local has_notify, notify = pcall(require, "notify") local a = vim.api local uv = vim.loop local M = {} M.is_windows = vim.fn.has "win32" == 1 or vim.fn.has "win32unix" == 1 function M.path_to_matching_str(path) return path:gsub("(%-)", "(%%-)"):gsub("(%.)", "(%%.)"):gsub("(%_)", "(%%_)") end function M.warn(msg) vim.schedule(function() if has_notify then notify(msg, vim.log.levels.WARN, { title = "NvimTree" }) else vim.notify("[NvimTree] " .. msg, vim.log.levels.WARN) end end) end function M.str_find(haystack, needle) return vim.fn.stridx(haystack, needle) ~= -1 end function M.read_file(path) local fd = uv.fs_open(path, "r", 438) if not fd then return "" end local stat = uv.fs_fstat(fd) if not stat then return "" end local data = uv.fs_read(fd, stat.size, 0) uv.fs_close(fd) return data or "" end local path_separator = package.config:sub(1, 1) function M.path_join(paths) return table.concat(vim.tbl_map(M.path_remove_trailing, paths), path_separator) end function M.path_split(path) return path:gmatch("[^" .. path_separator .. "]+" .. path_separator .. "?") end ---Get the basename of the given path. ---@param path string ---@return string function M.path_basename(path) path = M.path_remove_trailing(path) local i = path:match("^.*()" .. path_separator) if not i then return path end return path:sub(i + 1, #path) end ---Get a path relative to another path. ---@param path string ---@param relative_to string ---@return string function M.path_relative(path, relative_to) local p, _ = path:gsub("^" .. M.path_to_matching_str(M.path_add_trailing(relative_to)), "") return p end function M.path_add_trailing(path) if path:sub(-1) == path_separator then return path end return path .. path_separator end function M.path_remove_trailing(path) local p, _ = path:gsub(path_separator .. "$", "") return p end M.path_separator = path_separator function M.clear_prompt() vim.api.nvim_command "normal! :" end function M.get_user_input_char() local c = vim.fn.getchar() while type(c) ~= "number" do c = vim.fn.getchar() end return vim.fn.nr2char(c) end -- get the node from the tree that matches the predicate -- @param nodes list of node -- @param fn function(node): boolean function M.find_node(nodes, fn) local function iter(nodes_, fn_) local i = 1 for _, node in ipairs(nodes_) do if fn_(node) then return node, i end if node.open and #node.nodes > 0 then local n, idx = iter(node.nodes, fn_) i = i + idx if n then return n, i end else i = i + 1 end end return nil, i end local node, i = iter(nodes, fn) i = require("nvim-tree.view").View.hide_root_folder and i - 1 or i return node, i end ---Matching executable files in Windows. ---@param ext string ---@return boolean local PATHEXT = vim.env.PATHEXT or "" local wexe = vim.split(PATHEXT:gsub("%.", ""), ";") local pathexts = {} for _, v in pairs(wexe) do pathexts[v] = true end function M.is_windows_exe(ext) return pathexts[ext:upper()] end function M.rename_loaded_buffers(old_path, new_path) for _, buf in pairs(a.nvim_list_bufs()) do if a.nvim_buf_is_loaded(buf) then local buf_name = a.nvim_buf_get_name(buf) local exact_match = buf_name == old_path local child_match = ( buf_name:sub(1, #old_path) == old_path and buf_name:sub(#old_path + 1, #old_path + 1) == path_separator ) if exact_match or child_match then a.nvim_buf_set_name(buf, new_path .. buf_name:sub(#old_path + 1)) -- to avoid the 'overwrite existing file' error message on write for -- normal files if a.nvim_buf_get_option(buf, "buftype") == "" then a.nvim_buf_call(buf, function() vim.cmd "silent! write!" end) end end end end end --- @param path string path to file or directory --- @return boolean function M.file_exists(path) local _, error = vim.loop.fs_stat(path) return error == nil end --- @param path string --- @return string function M.canonical_path(path) if M.is_windows and path:match "^%a:" then return path:sub(1, 1):upper() .. path:sub(2) end return path end -- Create empty sub-tables if not present -- @param tbl to create empty inside of -- @param sub dot separated string of sub-tables -- @return deepest sub-table function M.table_create_missing(tbl, sub) if tbl == nil then return nil end local t = tbl for s in string.gmatch(sub, "([^%.]+)%.*") do if t[s] == nil then t[s] = {} end t = t[s] end return t end function M.format_bytes(bytes) local units = { "B", "K", "M", "G", "T" } bytes = math.max(bytes, 0) local pow = math.floor((bytes and math.log(bytes) or 0) / math.log(1024)) pow = math.min(pow, #units) local value = bytes / (1024 ^ pow) value = math.floor((value * 10) + 0.5) / 10 pow = pow + 1 return (units[pow] == nil) and (bytes .. "B") or (value .. units[pow]) end function M.key_by(tbl, key) local keyed = {} for _, val in ipairs(tbl) do keyed[val[key]] = val end return keyed end return M