"jedi-vim - Omni Completion for python in vim " Maintainer: David Halter <davidhalter88@gmail.com> " " This part of the software is just the vim interface. The really big deal is " the Jedi Python library. if get(g:, 'jedi#auto_vim_configuration', 1) " jedi-vim doesn't work in compatible mode (vim script syntax problems) if &compatible " vint: -ProhibitSetNoCompatible set nocompatible " vint: +ProhibitSetNoCompatible endif " jedi-vim really needs, otherwise jedi-vim cannot start. filetype plugin on augroup jedi_pyi au! autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.pyi set filetype=python augroup END " Change completeopt, but only if it was not set already. " This gets done on VimEnter, since otherwise Vim fails to restore the " screen. Neovim is not affected, this is likely caused by using " :redir/execute() before the (alternate) terminal is configured. function! s:setup_completeopt() if exists('*execute') let completeopt = execute('silent verb set completeopt?') else redir => completeopt silent verb set completeopt? redir END endif if len(split(completeopt, '\n')) == 1 set completeopt=menuone,longest,preview endif endfunction if has('nvim') call s:setup_completeopt() else augroup jedi_startup au! autocmd VimEnter * call s:setup_completeopt() augroup END endif if len(mapcheck('<C-c>', 'i')) == 0 inoremap <C-c> <ESC> endif endif " Pyimport command command! -nargs=1 -complete=custom,jedi#py_import_completions Pyimport :call jedi#py_import(<q-args>) command! -nargs=? -complete=file JediChooseEnvironment :call jedi#choose_environment(<q-args>) command! -nargs=? -complete=file JediLoadProject :call jedi#load_project(<q-args>) function! s:jedi_debug_info() " Ensure the autoload file has been loaded (and ignore any errors, which " will be displayed with the debug info). let unset = {} let saved_squelch_py_warning = get(g:, 'jedi#squelch_py_warning', unset) let g:jedi#squelch_py_warning = 1 call jedi#init_python() if saved_squelch_py_warning is unset unlet g:jedi#squelch_py_warning else let g:jedi#squelch_py_warning = saved_squelch_py_warning endif call jedi#debug_info() endfunction command! -nargs=0 -bar JediDebugInfo call s:jedi_debug_info() command! -nargs=0 -bang JediClearCache call jedi#clear_cache(<bang>0) " vim: set et ts=4: