*over.txt*	highlighter for |:s|

CONTENTS                                                     *over-contents*

Overview                                                 |over-introduction|
Interface                                                   |over-interface|
Commands	                                             |over-commands|
Settings                                                      |over-setting|
Variables                                                   |over-variables|
Highlight settings                             |over-command_line-highlight|
Key mappings                                |over-command_line-key-mappings|
autocmd                                          |over-command_line-autocmd|
Change log                                                  |over-changelog|

OVERVIEW                                                *over-introduction*

*over.vim* is a plug-in that highlights the {pattern} parameter 
from |:substitute| {pattern}. 

Alternatively you can switch to the command line with |:OverCommandLine|.
Here, you can directly type your {pattern} and it will be automatically 
highlighted and the {string} replacement will be previewed.

  Vim 7.3 or above.
    |strchars()| and |+conceal|

INTERFACE                                                 *over-interface*

COMMANDS                                                   *over-commands*

:OverCommandLine [{input}]	                        *:OverCommandLine*
  |over.vim| standalone command line mode emulating |:substitute|.
  It will highlight your {pattern} and the {string} replacement will be 

  While in command line mode, only a subset of key mappings are available see
  |over-command_line-key-mappings| for details.
  {input} pre-feed the command line with the given input.

:OverCommandLineNoremap {lhs} {rhs}		 *:OverCommandLineNoremap*
  It is the same as :OverCommandLine but with a specified key remap.
  {lhs} will be substitued by {rhs}.
  You can only substitute one key or one key with at most one modifier.
  You can set it up in |g:over_command_line_key_mappings|.
Example: >
    OverCommandLineNoremap <A-b> <C-b>
    OverCommandLineNoremap <A-f> <C-f>

SETTINGS                                                     *over-setting*

VARIABLES                                                  *over-variables*

g:over_enable_auto_nohlsearch	            *g:over_enable_auto_nohlsearch*
  set to 1 to enable the highlighting from the command line automatically
Default: >
    let g:over_enable_auto_nohlsearch = 1

g:over_enable_cmd_window		         *g:over_enable_cmd_window*
  set to 1 in order to enable the command line

Default: >
    let g:over_enable_cmd_window = 1

g:over_command_line_prompt	               *g:over_command_line_prompt*
  sets the |:OverCommandLine| prompt.
Default: >
  let g:over_command_line_prompt = "> "

g:over_command_line_key_mappings         *g:over_command_line_key_mappings*
  Sets the key mapping used on the command line. 
  You can only substitute one key or one key with at most one modifier.
Example: >
    " <C-l> assigned to <C-f>
    " <C-h> assigned to <C-b>
    let g:over_command_line_key_mappings = {
    \	"\<C-l>" : "\<C-f>",
    \	"\<C-h>" : "\<C-b>",
  Set to 1 if you want to highlight :/ or :? searches.
Default: >
    let g:over#command_line#search#enable_incsearch = 1
  Set to 1 the pattern highlight will follow the cursor on the 
  :/ or :? command.
Default: >
    let g:over#command_line#search#enable_move_cursor = 0
  Sets the set of characters to be automatically escaped when a buffer is
  pasted on the command line with <C-v>.
Example: >
    " If you paste $foo.bar / 2 + 1
    " \$foo\.bar \/ 2 + 1 will be generated on the command line
    let g:over#command_line#paste_escape_chars = '/.*$^~'

g:over#command_line#paste_filters	*g:over#command_line#paste_filters*
  This is a generic way of remplacing the content of the paste buffer 
  when you paste on the command line with <C-v>.
Default: >
    " This will escape "\n" and "\r" automatically.
    let g:over#command_line#paste_filters = {
    \	"\n" : '\\n',
    \	"\r" : '\\r',
  Instead of previewing the replacement next to the replaced pattern, it
  visually replaces the pattern instead.
  Not enabled. To enable, set it to 1.
Example: >
  The wolf jumps over the sheep.
       || --- You want to replace 'wolf' with 'bear'.

  The [wolf][bear] jumps over the sheep.
       || --- Here is how vim-over will show you the preview normally.

  The [bear] jumps over the sheep.
       || --- Here is how vim-over will show you the preview with this
              option enabled.

HIGHLIGHT SETTINGS                            *over-command_line-highlight*

|:highlight| color settings are used by |over.vim|.

OverCommandLineCursor                               *OverCommandLineCursor*
  This is the highlight color of the current cursor position.
  The default value is |hl-Cursor|. 

OverCommandLineCursorInsert                   *OverCommandLineCursorInsert*
  This is the highlight color of the current cursor position in insert mode.
  The default value is |hl-Cursor| with |underline| set.

KEY MAPPINGS                               *over-command_line-key-mappings*

This is the key mapping that can be used on the command line.
It is specified by setting |g:over_command_line_key_map|.

Key                     Action~
-----------		-------------------------------
<CR>			Executes the command
<Esc>			Exits from the command line
<C-v>			Yank into the command line
<BS> or <C-h>		Deletes the character the cursor is on
<C-w>			Deletes the previous character
<Right> or <C-f>        Moves the cursor to the right
<Left> or <C-b>		Moves the cursor to the left
<Del> or <C-d>		Deletes the character the cursor is on
<Home> or <C-a>		Moves the cursor at the beginning on the line
<End> or <C-e>		Moves the cursor at the end of the line
<Up> or <C-p>		Moves up in the command history
<Down> or <C-n>		Moves down in the command history
<C-r><C-f>		Inserts the name of the current file
<C-r><C-w>		Inserts word from under the cursor
<C-r><C-r>		Inserts WORD from under the cursor
<Tab>			Autocomplete from the words in the file
<C-r>{0-9a-z"%#:-.*=}	Insert the specified register or named register

You can also specify those specific mapping that can be
assigned from |OverCommandLineNoremap|.

Key						Action
-----------                                     --------
<Plug>(over-cmdline-substitute-jump-pattern)	Move the cursor to the next 
                                                |:substitute| {pattern}
<Plug>(over-cmdline-substitute-jump-string)	Move the cursor to the next 
                                                |:substitute| {string}
<Plug>(over-cmdline-scroll-y)			|CTRL-y| equivalent
<Plug>(over-cmdline-scroll-u)			|CTRL-u| equivalent
<Plug>(over-cmdline-scroll-f)			|CTRL-f| equivalent
<Plug>(over-cmdline-scroll-e)			|CTRL-e| equivalent
<Plug>(over-cmdline-scroll-d)			|CTRL-d| equivalent
<Plug>(over-cmdline-scroll-b)			|CTRL-b| equivalent

Example: >
    OverCommandLineNoremap <A-s> <Plug>(over-cmdline-substitute-jump-string)
    OverCommandLineNoremap <A-p> <Plug>(over-cmdline-substitute-jump-pattern)

AUTOCMD                                         *over-command_line-autocmd*

|:OverCommandLine| triggers those following |User| |autocmd|.

Function		Event
OverCmdLineEnter	triggered when you enter the command line mode
OverCmdLineLeave	triggered when you leave the command line mode
OverCmdLineExecutePre   triggered before a command execution
OverCmdLineExecute	triggered after a command execution
OverCmdLineCharPre      triggered before every character insertion
OverCmdLineChar	        triggered after every character insertion
OverCmdLineCancel	triggered when you exit without running the line

CHANGE LOG                                                 *over-changelog*

  - Refactoring
  - Change cursor highlight
  - Add highlighting :/ and :%g/
  - No input special keys(e.g. <BS>, <C->)
