function! sj#handlebars#SplitComponent() if !sj#SearchUnderCursor('{{#\=\%(\k\|-\|\/\)\+ .\{-}}}') return 0 endif let body = sj#GetMotion('vi{') let body = substitute(body, '\s\+\(\k\+=\)', '\n\1', 'g') if !sj#settings#Read('handlebars_closing_bracket_on_same_line') let body = substitute(body, '}$', "\n}", '') endif if sj#settings#Read('handlebars_hanging_arguments') " substitute just the first newline with a space let body = substitute(body, '\n', ' ', '') endif call sj#ReplaceMotion('vi{', body) return 1 endfunction function! sj#handlebars#JoinComponent() if !(sj#SearchUnderCursor('{{#\=\%(\k\|-\|\/\)\+.*$') && getline('.') !~ '}}') return 0 endif normal! vi{J call sj#Keeppatterns('s/\s\+}}/}}/ge') return 1 endfunction function! sj#handlebars#SplitBlockComponent() let saved_iskeyword = &iskeyword try set iskeyword+=-,/ let start_pattern = '{{#\k\+\%( .\{-}\)\=}}' if !search(start_pattern, 'bWc', line('.')) return 0 endif call search('\k', 'W', line('.')) let component_name = expand('<cword>') call search(start_pattern, 'eW', line('.')) let start_col = col('.') + 1 if !search('{{/'.component_name.'}}', 'W', line('.')) return 0 endif let end_col = col('.') - 1 if end_col - start_col > 0 let body = sj#GetCols(start_col, end_col) call sj#ReplaceCols(start_col, end_col, "\n".sj#Trim(body)."\n") else " empty block component call sj#ReplaceCols(start_col, start_col, "\n{") endif return 1 finally let &iskeyword = saved_iskeyword endtry endfunction function! sj#handlebars#JoinBlockComponent() let saved_iskeyword = &iskeyword try set iskeyword+=-,/ let start_pattern = '{{#\k\+\%( .\{-}\)\=}}\s*$' if !search(start_pattern, 'bWc', line('.')) return 0 endif call search('\k', 'W', line('.')) let component_name = expand('<cword>') let start_line = line('.') if !search('{{/'.component_name.'}}', 'W') return 0 endif let end_line = line('.') if end_line - start_line <= 0 " not right, there needs to be at least one line of a difference return 0 endif if end_line - start_line > 1 let body = join(sj#TrimList(getbufline('%', start_line + 1, end_line -1)), ' ') else let body = '' endif let start_tag = sj#Rtrim(getline(start_line)) let end_tag = sj#Ltrim(getline(end_line)) call sj#ReplaceLines(start_line, end_line, start_tag.body.end_tag) return 1 finally let &iskeyword = saved_iskeyword endtry endfunction