "Neo-tree: Component " .. name .. " not found." log.warn(msg) return { { text = msg, highlight = highlights.NORMAL } } end end local prepare_node = function(item, state) if item.skip_node then if item.is_empty_with_hidden_root then local line = NuiLine() line:append("(empty folder)", highlights.MESSAGE) return line else return nil end end -- pre_render is used to calculate the longest node width -- without actually rendering the node. -- We'll try to reuse that work if possible. local pre_render = state._in_pre_render if item.line and not pre_render then local line = item.line -- Only use it once, we don't want to accidentally use stale data item.line = nil if line and item.wanted_width and state.longest_node and item.wanted_width <= state.longest_node then return line end end local line = NuiLine() local renderer = state.renderers[item.type] if not renderer then line:append(item.type .. ": ", "Comment") line:append(item.name) return line end local remaining_cols = state.win_width if remaining_cols == nil then if state.winid then remaining_cols = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(state.winid) else local default_width = utils.resolve_config_option(state, "window.width", 40) remaining_cols = default_width end end local wanted_width = 0 if state.current_position == "current" then local longest = state.longest_node or 0 remaining_cols = math.min(remaining_cols, longest + 4) end local should_pad = false for _, component in ipairs(renderer) do local component_data, component_wanted_width = M.render_component(component, item, state, remaining_cols - (should_pad and 1 or 0)) local actual_width = 0 if component_data then for _, data in ipairs(component_data) do if data.text then local padding = "" if should_pad and #data.text and data.text:sub(1, 1) ~= " " and not data.no_padding then padding = " " end data.text = padding .. data.text should_pad = data.text:sub(#data.text) ~= " " actual_width = actual_width + vim.api.nvim_strwidth(data.text) line:append(data.text, data.highlight) remaining_cols = remaining_cols - vim.fn.strchars(data.text) end end end component_wanted_width = component_wanted_width or actual_width wanted_width = wanted_width + component_wanted_width end line.wanted_width = wanted_width if pre_render then item.line = line state.longest_node = math.max(state.longest_node, line.wanted_width) else item.line = nil end return line end ---Sets the cursor at the specified node. ---@param state table The current state of the source. ---@param id string? The id of the node to set the cursor at. ---@return boolean boolean True if the node was found and focused, false ---otherwise. M.focus_node = function(state, id, do_not_focus_window, relative_movement, bottom_scroll_padding) if not id and not relative_movement then log.debug("focus_node called with no id and no relative movement") return false end relative_movement = relative_movement or 0 bottom_scroll_padding = bottom_scroll_padding or 0 local tree = state.tree if not tree then log.debug("focus_node called with no tree") return false end local node, linenr = tree:get_node(id) if not node then log.debug("focus_node cannot find node with id ", id) return false end id = node:get_id() -- in case nil was passed in for id, meaning current node local bufnr = utils.get_value(state, "bufnr", 0, true) if bufnr == 0 then log.debug("focus_node: state has no bufnr ", state.bufnr, " / ", state.winid) return false end if not vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then log.debug("focus_node: bufnr is not valid") return false end if M.window_exists(state) then if not linenr then M.expand_to_node(state, node) node, linenr = tree:get_node(id) if not linenr then log.debug("focus_node cannot get linenr for node with id ", id) return false end end local focus_window = not do_not_focus_window if focus_window then vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(state.winid) end -- focus the correct line linenr = linenr + relative_movement local col = 0 if node.indent then col = string.len(node.indent) end local success, err = pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor, state.winid, { linenr, col }) -- now ensure that the window is scrolled correctly if success then local execute_win_command = function(cmd) if vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() == state.winid then vim.cmd(cmd) else vim.cmd("call win_execute(" .. state.winid .. [[, "]] .. cmd .. [[")]]) end end -- make sure we are not scrolled down if it can all fit on the screen local lines = vim.api.nvim_buf_line_count(state.bufnr) local win_height = vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(state.winid) local expected_bottom_line = math.min(lines, linenr + 5) + bottom_scroll_padding if expected_bottom_line > win_height then execute_win_command("normal! zb") local top = vim.fn.line("w0", state.winid) local bottom = vim.fn.line("w$", state.winid) local offset_top = top + (expected_bottom_line - bottom) execute_win_command("normal! " .. offset_top .. "zt") pcall(vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor, state.winid, { linenr, col }) elseif win_height > linenr then execute_win_command("normal! zb") elseif linenr < (win_height / 2) then execute_win_command("normal! zz") end else log.debug("Failed to set cursor: " .. err) end return success else log.debug("focus_node: window does not exist") return false end return false end M.get_all_visible_nodes = function(tree) local nodes = {} local function process(node) table.insert(nodes, node) if node:is_expanded() then if node:has_children() then for _, child in ipairs(tree:get_nodes(node:get_id())) do process(child) end end end end for _, node in ipairs(tree:get_nodes()) do process(node) end return nodes end M.get_expanded_nodes = function(tree, root_node_id) local node_ids = {} local function process(node) local id = node:get_id() if node:is_expanded() then table.insert(node_ids, id) end if node:has_children() then for _, child in ipairs(tree:get_nodes(id)) do process(child) end end end if root_node_id then local root_node = tree:get_node(root_node_id) if root_node then process(root_node) end else for _, node in ipairs(tree:get_nodes()) do process(node) end end return node_ids end M.collapse_all_nodes = function(tree, root_node_id) local expanded = M.get_expanded_nodes(tree, root_node_id) for _, id in ipairs(expanded) do local node = tree:get_node(id) if utils.is_expandable(node) then node:collapse(id) end end -- but make sure the root is expanded local root = tree:get_nodes()[1] if root then root:expand() end end M.expand_to_node = function(state, node) if not M.tree_is_visible(state) then return end local tree = state.tree if type(node) == "string" then node = tree:get_node(node) end local parentId = node:get_parent_id() while parentId do local parent = tree:get_node(parentId) parent:expand() parentId = parent:get_parent_id() end render_tree(state) end ---Functions to save and restore the focused node. M.position = { save = function(state) if state.tree and M.window_exists(state) then local success, node = pcall(state.tree.get_node, state.tree) if success and node then _, state.position.node_id = pcall(node.get_id, node) end end local win_state = vim.fn.winsaveview() state.position.topline = win_state.topline -- Only need to restore the cursor state once per save, comes -- into play when some actions fire multiple times per "iteration" -- within the scope of where we need to perform the restore operation state.position.is.restorable = true end, set = function(state, node_id) if not type(node_id) == "string" and node_id > "" then return end state.position.node_id = node_id state.position.is.restorable = true end, restore = function(state) if not state.position.node_id then log.debug("No node_id to restore to") return end if state.position.is.restorable then log.debug("Restoring position to node_id: " .. state.position.node_id) M.focus_node(state, state.position.node_id, true) else log.debug("Position is not restorable") end if state.position.topline then vim.fn.winrestview({ topline = state.position.topline }) end state.position.is.restorable = false end, is = { restorable = true }, } ---Redraw the tree without relaoding from the source. ---@param state table State of the tree. M.redraw = function(state) if state.tree and M.tree_is_visible(state) then log.trace("Redrawing tree", state.name, state.id) render_tree(state) log.trace(" Redrawing tree done", state.name, state.id) end end ---Visit all nodes ina tree recursively and reduce to a single value. ---@param tree table NuiTree ---@param memo any Value that is passed to the accumulator function ---@param func function Accumulator function that is called for each node ---@return any any The final memo value. M.reduce_nodes = function(tree, memo, func) if type(func) ~= "function" then error("func must be a function") end local visit visit = function(node) func(node, memo) if node:has_children() then for _, child in ipairs(tree:get_nodes(node:get_id())) do visit(child) end end end for _, node in ipairs(tree:get_nodes()) do visit(node) end return memo end ---Visits all nodes in the tree and returns a list of all nodes that match the ---given predicate. ---@param tree table The NuiTree to search. ---@param selector_func function The predicate function, should return true for ---nodes that should be included in the result. ---@return table table A list of nodes that match the predicate. M.select_nodes = function(tree, selector_func, limit) if type(selector_func) ~= "function" then error("selector_func must be a function") end local found_nodes = {} local visit visit = function(node) if selector_func(node) then table.insert(found_nodes, node) if limit and #found_nodes >= limit then return end end if node:has_children() then for _, child in ipairs(tree:get_nodes(node:get_id())) do visit(child) end end end for _, node in ipairs(tree:get_nodes()) do visit(node) if limit and #found_nodes >= limit then break end end return found_nodes end M.set_expanded_nodes = function(tree, expanded_nodes) M.collapse_all_nodes(tree) log.debug("Setting expanded nodes") for _, id in ipairs(expanded_nodes or {}) do local node = tree:get_node(id) if node ~= nil then node:expand() end end end create_tree = function(state) state.tree = NuiTree({ ns_id = highlights.ns_id, winid = state.winid, get_node_id = function(node) return node.id end, prepare_node = function(data) return prepare_node(data, state) end, }) end local get_selected_nodes = function(state) if state.winid ~= vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() then