---@tag telescope.actions.utils ---@config { ["module"] = "telescope.actions.utils", ["name"] = "ACTIONS_UTILS" } ---@brief [[ --- Utilities to wrap functions around picker selections and entries. --- --- Generally used from within other |telescope.actions| ---@brief ]] local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" local utils = {} --- Apply `f` to the entries of the current picker. --- - Notes: --- - Mapped entries include all currently filtered results, not just the visible onces. --- - Indices are 1-indexed, whereas rows are 0-indexed. --- - Warning: `map_entries` has no return value. --- - The below example showcases how to collect results --- --- Usage: --- <code> --- local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" --- local action_utils = require "telescope.actions.utils" --- function entry_value_by_row() --- local prompt_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() --- local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) --- local results = {} --- action_utils.map_entries(prompt_bufnr, function(entry, index, row) --- results[row] = entry.value --- end) --- return results --- end --- </code> ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr ---@param f function: Function to map onto entries of picker that takes (entry, index, row) as viable arguments function utils.map_entries(prompt_bufnr, f) vim.validate { f = { f, "function" }, } local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) local index = 1 -- indices are 1-indexed, rows are 0-indexed for entry in current_picker.manager:iter() do local row = current_picker:get_row(index) f(entry, index, row) index = index + 1 end end --- Apply `f` to the multi selections of the current picker and return a table of mapped selections. --- - Notes: --- - Mapped selections may include results not visible in the results popup. --- - Selected entries are returned in order of their selection. --- - Warning: `map_selections` has no return value. --- - The below example showcases how to collect results --- --- Usage: --- <code> --- local action_state = require "telescope.actions.state" --- local action_utils = require "telescope.actions.utils" --- function selection_by_index() --- local prompt_bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() --- local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) --- local results = {} --- action_utils.map_selections(prompt_bufnr, function(entry, index) --- results[index] = entry.value --- end) --- return results --- end --- </code> ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr ---@param f function: Function to map onto selection of picker that takes (selection) as a viable argument function utils.map_selections(prompt_bufnr, f) vim.validate { f = { f, "function" }, } local current_picker = action_state.get_current_picker(prompt_bufnr) for _, selection in ipairs(current_picker:get_multi_selection()) do f(selection) end end local findnth = function(str, nth) local array = {} for i in string.gmatch(str, "%d+") do table.insert(array, tonumber(i)) end return array[nth] end --- Utility to collect mappings of prompt buffer in array of `{mode, keybind, name}`. ---@param prompt_bufnr number: The prompt bufnr function utils.get_registered_mappings(prompt_bufnr) local ret = {} for _, mode in ipairs { "n", "i" } do local mode_mappings = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_keymap(prompt_bufnr, mode) for _, mapping in ipairs(mode_mappings) do -- ensure only telescope mappings if mapping.rhs and string.find(mapping.rhs, [[require%('telescope.mappings'%).execute_keymap]]) then local funcid = findnth(mapping.rhs, 2) table.insert(ret, { mode = mode, keybind = mapping.lhs, func = __TelescopeKeymapStore[prompt_bufnr][funcid] }) end end end return ret end -- Best effort to infer function names for actions.which_key function utils._get_anon_function_name(func_ref) local Path = require "plenary.path" local info = debug.getinfo(func_ref) local fname -- if fn defined in string (ie loadstring) source is string -- if fn defined in file, source is file name prefixed with a `@ยด local path = Path:new((info.source:gsub("@", ""))) if not path:exists() then return "<anonymous>" end for i, line in ipairs(path:readlines()) do if i == info.linedefined then fname = line break end end -- test if assignment or named function, otherwise anon if (fname:match "=" == nil) and (fname:match "function %S+%(" == nil) then return "<anonymous>" else local patterns = { { "function", "" }, -- remove function { "local", "" }, -- remove local { "[%s=]", "" }, -- remove whitespace and = { [=[%[["']]=], "" }, -- remove left-hand bracket of table assignment { [=[["']%]]=], "" }, -- remove right-ahnd bracket of table assignment { "%((.+)%)", "" }, -- remove function arguments { "(.+)%.", "" }, -- remove TABLE. prefix if available } for _, tbl in ipairs(patterns) do fname = (fname:gsub(tbl[1], tbl[2])) -- make sure only string is returned end -- not sure if this can happen, catch all just in case if fname == nil or fname == "" then return "<anonymous>" end return fname end end return utils