let s:completion_script = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h').'/bin/completions.py' let s:template_finder_script = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h').'/bin/template_finder.py' let s:default_tags = [ \ 'block', 'cache', 'for', 'if', 'with', 'autoescape', \ 'comment', 'filter', 'spaceless', 'verbatim'] let s:default_tags_pat = join(s:default_tags, '\|') let s:midtags = '\(empty\|else\|elif\)' let s:template_shell_find_enabled = executable('python') let s:template_functions = join([ \ 'render([^,]\+,', \ 'get_template(', \ 'render_to_string(', \ 'render_to_response(', \ 'template_name\s*=', \ ], '\|') function! s:get_completions() abort let group = '' let sig = '' let doc = '' let out = {} " This is really stupid, but whatever. for item in split(system('python "'.s:completion_script.'" 2>/dev/null'), "\n") if item =~# '^##' if !empty(group) && !empty(sig) call add(out[group], [sig, substitute(doc, '\\\\n', "\n", 'g')]) endif let sig = item[2:] let doc = '' if group =~# '^htmldjango' let sig = matchstr(sig, '\%({% \||\)\zs\i\+\ze') endif elseif item =~# '^@@' if !empty(group) && !empty(sig) call add(out[group], [sig, substitute(doc, '\\\\n', "\n", 'g')]) let sig = '' let doc = '' endif let group = item[2:] if !has_key(out, group) let out[group] = [] endif else let doc .= item endif endfor return out endfunction function! djangoplus#get_completions(group) abort if !exists('s:completions') " Get completions from the shell's python interpreter. This allows the " completions to actually match the version of Django that's in use. let s:completions = s:get_completions() endif if has_key(s:completions, a:group) return s:completions[a:group] endif return [] endfunction " Run the existing omnifunc if it exists. function! s:default_completion(findstart, base) abort if exists('b:orig_omnifunc') && !empty(b:orig_omnifunc) " Restore the view after calling the original omnifunc. " It seems that cursor could move in the function while using Deoplete. let view = winsaveview() let ret = call(b:orig_omnifunc, [a:findstart, a:base]) call winrestview(view) return ret endif if a:findstart == 1 return -2 else return [] endif endfunction function! s:init_python() abort let s:pydo = '' if has('python3') let s:pydo = 'py3do' execute 'py3file' s:template_finder_script elseif has('python') let s:pydo = 'pydo' execute 'pyfile' s:template_finder_script endif endfunction function! s:get_templates() abort if exists('s:template_cache') return s:template_cache endif if !exists('s:pydo') call s:init_python() endif let apppaths = join(map(copy(djangoplus#get_completions('apppaths')), 'v:val[0]'), ',') if !empty(s:pydo) " execute s:pydo 'app_paths = []' " for item in apppaths " execute s:pydo 'add_app_path("'.item.'")' " endfor execute s:pydo 'djangoplus_find_templates("'.getcwd().'", "'.apppaths.'")' else if s:template_shell_find_enabled let s:template_cache = split(system('python "'.s:template_finder_script.'" "'.getcwd().'"'), "\n") else let s:template_cache = [] endif endif if !exists('s:template_cache') let s:template_cache = [] endif return copy(s:template_cache) endfunction function! djangoplus#clear_template_cache() abort unlet! s:template_cache endfunction " Completions for Django python and HTML files. function! djangoplus#complete(findstart, base) abort if !exists('b:orig_omnifunc') || !exists('b:is_django') return s:default_completion(a:findstart, a:base) endif if a:findstart == 1 let s:do_assignment = 0 let s:do_completion = 0 let s:do_mix = 0 let s:kind = '' let line = strpart(getline(line('.')), 0, col('.') - 1) let idx = -1 let source_set = '' if &l:filetype =~# '\<python\>' if exists('b:is_django_settings') " In settings files, show setting completions let idx = match(line, '\<\zs\i*$') let s:do_mix = !has('nvim') let s:kind = 'conf' let source_set = 'settings' elseif line =~# '\<settings\.\i*$' " Matched right after `settings.` let idx = match(line, '\<settings\.\zs\i*$') let s:kind = 'conf' let source_set = 'settings' elseif line =~# '\.objects\.\i*$' " Matched right after `.objects.` let idx = match(line, '\.objects\.\zs\i*$') let s:kind = 'qs' let source_set = 'queryset' elseif line =~# '\i\+\.\i*$' " Any dot, but mix results with the previous completion function let idx = match(line, '\.