return nil end local start_pos = vim.fn.getpos("'<")[2] local end_pos = vim.fn.getpos("'>")[2] if end_pos < start_pos then -- I'm not sure if this could actually happen, but just in case start_pos, end_pos = end_pos, start_pos end local selected_nodes = {} while start_pos <= end_pos do local node = state.tree:get_node(start_pos) if node then table.insert(selected_nodes, node) end start_pos = start_pos + 1 end return selected_nodes end local set_window_mappings = function(state) local resolved_mappings = {} local skip_this_mapping = { ["none"] = true, ["nop"] = true, ["noop"] = true, } local mappings = utils.get_value(state, "window.mappings", {}, true) local mapping_options = utils.get_value(state, "window.mapping_options", { noremap = true }, true) for cmd, func in pairs(mappings) do local vfunc local config = {} if utils.truthy(func) then if skip_this_mapping[func] then log.trace("Skipping mapping for %s", cmd) else local map_options = vim.deepcopy(mapping_options) if type(func) == "table" then for key, value in pairs(func) do if key ~= "command" and key ~= 1 and key ~= "config" then map_options[key] = value end end config = func.config or {} func = func.command or func[1] end if type(func) == "string" then resolved_mappings[cmd] = { text = func } vfunc = state.commands[func .. "_visual"] func = state.commands[func] elseif type(func) == "function" then resolved_mappings[cmd] = { text = "<function>" } end if type(func) == "function" then resolved_mappings[cmd].handler = function() state.config = config func(state) end keymap.set(state.bufnr, "n", cmd, resolved_mappings[cmd].handler, map_options) if type(vfunc) == "function" then keymap.set(state.bufnr, "v", cmd, function() vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(ESC_KEY, "i", true) vim.schedule(function() local selected_nodes = get_selected_nodes(state) if utils.truthy(selected_nodes) then state.config = config vfunc(state, selected_nodes) end end) end, map_options) end else log.warn("Invalid mapping for ", cmd, ": ", func) resolved_mappings[cmd] = "<invalid>" end end end end state.resolved_mappings = resolved_mappings end local function create_floating_window(state, win_options, bufname) local win state.force_float = nil -- First get the default options for floating windows. local sourceTitle = state.name:gsub("^%l", string.upper) win_options = popups.popup_options("Neo-tree " .. sourceTitle, 40, win_options) win_options.win_options = nil win_options.zindex = 40 -- Then override with source specific options. local b = win_options.border win_options.size = utils.resolve_config_option(state, "window.popup.size", default_popup_size) win_options.position = utils.resolve_config_option(state, "window.popup.position", "50%") win_options.border = utils.resolve_config_option(state, "window.popup.border", b) win = NuiPopup(win_options) win:mount() win.source_name = state.name win.original_options = state.window table.insert(floating_windows, win) if require("neo-tree").config.close_floats_on_escape_key then win:map("n", "<esc>", function(_) win:unmount() end, { noremap = true }) end win:on({ "BufHidden" }, function() vim.schedule(function() win:unmount() end) end, { once = true }) state.winid = win.winid state.bufnr = win.bufnr log.debug("Created floating window with winid: ", win.winid, " and bufnr: ", win.bufnr) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(state.bufnr, bufname) -- why is this necessary? vim.api.nvim_set_current_win(win.winid) return win end create_window = function(state) local default_position = utils.resolve_config_option(state, "window.position", "left") local relative = utils.resolve_config_option(state, "window.relative", "editor") state.current_position = state.current_position or default_position local bufname = string.format("neo-tree %s [%s]", state.name, state.id) local size_opt, default_size if state.current_position == "top" or state.current_position == "bottom" then size_opt, default_size = "window.height", "15" else size_opt, default_size = "window.width", "40" end local win_options = { ns_id = highlights.ns_id, size = utils.resolve_config_option(state, size_opt, default_size), position = state.current_position, relative = relative, buf_options = { buftype = "nofile", modifiable = false, swapfile = false, filetype = "neo-tree", undolevels = -1, }, win_options = { colorcolumn = "", signcolumn = "no", }, } local event_args = { position = state.current_position, source = state.name, tabnr = tabid_to_tabnr(state.tabid), -- for compatibility tabid = state.tabid, } events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_WINDOW_BEFORE_OPEN, event_args) local win if state.current_position == "float" then win = create_floating_window(state, win_options, bufname) elseif state.current_position == "current" then -- state.id is always the window id or tabnr that this state was created for -- in the case of a position = current state object, it will be the window id local winid = state.id if not vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) then log.warn("Window ", winid, " is no longer valid!") return end local bufnr = vim.fn.bufnr(bufname) if bufnr < 1 then bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, false) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(bufnr, bufname) end