If you need help, ask your question in the [Gitter Chat](https://gitter.im/SpaceVim/SpaceVim),
a member of the community will help you out.

Here is a simple guide for how to get help with SpaceVim. Before asking
questions, please read the [FAQ](https://spacevim.org/faq/), the answer
to your question may be listed there. 

### Transitioning to init.toml

If you are not new to Vim, and you are familiar with your own vim
config, we recommend to use `vimcompatible` mode, In this mode, no
original key bindings will be overriden.

### Language support

SpaceVim use language layer to to provide common IDE functionality for
any arbitrary programming language. This enables features like

- code completion
- syntax checking
- find definition and references
- code formatting
- syntax highlighting
- indent

please check out the [available layers](https://spacevim.org/layers/) for all supported languages.