"""Helper methods used in UltiSnips snippets."""

import string, vim, re

def complete(tab, opts):
    get options that match with tab

    :param tab: query string
    :param opts: list that needs to be completed

    :return: a string that match with tab
    el = [x for x in tab]
    pat = "".join(list(map(lambda x: x + "\w*" if re.match("\w", x) else x,
        opts = [x for x in opts if re.search(pat, x, re.IGNORECASE)]
        opts = [x for x in opts if x.startswith(tab)]
    if not len(opts) or str.lower(tab) in list(map(str.lower, opts)):
        return ""
    cads = "|".join(opts[:5])
    if len(opts) > 5: cads += "|..."
    return "({0})".format(cads)

def _parse_comments(s):
    """ Parses vim's comments option to extract comment format """
    i = iter(s.split(","))

    rv = []
        while True:
            # get the flags and text of a comment part
            flags, text = next(i).split(':', 1)

            if len(flags) == 0:
                rv.append(('OTHER', text, text, text, ""))
            # parse 3-part comment, but ignore those with O flag
            elif 's' in flags and 'O' not in flags:
                ctriple = ["TRIPLE"]
                indent = ""

                if flags[-1] in string.digits:
                    indent = " " * int(flags[-1])

                flags, text = next(i).split(':', 1)
                assert flags[0] == 'm'

                flags, text = next(i).split(':', 1)
                assert flags[0] == 'e'

            elif 'b' in flags:
                if len(text) == 1:
                    rv.insert(0, ("SINGLE_CHAR", text, text, text, ""))
    except StopIteration:
        return rv

def get_comment_format():
    """ Returns a 4-element tuple (first_line, middle_lines, end_line, indent)
    representing the comment format for the current file.

    It first looks at the 'commentstring', if that ends with %s, it uses that.
    Otherwise it parses '&comments' and prefers single character comment
    markers if there are any.
    commentstring = vim.eval("&commentstring")
    if commentstring.endswith("%s"):
        c = commentstring[:-2]
        return (c.rstrip(), c.rstrip(), c.rstrip(), "")
    comments = _parse_comments(vim.eval("&comments"))
    for c in comments:
        if c[0] == "SINGLE_CHAR":
            return c[1:]
    return comments[0][1:]

def make_box(twidth, bwidth=None):
    b, m, e, i = (s.strip() for s in get_comment_format())
    bwidth_inner = bwidth - 3 - max(len(b), len(i + e)) if bwidth else twidth + 2
    sline = b + m + bwidth_inner * m[0] + 2 * m[0]
    nspaces = (bwidth_inner - twidth) // 2
    mlines = i + m + " " + " " * nspaces
    mlinee = " " + " "*(bwidth_inner - twidth - nspaces) + m
    eline = i + m + bwidth_inner * m[0] + 2 * m[0] + e
    return sline, mlines, mlinee, eline

def foldmarker():
    "Return a tuple of (open fold marker, close fold marker)"
    return vim.eval("&foldmarker").split(",")

def display_width(str):
    """Return the required over-/underline length for str."""
        # Respect &ambiwidth and &tabstop, but old vim may not support this
        return vim.strdisplaywidth(str)
    except AttributeError:
        # Fallback
        from unicodedata import east_asian_width
        result = 0
        for c in str:
            result += 2 if east_asian_width(c) in ('W', 'F') else 1
        return result

# http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2718196/find-all-chinese-text-in-a-string-using-python-and-regex
def has_cjk(s):
    """Detect if s contains CJK characters."""
    cjk_re = re.compile(u'[⺀-⺙⺛-⻳⼀-⿕々〇〡-〩〸-〺〻㐀-䶵一-鿃豈-鶴侮-頻並-龎]', re.UNICODE)

    return cjk_re.search(s) is not None

# vim:set et sts=0 sw=4 ts=4: