local a = vim.api local utils = require "nvim-tree.utils" local view = require "nvim-tree.view" local core = require "nvim-tree.core" local log = require "nvim-tree.log" local M = {} local GROUP = "NvimTreeDiagnosticSigns" local function get_lowest_severity(diagnostics) local severity = math.huge for _, v in ipairs(diagnostics) do if v.severity < severity then severity = v.severity end end return severity end local severity_levels = { Error = 1, Warning = 2, Information = 3, Hint = 4 } local sign_names = { { "NvimTreeSignError", "NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsError" }, { "NvimTreeSignWarning", "NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsWarning" }, { "NvimTreeSignInformation", "NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsInformation" }, { "NvimTreeSignHint", "NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsHint" }, } local function add_sign(linenr, severity) local buf = view.get_bufnr() if not a.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) or not a.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buf) then return end local sign_name = sign_names[severity][1] vim.fn.sign_place(1, GROUP, sign_name, buf, { lnum = linenr + 1 }) end local function from_nvim_lsp() local buffer_severity = {} -- vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_all was deprecated in nvim 0.7 and replaced with vim.diagnostic.get -- This conditional can be removed when the minimum required version of nvim is changed to 0.7. if vim.diagnostic then -- nvim version >= 0.7 for _, diagnostic in ipairs(vim.diagnostic.get()) do local buf = diagnostic.bufnr if a.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) then local bufname = a.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) local lowest_severity = buffer_severity[bufname] if not lowest_severity or diagnostic.severity < lowest_severity then buffer_severity[bufname] = diagnostic.severity end end end else -- nvim version < 0.7 for buf, diagnostics in pairs(vim.lsp.diagnostic.get_all()) do if a.nvim_buf_is_valid(buf) then local bufname = a.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) if not buffer_severity[bufname] then local severity = get_lowest_severity(diagnostics) buffer_severity[bufname] = severity end end end end return buffer_severity end local function from_coc() if vim.g.coc_service_initialized ~= 1 then return {} end local diagnostic_list = vim.fn.CocAction "diagnosticList" if type(diagnostic_list) ~= "table" or vim.tbl_isempty(diagnostic_list) then return {} end local buffer_severity = {} local diagnostics = {} for _, diagnostic in ipairs(diagnostic_list) do local bufname = diagnostic.file local severity = severity_levels[diagnostic.severity] local severity_list = diagnostics[bufname] or {} table.insert(severity_list, severity) diagnostics[bufname] = severity_list end for bufname, severity_list in pairs(diagnostics) do if not buffer_severity[bufname] then local severity = math.min(unpack(severity_list)) buffer_severity[bufname] = severity end end return buffer_severity end local function is_using_coc() return vim.g.coc_service_initialized == 1 end function M.clear() if not M.enable or not view.is_buf_valid(view.get_bufnr()) then return end vim.fn.sign_unplace(GROUP) end function M.update() if not M.enable or not core.get_explorer() or not view.is_buf_valid(view.get_bufnr()) then return end local ps = log.profile_start "diagnostics update" log.line("diagnostics", "update") local buffer_severity if is_using_coc() then buffer_severity = from_coc() else buffer_severity = from_nvim_lsp() end M.clear() for bufname, severity in pairs(buffer_severity) do local bufpath = utils.canonical_path(bufname) log.line("diagnostics", " bufpath '%s' severity %d", bufpath, severity) if 0 < severity and severity < 5 then local node, line = utils.find_node(core.get_explorer().nodes, function(node) local nodepath = utils.canonical_path(node.absolute_path) log.line("diagnostics", " checking nodepath '%s'", nodepath) if M.show_on_dirs and not node.open then return vim.startswith(bufpath, nodepath) else return nodepath == bufpath end end) if node then log.line("diagnostics", " matched node '%s'", node.absolute_path) add_sign(line, severity) end end end log.profile_end(ps, "diagnostics update") end local links = { NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsError = "DiagnosticError", NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsWarning = "DiagnosticWarn", NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsInformation = "DiagnosticInfo", NvimTreeLspDiagnosticsHint = "DiagnosticHint", } function M.setup(opts) M.enable = opts.diagnostics.enable M.show_on_dirs = opts.diagnostics.show_on_dirs vim.fn.sign_define(sign_names[1][1], { text = opts.diagnostics.icons.error, texthl = sign_names[1][2] }) vim.fn.sign_define(sign_names[2][1], { text = opts.diagnostics.icons.warning, texthl = sign_names[2][2] }) vim.fn.sign_define(sign_names[3][1], { text = opts.diagnostics.icons.info, texthl = sign_names[3][2] }) vim.fn.sign_define(sign_names[4][1], { text = opts.diagnostics.icons.hint, texthl = sign_names[4][2] }) for lhs, rhs in pairs(links) do vim.cmd("hi def link " .. lhs .. " " .. rhs) end if M.enable then log.line("diagnostics", "setup") vim.cmd "au DiagnosticChanged * lua require'nvim-tree.diagnostics'.update()" vim.cmd "au User CocDiagnosticChange lua require'nvim-tree.diagnostics'.update()" end end return M