if exists('g:loaded_unstack') finish endif let g:loaded_unstack = 1 "Settings {{{ if !exists('g:unstack_mapkey') let g:unstack_mapkey = '<leader>s' endif if g:unstack_mapkey !~# '^\s*$' exe 'nnoremap <silent> '.g:unstack_mapkey.' :set operatorfunc=unstack#Unstack<cr>g@' exe 'vnoremap <silent> '.g:unstack_mapkey.' :<c-u>call unstack#Unstack(visualmode())<cr>' endif "List of text extractors if (!exists('g:unstack_extractors')) let g:unstack_extractors = unstack#extractors#GetDefaults() endif "populate quickfix with stack if (!exists('g:unstack_populate_quickfix')) let g:unstack_populate_quickfix = 0 endif "open stack in vsplits in a new tab if (!exists('g:unstack_open_tab')) let g:unstack_open_tab = 1 endif "Either landscape (vsplits) or portrait (splits) if (!exists('g:unstack_layout')) let g:unstack_layout = "landscape" endif "'scrolloff' value while files are opened if (!exists('g:unstack_scrolloff')) let g:unstack_scrolloff = 0 endif "where to put the line from the stack trace if (!exists('g:unstack_vertical_alignment')) let g:unstack_vertical_alignment = "middle" endif "Whether or not to show signs on error lines (highlights them red) if !exists('g:unstack_showsigns') let g:unstack_showsigns = 1 endif "}}} "Commands {{{ command! -nargs=1 UnstackFromText call unstack#UnstackFromText(eval(<f-args>)) command! UnstackFromClipboard call unstack#UnstackFromText(@+) command! UnstackFromSelection call unstack#UnstackFromText(@*) command! UnstackFromTmux call unstack#UnstackFromTmuxPasteBuffer() "}}} " vim: et sw=2 sts=2 foldmethod=marker foldmarker={{{,}}}