local assert = require "luassert" local builtin = require "telescope.builtin" local log = require "telescope.log" local Job = require "plenary.job" local Path = require "plenary.path" local tester = {} tester.debug = false local replace_terms = function(input) return vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(input, true, false, true) end local nvim_feed = function(text, feed_opts) feed_opts = feed_opts or "m" vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(text, feed_opts, true) end local writer = function(val) if type(val) == "table" then val = vim.json.encode(val) .. "\n" end if tester.debug then print(val) else io.stderr:write(val) end end local execute_test_case = function(location, key, spec) local ok, actual = pcall(spec[2]) if not ok then writer { location = "Error: " .. location, case = key, expected = "To succeed and return: " .. tostring(spec[1]), actual = actual, _type = spec._type, } else writer { location = location, case = key, expected = spec[1], actual = actual, _type = spec._type, } end end local end_test_cases = function() vim.cmd [[qa!]] end local invalid_test_case = function(k) writer { case = k, expected = "<a valid key>", actual = k } end_test_cases() end tester.picker_feed = function(input, test_cases) input = replace_terms(input) return coroutine.wrap(function() for i = 1, #input do local char = input:sub(i, i) nvim_feed(char, "") -- TODO: I'm not 100% sure this is a hack or not... -- it's possible these characters could still have an on_complete... but i'm not sure. if string.match(char, "%g") then coroutine.yield() end if tester.debug then vim.wait(200) end end vim.wait(10) if tester.debug then coroutine.yield() end vim.defer_fn(function() if test_cases.post_typed then for k, v in ipairs(test_cases.post_typed) do execute_test_case("post_typed", k, v) end end nvim_feed(replace_terms "<CR>", "") end, 20) vim.defer_fn(function() if test_cases.post_close then for k, v in ipairs(test_cases.post_close) do execute_test_case("post_close", k, v) end end if tester.debug then return end vim.defer_fn(end_test_cases, 20) end, 40) coroutine.yield() end) end local _VALID_KEYS = { post_typed = true, post_close = true, } tester.builtin_picker = function(builtin_key, input, test_cases, opts) opts = opts or {} tester.debug = opts.debug or false for k, _ in pairs(test_cases) do if not _VALID_KEYS[k] then return invalid_test_case(k) end end opts.on_complete = { tester.picker_feed(input, test_cases), } builtin[builtin_key](opts) end local get_results_from_file = function(file) local j = Job:new { command = "nvim", args = { "--noplugin", "-u", "scripts/minimal_init.vim", "-c", string.format([[lua require("telescope.pickers._test")._execute("%s")]], file), }, } j:sync(10000) local results = j:stderr_result() local result_table = {} for _, v in ipairs(results) do table.insert(result_table, vim.json.decode(v)) end return result_table end local asserters = { _default = assert.are.same, are = assert.are.same, are_not = assert.are_not.same, } local check_results = function(results) -- TODO: We should get all the test cases here that fail, not just the first one. for _, v in ipairs(results) do local assertion = asserters[v._type or "default"] assertion(v.expected, v.actual, string.format("Test Case: %s // %s", v.location, v.case)) end end tester.run_string = function(contents) local tempname = vim.fn.tempname() contents = [[ local tester = require('telescope.pickers._test') local helper = require('telescope.pickers._test_helpers') helper.make_globals() ]] .. contents vim.fn.writefile(vim.split(contents, "\n"), tempname) local result_table = get_results_from_file(tempname) vim.fn.delete(tempname) check_results(result_table) end tester.run_file = function(filename) local file = "./lua/tests/pickers/" .. filename .. ".lua" if not Path:new(file):exists() then assert.are.same("<An existing file>", file) end local result_table = get_results_from_file(file) check_results(result_table) end tester.not_ = function(val) val._type = "are_not" return val end tester._execute = function(filename) -- Important so that the outputs don't get mixed log.use_console = false vim.cmd(string.format("luafile %s", filename)) local f = loadfile(filename) if not f then writer { location = "Error: " .. filename, case = filename, expected = "To succeed", actual = nil, } end local ok, msg = pcall(f) if not ok then writer { location = "Error: " .. msg, case = msg, expected = msg, } end end_test_cases() end return tester