\zs\i*$') let s:do_mix = !has('nvim') let s:kind = 'qs' let source_set = 'queryset' elseif line =~# '\<\%('.s:template_functions.'\)\s*[''"]\zs\f*$' let idx = match(line, '\f*$') let s:kind = 'tpl' endif elseif &l:filetype =~# '\<htmldjango\>' if line =~# '{%\s\+\i*$' let idx = match(line, '{%\s\+\zs\i*$') let s:kind = 'tag' let source_set = 'htmldjangotags' elseif line =~# '|\i*$' let idx = match(line, '|\zs\i*$') let s:kind = 'filt' let source_set = 'htmldjangofilters' elseif line =~# '{% \%(include\|extends\)\>\s\+[''"]\zs\f*$' let idx = match(line, '\f*$') let s:kind = 'tpl' endif endif if idx != -1 let s:do_completion = 1 let s:do_assignment = source_set == 'settings' && strpart(line, 0, idx) !~ '=.*' let s:source = djangoplus#get_completions(source_set) if source_set == 'settings' || source_set =~# '^htmldjango' let s:word_pattern = '\i\+\ze' else let s:word_pattern = '\i\+\ze\%(\|\_$\)' endif if s:do_mix " Let the original omnifunc do its thing let s:orig_omnifunc_start = s:default_completion(1, '') endif return idx endif elseif s:do_completion let completions = [] if s:kind == 'tpl' let templates = s:get_templates() for path in templates if stridx(path, a:base) == 0 call add(completions, { \ 'word': path, \ 'abbr': path, \ 'info': path, \ 'icase': 0, \ 'kind': s:kind, \ 'menu': '[Dj+]', \ }) endif endfor else for item in s:source let word = matchstr(item[0], s:word_pattern) if word =~? '^'.a:base call add(completions, { \ 'word': word, \ 'abbr': item[0].(s:do_assignment ? ' = ' : ''), \ 'info': item[0]."\n\n".item[1], \ 'icase': 0, \ 'kind': s:kind, \ 'menu': '[Dj+]', \ }) endif endfor endif if s:do_mix let orig_base = strpart(getline(v:lnum), s:orig_omnifunc_start) return s:default_completion(s:orig_omnifunc_start, orig_base) + completions endif return completions endif return s:default_completion(a:findstart, a:base) endfunction " Tag scanning. This sets b:blocktags by searching for {% end* %} tags " allowing custom tags to be indented correctly as well. function! djangoplus#scan_template_tags() abort let view = winsaveview() let reg_val = getreg('a') let reg_type = getregtype('a') " Cobble together all matching lines... normal! qaq silent g/{%\s\+\<end\S\+\>/y A let matches = getreg('a') call setreg('a', reg_val, reg_type) call histdel('search', -1) let @/ = histget('search', -1) call winrestview(view) let blocktags = [] " ...then strip out the garbage and split on whitespace for tag in split(substitute(matches, \ '\%(\%(\_^\|\_.\{-}\){%\s\+\<end\(\i\+\)\>\)\%([^{]*\)\|.*$', '\1 ', 'g')) if index(s:default_tags, tag) == -1 && index(blocktags, tag) == -1 call add(blocktags, tag) endif endfor if !empty(blocktags) let b:blocktags = join(blocktags, '\|') endif endfunction " Note: The after/ftplugin/htmldjango.vim script fills `b:blocktags` with more " blocks it finds on load/save. function! djangoplus#htmldjango_indent(...) abort if a:0 && a:1 == '.' let v:lnum = line('.') elseif a:0 && a:1 =~ '^\d' let v:lnum = a:1 endif let vcol = col('.') call cursor(v:lnum,vcol) exe 'let ind = '.b:djangoplus_indentexpr let lnum = prevnonblank(v:lnum-1) let pnb = getline(lnum) let cur = getline(v:lnum) let tagstart = '.*' . '{%-\?\s*' let tagend = '.*-\?%}' . '.*' let blocktags = s:default_tags_pat let buffer_tags = get(b:, 'blocktags', '') if !empty(buffer_tags) let blocktags .= '\|'.buffer_tags endif let blocktags = '\('.blocktags.'\)' let pnb_blockstart = pnb =~# tagstart . blocktags . tagend let pnb_blockend = pnb =~# tagstart . 'end' . blocktags . tagend let pnb_blockmid = pnb =~# tagstart . s:midtags . tagend let cur_blockstart = cur =~# tagstart . blocktags . tagend let cur_blockend = cur =~# tagstart . 'end' . blocktags . tagend let cur_blockmid = cur =~# tagstart . s:midtags . tagend if pnb_blockstart && !pnb_blockend && pnb_blockstart != pnb_blockend let ind = ind + &sw elseif pnb_blockmid && !pnb_blockend && pnb_blockmid != pnb_blockstart && pnb_blockmid != pnb_blockend let ind = ind + &sw endif if cur_blockend && !cur_blockstart && cur_blockend != cur_blockstart let ind = ind - &sw elseif cur_blockmid && cur_blockmid != cur_blockstart && cur_blockmid != cur_blockend let ind = ind - &sw endif return ind endfunction