state.winid = winid state.bufnr = bufnr vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "buftype", "nofile") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "swapfile", false) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "filetype", "neo-tree") vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "modifiable", false) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option(bufnr, "undolevels", -1) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(winid, bufnr) else win = NuiSplit(win_options) win:mount() state.winid = win.winid state.bufnr = win.bufnr vim.api.nvim_buf_set_name(state.bufnr, bufname) end event_args.winid = state.winid events.fire_event(events.NEO_TREE_WINDOW_AFTER_OPEN, event_args) if type(state.bufnr) == "number" then vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(state.bufnr, "neo_tree_source", state.name) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(state.bufnr, "neo_tree_tabnr", tabid_to_tabnr(state.tabid)) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(state.bufnr, "neo_tree_tabid", state.tabid) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(state.bufnr, "neo_tree_position", state.current_position) vim.api.nvim_buf_set_var(state.bufnr, "neo_tree_winid", state.winid) end if win == nil then autocmd.buf.define(state.bufnr, "WinLeave", function() M.position.save(state) end) else -- Used to track the position of the cursor within the tree as it gains and loses focus -- -- Note `WinEnter` is often too early to restore the cursor position so we do not set -- that up here, and instead trigger those events manually after drawing the tree (not -- to mention that it would be too late to register `WinEnter` here for the first -- iteration of that event on the tree window) win:on({ "WinLeave" }, function() M.position.save(state) end) win:on({ "BufDelete" }, function() win:unmount() end, { once = true }) end set_window_mappings(state) return win end M.update_floating_window_layouts = function() update_floating_windows() for _, win in ipairs(floating_windows) do local opt = { relative = "win", } opt.size = utils.resolve_config_option(win.original_options, "popup.size", default_popup_size) opt.position = utils.resolve_config_option(win.original_options, "popup.position", "50%") win:update_layout(opt) end end ---Determines is the givin winid is valid and the window still exists. ---@param winid any ---@return boolean M.is_window_valid = function(winid) if winid == nil then return false end if type(winid) == "number" and winid > 0 then return vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) else return false end end ---Determines if the window exists and is valid. ---@param state table The current state of the plugin. ---@return boolean True if the window exists and is valid, false otherwise. M.window_exists = function(state) local window_exists local winid = utils.get_value(state, "winid", 0, true) local bufnr = utils.get_value(state, "bufnr", 0, true) local default_position = utils.get_value(state, "window.position", "left", true) local position = state.current_position or default_position if winid == 0 then window_exists = false elseif position == "current" then window_exists = vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winid) and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) and vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(winid) == bufnr else local isvalid = M.is_window_valid(winid) window_exists = isvalid and (vim.api.nvim_win_get_number(winid) > 0) if not window_exists then state.winid = nil if bufnr > 0 and vim.api.nvim_buf_is_valid(bufnr) then state.bufnr = nil local success, err = pcall(vim.api.nvim_buf_delete, bufnr, { force = true }) if not success and err:match("E523") then vim.schedule_wrap(function() vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(bufnr, { force = true }) end)() end end end end return window_exists end ---Determines if a specific tree is open. ---@param state table The current state of the plugin. ---@return boolean M.tree_is_visible = function(state) return M.window_exists(state) and vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(state.winid) == state.bufnr end ---Renders the given tree and expands window width if needed --@param state table The state containing tree to render. Almost same as state.tree:render() render_tree = function(state) local should_auto_expand = state.window.auto_expand_width and state.current_position ~= "float" local should_pre_render = should_auto_expand or state.current_position == "current" if should_pre_render and M.tree_is_visible(state) then log.trace("pre-rendering tree") state._in_pre_render = true state.tree:render() state._in_pre_render = false state.window.last_user_width = vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(state.winid) if should_auto_expand and state.longest_node > state.window.last_user_width then log.trace(string.format("auto_expand_width: on. Expanding width to %s.", state.longest_node)) vim.api.nvim_win_set_width(state.winid, state.longest_node) state.win_width = state.longest_node end end if M.tree_is_visible(state) then state.tree:render() end end ---Draws the given nodes on the screen. --@param nodes table The nodes to draw. --@param state table The current state of the source. draw = function(nodes, state, parent_id) -- If we are going to redraw, preserve the current set of expanded nodes. local expanded_nodes = {} if parent_id == nil and state.tree ~= nil then if state.force_open_folders then log.trace("Force open folders") state.force_open_folders = nil else log.trace("Preserving expanded nodes") expanded_nodes = M.get_expanded_nodes(state.tree) end end if state.default_expanded_nodes then for _, id in ipairs(state.default_expanded_nodes) do table.insert(expanded_nodes, id) end end -- Create the tree if it doesn't exist. if not parent_id and not M.window_exists(state) then create_window(state) create_tree(state) end -- draw the given nodes local success, msg = pcall(state.tree.set_nodes, state.tree, nodes, parent_id) if not success then log.error("Error setting nodes: ", msg) log.error(vim.inspect(state.tree:get_nodes())) end if parent_id ~= nil then -- this is a dynamic fetch of children that were not previously loaded local node = state.tree:get_node(parent_id) node.loaded = true node:expand() else M.set_expanded_nodes(state.tree, expanded_nodes) end -- This is to ensure that containers are always the right size state.win_width = utils.get_inner_win_width(state.winid) start_resize_monitor() render_tree(state) -- draw winbar / statusbar require("neo-tree.ui.selector").set_source_selector(state) -- Restore the cursor position/focused node in the tree based on the state -- when it was last closed M.position.restore(state) end local function group_empty_dirs(node) if node.children == nil then return node end local first_child = node.children[1] if #node.children == 1 and first_child.type == "directory" then -- this is the only path that changes the tree -- at each step where we discover an empty directory, merge it's name with the parent -- then skip over it first_child.name = node.name .. utils.path_separator .. first_child.name return group_empty_dirs(first_child) else for i, child in ipairs(node.children) do node.children[i] = group_empty_dirs(child) end return node end end ---Shows the given items as a tree. --@param sourceItems table The list of items to transform. --@param state table The current state of the plugin. --@param parentId string Optional. The id of the parent node to display these nodes --at; defaults to nil. M.show_nodes = function(sourceItems, state, parentId, callback) --local id = string.format("show_nodes %s:%s [%s]", state.name, state.force_float, state.tabid) --utils.debounce(id, function() events.fire_event(events.BEFORE_RENDER, state) state.longest_width_exact = 0 local parent local level = 0 if parentId ~= nil then local success success, parent = pcall(state.tree.get_node, state.tree, parentId) if success and parent then level = parent:get_depth() end state.longest_node = state.longest_node or 0 else state.longest_node = 0 end local config = require("neo-tree").config if config.hide_root_node then if not parentId then sourceItems[1].skip_node = true if not (sourceItems[1].children and #sourceItems[1].children > 0) then sourceItems[1].is_empty_with_hidden_root = true end end if not config.retain_hidden_root_indent then level = level - 1 end end if config.add_blank_line_at_top and not parentId then table.insert(sourceItems, 1, { type = "message", name = "", path = "", id = "blank_line_at_top", }) end if state.group_empty_dirs then if parent then local scan_mode = require("neo-tree").config.filesystem.scan_mode if scan_mode == "deep" then for i, item in ipairs(sourceItems) do sourceItems[i] = group_empty_dirs(item) end else -- this is a lazy load of a single sub folder group_empty_dirs(sourceItems) if #sourceItems == 1 and sourceItems[1].type == "directory" then -- This folder needs to be grouped. -- The goal is to just update the existing node in place. -- To avoid digging into private internals of Nui, we will just export the entire level and replace -- the one node. This keeps it in the right order, because nui doesn't have methods to replace something -- in place. -- We can't just mutate the existing node because we have to change it's id which would break Nui's -- internal state. local item = sourceItems[1] parentId = parent:get_parent_id() local siblings = state.tree:get_nodes(parentId) for i, node in pairs(siblings) do if node.id == parent.id then item.name = parent.name .. utils.path_separator .. item.name item.level = level - 1 item.is_loaded = utils.truthy(item.children) siblings[i] = NuiTree.Node(item, item.children) break end end sourceItems = nil -- this is a signal to skip the rest of the processing state.tree:set_nodes(siblings, parentId) end end else -- if we are rendering a whole tree, just group the children because we don'the -- want to change the root nodes for _, item in ipairs(sourceItems) do if item.children ~= nil then for i, child in ipairs(item.children) do item.children[i] = group_empty_dirs(child) end end end end end if sourceItems then -- normal path local nodes = create_nodes(sourceItems, state, level) draw(nodes, state, parentId) else -- this was a force grouping of a lazy loaded folder state.win_width = utils.get_inner_win_width(state.winid) render_tree(state) end vim.schedule(function() events.fire_event(events.AFTER_RENDER, state) end) if type(callback) == "function" then vim.schedule(callback) end --end, 100) end return M