
[![Build Status](]( ![Version 0.1.0-dev]( [![MIT License](](LICENSE) [![Doc](](doc/SpaceVim.txt) ### Table of Contents - [Introduction](#introduction) - [Community](#community) - [Install](#install) - [Linux/Mac](#linuxmac) - [Windows support](#windows-support) - [File Structure](#file-structure) - Features - [Awesome ui](#awesome-ui) - [Language specific mode](#language-specific-mode) - [c/c++ support](#cc-support) - [python support](#python-support) - [go support](#go-support) - rust support - php support - perl support - lua support - [Unite centric work-flow](#unite-centric-work-flow) - [Neovim centric - Dark powered mode](#neovim-centric---dark-powered-mode-of-spacevim) - [multiple leader mode](#multiple-leader-mode) - [Modular configuration](#modular-configuration) - Lazy-load 90% of plugins with [dein.vim] - Robust, yet light weight - Extensive Neocomplete setup - Central location for tags - Lightweight simple status/tabline - Premium color-schemes - [Custom configuration](#custom-configuration) - [Support SpaceVim](#support-spacevim) - [Report bugs](#report-bugs) - [contribute to SpaceVim](#contribute-to-spacevim) - Write post about SpaceVim - [Credits & Thanks](#credits--thanks) #### Introduction ![2017-02-05_1359x721]( [SpaceVim]( is a Modular configuration, a bundle of custom settings and plugins for Vim, here we call them layers, each layer has different plugins and config, users just need to select the layers they need. It got inspired by [spacemacs]( If you use SpaceVim, please star it on github. It's a great way of getting feedback and gives me the kick to put more time into development. If you encounter any bugs or have feature requests, just open an issue report on Github. For learning about Vim in general, read [vim-galore]( [![Throughput Graph](]( #### Community Try these Neovim hangouts for any questions, problems or comments. - Ask - [issue tracker]( for issue and feature requests - vi StackExchange for "how to" & configuration questions - [![Twitter Follow](]( for hugs & pithy comments - Chat - [![Gitter](]( - [![QQ](群-121056965-blue.svg)]( - [![Facebook](]( - Discuss #### Install ##### Linux/Mac ```sh curl -sLf | bash ``` before use SpaceVim, you should install the plugin by `call dein#install()` Installation of neovim/vim with python support: > [neovim installation]( > [Building Vim from source]( for more info about the install script, please check: ```sh curl -sLf | bash -s -- -h ``` ##### windows support - For vim in windows, please just clone this repo as vimfiles in you Home directory. by default, when open a cmd, the current dir is your Home directory, run this command in cmd. make sure you have a backup of your own vimfiles. ```sh git clone vimfiles ``` - For neovim in windows, please clone this repo as `AppData\Local\nvim` in your home directory. for more info, please check out [neovim's wiki]( by default, when open a cmd, the current dir is your Home directory, run this command in cmd. ```sh git clone AppData\Local\nvim ``` #### File Structure - [config](./config)/ - Configuration - [plugins](./config/plugins)/ - Plugin configurations - [mappings.vim](./config/mappings.vim) - Key mappings - [autocmds.vim](./config/autocmds.vim) - autocmd group - [general.vim](./config/general.vim) - General configuration - [init.vim](./config/init.vim) - `runtimepath` initialization - [neovim.vim](./config/neovim.vim) - Neovim specific setup - [plugins.vim](./config/plugins.vim) - Plugin bundles - [commands.vim](./config/commands.vim) - Commands - [functions.vim](./config/functions.vim) - Functions - [main.vim](./config/main.vim) - Main config - [ftplugin](./ftplugin)/ - Language specific custom settings - [snippets](../../snippets)/ - Code snippets - [filetype.vim](./filetype.vim) - Custom filetype detection - [init.vim](./init.vim) - Sources `config/main.vim` - [vimrc](./vimrc) - Sources `config/main.vim` #### Features ##### Awesome ui - outline + filemanager + checker ![2017-02-01_1360x721]( ##### Language specific mode ###### c/c++ support 1. code completion: autocompletion and fuzzy match. ![2017-02-01_1359x720]( 2. syntax check: Asynchronous linting and make framework. ![2017-02-01_1359x722]( ###### go support 1. code completion: ![2017-02-01_1360x721]( 2. syntax check: ![2017-02-01_1359x720]( ###### python support 1. code completion: ![2017-02-02_1360x724]( 2. syntax check: ![2017-02-02_1358x720]( ##### Neovim centric - Dark powered mode of SpaceVim. By default, SpaceVim use these dark powered plugins: 1. [deoplete.nvim]( - Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim 2. [dein.vim]( - Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager TODO: 1. [defx.nvim]( - Dark powered file explorer 2. [deoppet.nvim]( - Dark powered snippet plugin 3. [denite.nvim]( - Dark powered asynchronous unite all interfaces for Neovim/Vim8 ##### Modular configuration - SpaceVim will load custom configuration from `~/.local.vim` and `.local.vim` in current directory. - SpaceVim support `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` and `./SpaceVim.d/init.vim`. Here is an example: ```viml " Here are some basic customizations, please refer to the top of the vimrc " file for all possible options: let g:spacevim_default_indent = 3 let g:spacevim_max_column = 80 let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'my_awesome_colorscheme' let g:spacevim_plugin_manager = 'dein' " neobundle or dein or vim-plug " Change the default directory where all miscellaneous persistent files go. " By default it is ~/.cache/vimfiles. let g:spacevim_plugin_bundle_dir = "/some/place/else" " By default, language specific plugins are not loaded. This can be changed " with the following: let g:spacevim_plugin_groups_exclude = ['ruby', 'python'] " If there are groups you want always loaded, you can use this: let g:spacevim_plugin_groups_include = ['go'] " Alternatively, you can set this variable to load exactly what you want: let g:spacevim_plugin_groups = ['core', 'web'] " If there is a particular plugin you don't like, you can define this " variable to disable them entirely: let g:spacevim_disabled_plugins=['vim-foo', 'vim-bar'] " If you want to add some custom plugins, use these options: let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [ \ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', {'on_ft' : 'markdown'}], \ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'], \ ] " Anything defined here are simply overrides set wildignore+=\*/node_modules/\* set guifont=Wingdings:h10 ``` #### Multiple leader mode ##### Global origin vim leader, default : `\` Vim's origin global leader can be used in all modes. ##### Local origin vim leader, default : `,` Vim's origin local leader can be used in all the mode. ##### Windows function leader, default : `s` Windows function leader can only be used in normal mode. For the list of mappings see the [link](#window-management) ##### Unite work flow leader, default : `f` Unite work flow leader can only be used in normal mode. Unite leader need unite groups. #### Unite centric work-flow - List all the plugins has been installed, fuzzy find what you want, default action is open the github website of current plugin. default key is `lp` ![2017-01-21_1358x725]( - List all the mappings and description: `f` ![2017-02-01_1359x723]( - List all the starred repos in, fuzzy find and open the website of the repo. default key is `ls` ![2017-02-01_1359x722]( #### Plugin Highlights - Package management with caching enabled and lazy loading - Project-aware tabs and label - Vimfiler as file-manager + SSH connections - Go completion via vim-go and gocode - Javascript completion via Tern - PHP completion, indent, folds, syntax - Python jedi completion, pep8 convention - Languages: Ansible, css3, csv, json, less, markdown, mustache - Helpers: Undo tree, bookmarks, git, tmux navigation, hex editor, sessions, and much more. _Note_ that 90% of the plugins are **[lazy-loaded]**. [lazy-loaded]: ./config/plugins.vim #### Non Lazy-Loaded Plugins Name | Description -------------- | ---------------------- [dein.vim] | Dark powered Vim/Neovim plugin manager [vimproc] | Interactive command execution [colorschemes] | Awesome color-schemes [file-line] | Allow opening a file in a given line [neomru] | MRU source for Unite [cursorword] | Underlines word under cursor [gitbranch] | Lightweight git branch detection [gitgutter] | Shows git diffs in the gutter [tinyline] | Tiny great looking statusline [tagabana] | Central location for all tags [bookmarks] | Bookmarks, works independently from vim marks [tmux-navigator] | Seamless navigation between tmux panes and vim splits #### Lazy-Loaded Plugins ##### Language Name | Description -------------- | ---------------------- [html5] | HTML5 omnicomplete and syntax [mustache] | Mustache and handlebars syntax [markdown] | Markdown syntax highlighting [ansible-yaml] | Additional support for Ansible [jinja] | Jinja support in vim [less] | Syntax for LESS [css3-syntax] | CSS3 syntax support to vim's built-in `syntax/css.vim` [csv] | Handling column separated data [pep8-indent] | Nicer Python indentation [logstash] | Highlights logstash configuration files [tmux] | vim plugin for tmux.conf [json] | Better JSON support [toml] | Syntax for TOML [i3] | i3 window manager config syntax [Dockerfile] | syntax and snippets for Dockerfile [go] | Go development [jedi-vim] | Python jedi autocompletion library [ruby] | Ruby configuration files [portfile] | Macports portfile configuration files [javascript] | Enhanced Javascript syntax [javascript-indent] | Javascript indent script [tern] | Provides Tern-based JavaScript editing support [php] | Up-to-date PHP syntax file [phpfold] | PHP folding [phpcomplete] | Improved PHP omnicompletion [phpindent] | PHP official indenting [phpspec] | PhpSpec integration ##### Commands Name | Description -------------- | ---------------------- [vimfiler] | Powerful file explorer [NERD Commenter] | Comment tool - no comment necessary [vinarise] | Hex editor [syntastic] | Syntax checking hacks [gita] | An awesome git handling plugin [gista] | Manipulate gists in Vim [undotree] | Ultimate undo history visualizer [incsearch] | Improved incremental searching [expand-region] | Visually select increasingly larger regions of text [open-browser] | Open URI with your favorite browser [prettyprint] | Pretty-print vim variables [quickrun] | Run commands quickly [ref] | Integrated reference viewer [dictionary] | interface [vimwiki] | Personal Wiki for Vim [thesaurus] | Look up words in an online thesaurus ##### Commands Name | Description -------------- | ---------------------- [goyo] | Distraction-free writing [limelight] | Hyperfocus-writing [matchit] | Intelligent pair matching [indentline] | Display vertical indention lines [choosewin] | Choose window to use, like tmux's 'display-pane' ##### Completion Name | Description -------------- | ---------------------- [delimitmate] | Insert mode auto-completion for quotes, parenthesis, brackets [echodoc] | Print objects' documentation in echo area [deoplete] | Neovim: Dark powered asynchronous completion framework [neocomplete] | Next generation completion framework [neosnippet] | Contains neocomplete snippets source ##### Unite Name | Description -------------- | ---------------------- [unite] | Unite and create user interfaces [unite-colorscheme] | Browse colorschemes [unite-filetype] | Select file type [unite-history] | Browse history of command/search [unite-build] | Build with Unite interface [unite-outline] | File "outline" source for unite [unite-tag] | Tags source for Unite [unite-quickfix] | Quickfix source for Unite [neossh] | SSH interface for plugins [unite-pull-request] | GitHub pull-request source for Unite [junkfile] | Create temporary files for memo and testing [unite-issue] | Issue manager for JIRA and GitHub ##### Operators & Text Objects Name | Description -------------- | ---------------------- [operator-user] | Define your own operator easily [operator-replace] | Operator to replace text with register content [operator-surround] | Operator to enclose text objects [textobj-user] | Create your own text objects [textobj-multiblock] | Handle multiple brackets objects #### Custom Key bindings Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ ``+`y` | visual | Copy selection to X11 clipboard ("+y) `Ctrl`+`c` | Normal | Copy full path of current buffer to X11 clipboard ``+`Ctrl`+`c` | Normal | Copy url of current buffer to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo) ``+`Ctrl`+`l` | Normal/visual | Copy url of current lines to X11 clipboard(if it is a github repo) ``+`p` | Normal/visual | Paste selection from X11 clipboard ("+p) `Ctrl`+`f` | Normal | Smart page forward (C-f/C-d) `Ctrl`+`b` | Normal | Smart page backwards (C-b/C-u) `Ctrl`+`e` | Normal | Smart scroll down (3C-e/j) `Ctrl`+`y` | Normal | Smart scroll up (3C-y/k) `Ctrl`+`q` | Normal | `Ctrl`+`w` `Ctrl`+`x` | Normal | Switch buffer and placement `Up,Down` | Normal | Smart up and down `}` | Normal | After paragraph motion go to first non-blank char (}^) `<` | Visual/Normal | Indent to left and re-select `>` | Visual/Normal | Indent to right and re-select `Tab` | Visual | Indent to right and re-select `Shift`+`Tab` | Visual | Indent to left and re-select `gp` | Normal | Select last paste `Q`/`gQ` | Normal | Disable EX-mode () `Ctrl`+`a` | Command | Navigation in command line `Ctrl`+`b` | Command | Move cursor backward in command line `Ctrl`+`f` | Command | Move cursor forward in command line ##### File Operations Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ ``+`cd` | Normal | Switch to the directory of the open buffer ``+`w` | Normal/visual | Write (:w) `Ctrl`+`s` | Normal/visual/Command | Write (:w) `:w!!` | Command | Write as root (%!sudo tee > /dev/null %) ##### Editor UI Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ `F2` | _All_ | Toggle tagbar `F3` | _All_ | Toggle Vimfiler ``+`ts` | Normal | Toggle spell-checker (:setlocal spell!) ``+`tn` | Normal | Toggle line numbers (:setlocal nonumber!) ``+`tl` | Normal | Toggle hidden characters (:setlocal nolist!) ``+`th` | Normal | Toggle highlighted search (:set hlsearch!) ``+`tw` | Normal | Toggle wrap (:setlocal wrap! breakindent!) `g0` | Normal | Go to first tab (:tabfirst) `g$` | Normal | Go to last tab (:tablast) `gr` | Normal | Go to previous tab (:tabprevious) `Ctrl`+`` | Normal | Move to split below (j) `Ctrl`+`` | Normal | Move to upper split (k) `Ctrl`+`` | Normal | Move to left split (h) `Ctrl`+`` | Normal | Move to right split (l) `*` | Visual | Search selection forwards `#` | Visual | Search selection backwards `,`+`Space` | Normal | Remove all spaces at EOL `Ctrl`+`r` | Visual | Replace selection ``+`lj` | Normal | Next on location list ``+`lk` | Normal | Previous on location list ``+`S` | Normal/visual | Source selection ##### Window Management Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ `q` | Normal | Smart buffer close `s`+`p` | Normal | Split nicely `s`+`v` | Normal | :split `s`+`g` | Normal | :vsplit `s`+`t` | Normal | Open new tab (:tabnew) `s`+`o` | Normal | Close other windows (:only) `s`+`x` | Normal | Remove buffer, leave blank window `s`+`q` | Normal | Closes current buffer (:close) `s`+`Q` | Normal | Removes current buffer (:bdelete) `Tab` | Normal | Next window or tab `Shift`+`Tab` | Normal | Previous window or tab ``+`sv` | Normal | Split with previous buffer ``+`sg` | Normal | Vertical split with previous buffer SpaceVim has mapped normal q as smart buffer close, the normal func of q can be get by q r ##### Plugin: Unite Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ `[unite]` | Normal | unite leader, default is `f`, `:h g:spacevim_unite_leader` `[unite]`+`r` | Normal | Resumes Unite window `[unite]`+`f` | Normal | Opens Unite file recursive search `[unite]`+`i` | Normal | Opens Unite git file search `[unite]`+`g` | Normal | Opens Unite grep with ag (the_silver_searcher) `[unite]`+`u` | Normal | Opens Unite source `[unite]`+`t` | Normal | Opens Unite tag `[unite]`+`T` | Normal | Opens Unite tag/include `[unite]`+`l` | Normal | Opens Unite location list `[unite]`+`q` | Normal | Opens Unite quick fix `[unite]`+`e` | Normal | Opens Unite register `[unite]`+`j` | Normal | Opens Unite jump, change `[unite]`+`h` | Normal | Opens Unite history/yank `[unite]`+`s` | Normal | Opens Unite session `[unite]`+`n` | Normal | Opens Unite session/new `[unite]`+`o` | Normal | Opens Unite outline `[unite]`+`c` | Normal | Opens Unite buffer bookmark file in current directory `[unite]`+`b` | Normal | Opens Unite buffer bookmark file in buffer directory `[unite]`+`ma` | Normal | Opens Unite mapping `[unite]`+`` | Normal | Opens Unite menu:CustomKeyMaps `[unite]`+`me` | Normal | Opens Unite output messages ``+`bl` | Normal | Opens Unite buffers, mru, bookmark ``+`ta` | Normal | Opens Unite tab ``+`ugf` | Normal | Opens Unite file with word at cursor ``+`ugt` | Normal/visual | Opens Unite tag with word at cursor | **Within _Unite_ buffers** ||| `Ctrl`+`h/k/l/r` | Normal | Un-map `Ctrl`+`r` | Normal | Redraw `Ctrl`+`j` | Insert | Select next line `Ctrl`+`k` | Insert | Select previous line `'` | Normal | Toggle mark current candidate, up `e` | Normal | Run default action `Ctrl`+`v` | Normal | Open in a split `Ctrl`+`s` | Normal | Open in a vertical split `Ctrl`+`t` | Normal | Open in a new tab `Tab` | Normal | `Ctrl`+`w`+`w` `Escape` | Normal | Exit unite `jj` | Insert | Leave Insert mode `r` | Normal | Replace ('search' profile) or rename `Tab` | Insert | Unite autocompletion `Ctrl`+`z` | Normal/insert | Toggle transpose window `Ctrl`+`w` | Insert | Delete backward path ##### Plugin: VimFiler Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ `` | Normal | Toggle file explorer | **Within _VimFiler_ buffers** ||| `Ctrl`+`j` | Normal | Un-map `Ctrl`+`l` | Normal | Un-map `E` | Normal | Un-map `sv` | Normal | Split edit `sg` | Normal | Vertical split edit `p` | Normal | Preview `i` | Normal | Switch to directory history `v` | Normal | Quick look `gx` | Normal | Execute with vimfiler associated `'` | Normal | Toggle mark current line `V` | Normal | Clear all marks `Ctrl`+`r` | Normal | Redraw ##### Plugin: neocomplete Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ `Enter` | Insert | Smart snippet expansion `Ctrl`+`space` | Insert | Autocomplete with Unite `Tab` | Insert/select | Smart tab movement or completion `Ctrl`+`j/k/f/b` | Insert | Movement in popup `Ctrl`+`g` | Insert | Undo completion `Ctrl`+`l` | Insert | Complete common string `Ctrl`+`o` | Insert | Expand snippet `Ctrl`+`y` | Insert | Close pop-up `Ctrl`+`e` | Insert | Close pop-up `Ctrl`+`l` | Insert | Complete common string `Ctrl`+`d` | Insert | Scroll down `Ctrl`+`u` | Insert | Scroll up ##### Plugin: NERD Commenter Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ ``+`cc` | Normal/visual | Comment out the current line or text selected in visual mode. ``+`cn` | Normal/visual | Same as cc but forces nesting. ``+`cu` | Normal/visual | Uncomments the selected line(s). ``+`cs` | Normal/visual | Comments out the selected lines with a pretty block formatted layout. ``+`cy` | Normal/visual | Same as cc except that the commented line(s) are yanked first. ##### Plugin: Goyo and Limelight Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ ``+`G` | Normal | Toggle distraction-free writing ##### Plugin: ChooseWin Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ `-` | Normal | Choose a window to edit ``+`-` | Normal | Switch editing window with selected ##### Plugin: Bookmarks Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ `m`+`a` | Normal | Show list of all bookmarks `m`+`m` | Normal | Toggle bookmark in current line `m`+`n` | Normal | Jump to next bookmark `m`+`p` | Normal | Jump to previous bookmark `m`+`i` | Normal | Annotate bookmark ##### Plugin: Gita Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ ``+`gs` | Normal | Git status ``+`gd` | Normal | Git diff ``+`gc` | Normal | Git commit ``+`gb` | Normal | Git blame ``+`gp` | Normal | Git push ##### Plugin: vim-signify Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ ``+`hj` / `]c` | Normal | Jump to next hunk ``+`hk` / `[c` | Normal | Jump to previous hunk ``+`hJ` / `]C` | Normal | Jump to last hunk ``+`hK` / `[C` | Normal | Jump to first hunk ##### Misc Plugins Key | Mode | Action ----- |:----:| ------------------ ``+`gu` | Normal | Open undo tree ``+`i` | Normal | Toggle indentation lines ``+`j` | Normal | Start smalls ``+`r` | Normal | Quickrun ``+`?` | Normal | Dictionary ``+`W` | Normal | Wiki ``+`K` | Normal | Thesaurus #### Custom configuration SpaceVim use `~/.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` as default global init file. you can set SpaceVim-options or config layers in it. SpaceVim also will add `~/.SpaceVim.d/` into runtimepath. so you can write your own vim script in it. SpaceVim also support local config file for project, the init file is `.SpaceVim.d/init.vim` in the root of your project. `.SpaceVim.d/` will also be added into runtimepath. here is an example config file for SpaceVim: ```viml " set the options of SpaceVim let g:spacevim_colorscheme = 'solarized' " setting layers, load 'lang#java' layer. call SpaceVim#layers#load('lang#java') " add custom plugins. let g:spacevim_custom_plugins = [ \ ['plasticboy/vim-markdown', {'on_ft' : 'markdown'}], \ ['wsdjeg/GitHub.vim'], \ ] " custom mappings: nnoremap :Ydc ``` #### Support SpaceVim ##### report bugs If you get any issues, please open an issue with the ISSUE_TEMPLATE. It is useful for me to debug for this issue. ##### contribute to SpaceVim #### Credits & Thanks - [![GitHub contributors](]( - [vimdoc]( generate doc file for SpaceVim - [Rafael Bodill]( and his vim-config - [Bailey Ling]( and his dotvim [dein.vim]: [vimproc]: [colorschemes]: [file-line]: [neomru]: [cursorword]: [gitbranch]: [gitgutter]: [bookmarks]: [tmux-navigator]: [tinyline]: [tagabana]: [html5]: [mustache]: [markdown]: [ansible-yaml]: [jinja]: [less]: [css3-syntax]: [csv]: [pep8-indent]: [logstash]: [tmux]: [json]: [toml]: [i3]: [Dockerfile]: [go]: [jedi-vim]: [ruby]: [portfile]: [javascript]: [javascript-indent]: [tern]: [php]: [phpfold]: [phpcomplete]: [phpindent]: [phpspec]: [vimfiler]: [tinycomment]: [vinarise]: [syntastic]: [gita]: [gista]: [undotree]: [incsearch]: [expand-region]: [open-browser]: [prettyprint]: [quickrun]: [ref]: [dictionary]: [vimwiki]: [thesaurus]: [goyo]: [limelight]: [matchit]: [indentline]: [choosewin]: [delimitmate]: [echodoc]: [deoplete]: [neocomplete]: [neosnippet]: [unite]: [unite-colorscheme]: [unite-filetype]: [unite-history]: [unite-build]: [unite-outline]: [unite-tag]: [unite-quickfix]: [neossh]: [unite-pull-request]: [junkfile]: [unite-issue]: [operator-user]: [operator-replace]: [operator-surround]: [textobj-user]: [textobj-multiblock]: