*neoyank.txt* Saves yank history includes unite.vim/denite.nvim source. Version: 1.0 Author : Shougo <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> License: MIT license CONTENTS *neoyank-contents* Usage |neoyank-usage| Install |neoyank-install| Configuration Examples |neoyank-examples| Interface |neoyank-interface| Variables |neoyank-variables| Functions |neoyank-functions| Sources |neoyank-sources| FAQ |neoyank-faq| ============================================================================== USAGE *neoyank-usage* To browse a history of yank registers. > :Unite history/yank < Or > :Denite neoyank < ============================================================================== INSTALL *neoyank-install* Requirements: unite.vim or denite.nvim https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim https://github.com/Shougo/denite.nvim ============================================================================== INTERFACE *neoyank-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *neoyank-variables* *g:neoyank#limit* g:neoyank#limit The maximum number of |unite-source-history/yank| to save. The default value is 100. *g:neoyank#length* g:neoyank#length The maximum length of register. The default value is 10000. *g:neoyank#file* g:neoyank#file Specify the file to write the information of yank history. If this variable is empty, saving history is disabled. The default value is |g:unite_data_directory|; '/history_yank' If you want to use another value than what's defined in |g:unite_data_directory| you have to specify the full path. Example: > let g:neoyank#file = $HOME.'/.vim/yankring.txt' < *g:neoyank#save_registers* g:neoyank#save_registers Specify the save registers to yank history. The default value is ['"']. *g:neoyank#disable_write* g:neoyank#disable_write Set to some nonzero value to prohibit neoyank from saving to the yank history. Intended to prevent leaks from encrypted files to the unencrypted yank history. Note: This variable is global. Local variables would not work as the yank history is shared by all buffers. Example: autocmd BufWinEnter \(*.asc\|*.gpg\) let g:neoyank_disable = 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *neoyank-functions* *neoyank#update()* neoyank#update() Update neoyank cache file manually. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOURCES *neoyank-sources* *unite-source-history/yank* history/yank Nominates yanked words. Note: Ignores yanked words which are too long. Source arguments: 1. register names *denite-source-neoyank* neoyank Nominates yanked words. ============================================================================== FAQ *neoyank-faq* How can I configure the yankring paste position? You can either pass the insert or append option. e.g.: > :Unite history/yank -default-action=append<CR> < ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: