scriptencoding utf-8 " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Settings initialization " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ let s:deprecations = { \ 'get_definition_command': 'goto_definitions_command', \ 'pydoc': 'documentation_command', \ 'related_names_command': 'usages_command', \ 'autocompletion_command': 'completions_command', \ 'show_function_definition': 'show_call_signatures', \ } let s:default_settings = { \ 'use_tabs_not_buffers': 0, \ 'use_splits_not_buffers': 1, \ 'auto_initialization': 1, \ 'auto_vim_configuration': 1, \ 'goto_command': "'<leader>d'", \ 'goto_assignments_command': "'<leader>g'", \ 'goto_definitions_command': "''", \ 'goto_stubs_command': "'<leader>s'", \ 'completions_command': "'<C-Space>'", \ 'call_signatures_command': "'<leader>n'", \ 'usages_command': "'<leader>n'", \ 'rename_command': "'<leader>r'", \ 'completions_enabled': 1, \ 'popup_on_dot': 'g:jedi#completions_enabled', \ 'documentation_command': "'K'", \ 'show_call_signatures': has('conceal') ? 1 : 2, \ 'show_call_signatures_delay': 500, \ 'call_signature_escape': "'?!?'", \ 'auto_close_doc': 1, \ 'max_doc_height': 30, \ 'popup_select_first': 1, \ 'quickfix_window_height': 10, \ 'force_py_version': "'auto'", \ 'environment_path': "'auto'", \ 'added_sys_path': '[]', \ 'project_path': "'auto'", \ 'smart_auto_mappings': 0, \ 'case_insensitive_completion': 1, \ 'use_tag_stack': 1 \ } for [s:key, s:val] in items(s:deprecations) if exists('g:jedi#'.s:key) echom "'g:jedi#".s:key."' is deprecated. Please use 'g:jedi#".s:val."' instead. Sorry for the inconvenience." exe 'let g:jedi#'.s:val.' = g:jedi#'.s:key endif endfor for [s:key, s:val] in items(s:default_settings) if !exists('g:jedi#'.s:key) exe 'let g:jedi#'.s:key.' = '.s:val endif endfor let s:supports_buffer_usages = has('nvim') || exists('*prop_add') " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " Python initialization " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ let s:script_path = expand('<sfile>:p:h:h') function! s:init_python() abort " Use g:jedi#force_py_version for loading Jedi, or fall back to using " `has()` - preferring Python 3. if !has('python3') throw 'jedi-vim requires Vim with support for Python 3.' endif call jedi#setup_python_imports() return 1 endfunction function! jedi#reinit_python() abort let s:_init_python = -1 call jedi#init_python() endfunction " This is meant to be called with `:unsilent` (for &shortmess+=F). function! s:display_exception() abort let error_lines = split(v:exception, '\n') let msg = 'Error: jedi-vim failed to initialize Python: ' \ .error_lines[0].' (in '.v:throwpoint.')' if len(error_lines) > 1 echohl ErrorMsg echom 'jedi-vim error: '.error_lines[0] for line in error_lines[1:] echom line endfor echohl None let help_cmd = ':JediDebugInfo' if exists(':checkhealth') == 2 let help_cmd .= ' / :checkhealth' endif let msg .= printf('. See :messages and/or %s for more information.', \ help_cmd) endif redraw " Redraw to only have the main message by default. echoerr msg endfunction let s:_init_python = -1 function! jedi#init_python() abort if s:_init_python == -1 let s:_init_python = 0 try let s:_init_python = s:init_python() let s:_init_python = 1 catch /^jedi/ " Only catch errors from jedi-vim itself here, so that for " unexpected Python exceptions the traceback will be shown " (e.g. with NameError in jedi#setup_python_imports's code). if !exists('g:jedi#squelch_py_warning') unsilent call s:display_exception() endif endtry endif return s:_init_python endfunction function! jedi#setup_python_imports() abort let g:_jedi_init_error = 0 let init_lines = [ \ 'import vim', \ 'def _jedi_handle_exc(exc_info):', \ ' try:', \ ' from jedi_vim_debug import format_exc_info', \ ' vim.vars["_jedi_init_error"] = format_exc_info(exc_info)', \ ' except Exception:', \ ' import traceback', \ ' vim.vars["_jedi_init_error"] = "\\n".join(traceback.format_exception(*exc_info))', \ 'try:', \ ' import jedi_vim', \ ' if hasattr(jedi_vim, "jedi_import_error"):', \ ' _jedi_handle_exc(jedi_vim.jedi_import_error)', \ 'except Exception as exc:', \ ' _jedi_handle_exc(sys.exc_info())', \ ] exe 'python3 exec('''.escape(join(init_lines, '\n'), "'").''')' if g:_jedi_init_error isnot 0 throw printf('jedi#setup_python_imports: %s', g:_jedi_init_error) endif return 1 endfunction function! jedi#debug_info() abort if &verbose if &filetype !=# 'python' echohl WarningMsg | echo 'You should run this in a buffer with filetype "python".' | echohl None endif endif let spath = shellescape(s:script_path) echo '#### Jedi-vim debug information' echo "\n" echo '##### jedi-vim version' echo "\n" echo ' - jedi-vim git version: ' echon substitute(system('git -C '.spath.' describe --tags --always --dirty'), '\v\n$', '', '') echo ' - jedi git submodule status: ' echon substitute(system('git -C '.spath.' submodule status pythonx/jedi'), '\v\n$', '', '') echo ' - parso git submodule status: ' echon substitute(system('git -C '.spath.' submodule status pythonx/parso'), '\v\n$', '', '') echo "\n" echo '##### Global Python' echo "\n" echo 'Using Python version 3 to access Jedi.' let s:pythonjedi_called = 0 try python3 import vim; vim.command('let s:pythonjedi_called = 1') catch echo 'Error when trying to import vim: '.v:exception endtry if !s:pythonjedi_called echohl WarningMsg echom 'python3 failed to run, likely a Python config issue.' if exists(':checkhealth') == 2 echom 'Try :checkhealth for more information.' endif echohl None else try python3 from jedi_vim_debug import display_debug_info python3 display_debug_info() catch echohl WarningMsg echo 'Error when running display_debug_info: '.v:exception echohl None endtry endif echo "\n" echo '##### Settings' echo "\n" echo '```' let jedi_settings = items(filter(copy(g:), "v:key =~# '\\v^jedi#'")) let has_nondefault_settings = 0 for [k, V] in jedi_settings exe 'let default = '.get(s:default_settings, \ substitute(k, '\v^jedi#', '', ''), "'-'") " vint: -ProhibitUsingUndeclaredVariable if default !=# V echo printf('g:%s = %s (default: %s)', k, string(V), string(default)) unlet! V " Fix variable type mismatch with Vim 7.3. let has_nondefault_settings = 1 endif " vint: +ProhibitUsingUndeclaredVariable endfor if has_nondefault_settings echo "\n" endif verb set omnifunc? completeopt? echo '```' if &verbose echo "\n" echo '#### :version' echo '```' version echo '```' echo "\n" echo '#### :messages' echo '```' messages echo '```' echo "\n" echo '<details><summary>:scriptnames</summary>' echo "\n" echo '```' scriptnames echo '```' echo '</details>' endif endfunction " Helper function instead of `python vim.eval()`, and `.command()` because " these also return error definitions. function! jedi#_vim_exceptions(str, is_eval) abort let l:result = {} try if a:is_eval let l:result.result = eval(a:str) else execute a:str let l:result.result = '' endif catch let l:result.exception = v:exception let l:result.throwpoint = v:throwpoint endtry return l:result endfunction call jedi#init_python() " Might throw an error. " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " functions that call python code " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! jedi#goto() abort python3 jedi_vim.goto(mode="goto") endfunction function! jedi#goto_assignments() abort python3 jedi_vim.goto(mode="assignment") endfunction function! jedi#goto_definitions() abort python3 jedi_vim.goto(mode="definition") endfunction function! jedi#goto_stubs() abort python3 jedi_vim.goto(mode="stubs") endfunction function! jedi#usages() abort if exists('#jedi_usages#BufWinEnter') call jedi#clear_usages() endif python3 jedi_vim.usages() endfunction if !s:supports_buffer_usages " Hide usages in the current window. " Only handles the current window due to matchdelete() restrictions. function! jedi#_hide_usages_in_win() abort let winnr = winnr() let matchids = getwinvar(winnr, '_jedi_usages_vim_matchids', []) for matchid in matchids[1:] call matchdelete(matchid) endfor call setwinvar(winnr, '_jedi_usages_vim_matchids', []) " Remove the autocommands that might have triggered this function. augroup jedi_usages exe 'autocmd! * <buffer='.winbufnr(winnr).'>' augroup END unlet! b:_jedi_usages_needs_clear endfunction " Show usages for current window (Vim without textprops only). function! jedi#_show_usages_in_win() abort python3 jedi_vim.highlight_usages_for_vim_win() if !exists('#jedi_usages#TextChanged#<buffer>') augroup jedi_usages " Unset highlights on any changes to this buffer. " NOTE: Neovim's API handles movement of highlights, but would only " need to clear highlights that are changed inline. autocmd TextChanged <buffer> call jedi#_clear_buffer_usages() " Hide usages when the buffer is removed from the window, or when " entering insert mode (but keep them for later). autocmd BufWinLeave,InsertEnter <buffer> call jedi#_hide_usages_in_win() augroup END endif endfunction " Remove usages for the current buffer (and all its windows). function! jedi#_clear_buffer_usages() abort let bufnr = bufnr('%') let nvim_src_ids = getbufvar(bufnr, '_jedi_usages_src_ids', []) if !empty(nvim_src_ids) for src_id in nvim_src_ids " TODO: could only clear highlights below/after changed line?! call nvim_buf_clear_highlight(bufnr, src_id, 0, -1) endfor else call jedi#_hide_usages_in_win() endif endfunction endif " Remove/unset global usages. function! jedi#clear_usages() abort augroup jedi_usages autocmd! BufWinEnter autocmd! WinEnter augroup END if !s:supports_buffer_usages " Vim without textprops: clear current window, " autocommands will clean others on demand. call jedi#_hide_usages_in_win() " Setup autocommands to clear remaining highlights on WinEnter. augroup jedi_usages for b in range(1, bufnr('$')) if getbufvar(b, '_jedi_usages_needs_clear') exe 'autocmd WinEnter <buffer='.b.'> call jedi#_hide_usages_in_win()' endif endfor augroup END endif python3 jedi_vim.clear_usages() endfunction function! jedi#rename(...) abort python3 jedi_vim.rename() endfunction function! jedi#rename_visual(...) abort python3 jedi_vim.rename_visual() endfunction function! jedi#completions(findstart, base) abort python3 jedi_vim.completions() endfunction function! jedi#enable_speed_debugging() abort python3 jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout, speed=True, warnings=False, notices=False) endfunction function! jedi#enable_debugging() abort python3 jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout) endfunction function! jedi#disable_debugging() abort python3 jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(None) endfunction function! jedi#py_import(args) abort python3 jedi_vim.py_import() endfun function! jedi#choose_environment(args) abort python3 jedi_vim.choose_environment() endfun function! jedi#load_project(args) abort python3 jedi_vim.load_project() endfun function! jedi#py_import_completions(argl, cmdl, pos) abort python3 jedi_vim.py_import_completions() endfun function! jedi#clear_cache(bang) abort if a:bang python3 jedi_vim.jedi.cache.clear_time_caches(True) else python3 jedi_vim.jedi.cache.clear_time_caches(False) endif endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " show_documentation " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! jedi#show_documentation() abort python3 if jedi_vim.show_documentation() is None: vim.command('return') let bn = bufnr('__doc__') if bn > 0 let wi=index(tabpagebuflist(tabpagenr()), bn) if wi >= 0 " If the __doc__ buffer is open in the current tab, jump to it silent execute (wi+1).'wincmd w' else silent execute 'sbuffer '.bn endif else split __doc__ endif setlocal modifiable setlocal noswapfile setlocal buftype=nofile silent normal! ggdG silent $put=l:doc silent normal! 1Gdd setlocal nomodifiable setlocal nomodified setlocal filetype=rst setlocal foldlevel=200 " do not fold in __doc__ if l:doc_lines > g:jedi#max_doc_height " max lines for plugin let l:doc_lines = g:jedi#max_doc_height endif execute 'resize '.l:doc_lines " quit comands nnoremap <buffer> q ZQ if len(g:jedi#documentation_command) execute 'nnoremap <buffer> '.g:jedi#documentation_command.' ZQ' endif endfunction " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ " helper functions " ------------------------------------------------------------------------ function! jedi#add_goto_window(for_usages, len) abort let height = min([a:len, g:jedi#quickfix_window_height]) " Use :copen to go to the window always - the user should select an entry. execute 'belowright copen '.height if &filetype !=# 'qf' echoerr printf('jedi-vim: unexpected ft with current window (%s), please report!', &filetype) endif if g:jedi#use_tabs_not_buffers == 1 noremap <buffer> <CR> :call jedi#goto_window_on_enter()<CR> endif augroup jedi_goto_window if a:for_usages autocmd BufWinLeave <buffer> call jedi#clear_usages() else autocmd WinLeave <buffer> q " automatically leave, if an option is chosen endif augroup END if a:for_usages && !has('nvim') if s:supports_buffer_usages " Setup autocommand for pending highlights with Vim's textprops. " (cannot be added to unlisted buffers) augroup jedi_usages autocmd! BufWinEnter * call s:usages_for_pending_buffers() augroup END else " Setup global autocommand to display any usages for a window. " Gets removed when closing the quickfix window that displays them, or " when clearing them (e.g. on TextChanged). augroup jedi_usages autocmd! BufWinEnter,WinEnter * call jedi#_show_usages_in_win() augroup END endif endif endfunction " Highlight usages for a buffer if not done so yet (Neovim only). function! s:usages_for_pending_buffers() abort python3 jedi_vim._handle_pending_usages_for_buf() endfunction function! jedi#goto_window_on_enter() abort let l:list = getqflist() let l:data = l:list[line('.') - 1] if l:data.bufnr " close goto_window buffer normal! ZQ python3 jedi_vim.set_buffer(vim.eval('bufname(l:data.bufnr)')) call cursor(l:data.lnum, l:data.col) else echohl WarningMsg | echo 'Builtin module cannot be opened.' | echohl None endif endfunction function! s:syn_stack() abort if !exists('*synstack') return [] endif return map(synstack(line('.'), col('.') - 1), "synIDattr(v:val, 'name')") endfunc function! jedi#do_popup_on_dot_in_highlight() abort let highlight_groups = s:syn_stack() for a in highlight_groups if a ==# 'pythonDoctest' return 1 endif endfor for a in highlight_groups for b in ['pythonString', 'pythonComment', 'pythonNumber'] if a == b return 0 endif endfor endfor return 1 endfunc let s:show_call_signatures_last = [0, 0, ''] function! jedi#show_call_signatures() abort if s:_init_python == 0 return 1 endif let [line, col] = [line('.'), col('.')] let curline = getline(line) let reload_signatures = 1 " Caching. On the same line only. if line == s:show_call_signatures_last[0] " Check if the number of special signs before or after the " cursor has not changed since the last call, which means that the " argument position was not changed and we can skip repainting. let prevcol = s:show_call_signatures_last[1] let prevline = s:show_call_signatures_last[2] let no_special = '[^,()=]' if substitute(curline[:col-2], no_special, '', 'g') \ == substitute(prevline[:prevcol-2], no_special, '', 'g') \ && substitute(curline[(col-2):], no_special, '', 'g') \ == substitute(prevline[(prevcol-2):], no_special, '', 'g') let reload_signatures = 0 endif endif let s:show_call_signatures_last = [line, col, curline] if reload_signatures python3 jedi_vim.show_call_signatures() endif endfunction function! jedi#clear_call_signatures() abort if s:_init_python == 0 return 1 endif let s:show_call_signatures_last = [0, 0, ''] python3 jedi_vim.clear_call_signatures() endfunction function! jedi#configure_call_signatures() abort augroup jedi_call_signatures autocmd! * <buffer> if g:jedi#show_call_signatures == 2 " Command line call signatures autocmd InsertEnter <buffer> let g:jedi#first_col = s:save_first_col() endif autocmd InsertEnter <buffer> let s:show_call_signatures_last = [0, 0, ''] autocmd InsertLeave <buffer> call jedi#clear_call_signatures() if g:jedi#show_call_signatures_delay > 0 autocmd InsertEnter <buffer> let b:_jedi_orig_updatetime = &updatetime \ | let &updatetime = g:jedi#show_call_signatures_delay autocmd InsertLeave <buffer> if exists('b:_jedi_orig_updatetime') \ | let &updatetime = b:_jedi_orig_updatetime \ | unlet b:_jedi_orig_updatetime \ | endif autocmd CursorHoldI <buffer> call jedi#show_call_signatures() else autocmd CursorMovedI <buffer> call jedi#show_call_signatures() endif augroup END endfunction " Determine where the current window is on the screen for displaying call " signatures in the correct column. function! s:save_first_col() abort if bufname('%') ==# '[Command Line]' || winnr('$') == 1 return 0 endif let startwin = winnr() let winwidth = winwidth(0) if winwidth == &columns return 0 elseif winnr('$') == 2 return startwin == 1 ? 0 : (winwidth(1) + 1) elseif winnr('$') == 3 if startwin == 1 return 0 endif let ww1 = winwidth(1) let ww2 = winwidth(2) let ww3 = winwidth(3) if ww1 + ww2 + ww3 + 2 == &columns if startwin == 2 return ww1 + 1 else return ww1 + ww2 + 2 endif elseif startwin == 2 if ww2 + ww3 + 1 == &columns return 0 else return ww1 + 1 endif else " startwin == 3 if ww2 + ww3 + 1 == &columns return ww2 + 1 else return ww1 + 1 endif endif endif return 0 endfunction function! jedi#complete_string(autocomplete) abort if a:autocomplete if !(g:jedi#popup_on_dot && jedi#do_popup_on_dot_in_highlight()) return '' endif let s:saved_completeopt = &completeopt set completeopt-=longest set completeopt+=menuone set completeopt-=menu if &completeopt !~# 'noinsert\|noselect' " Patch 775 introduced noinsert and noselect, previously these " options didn't exist. Setting them in earlier versions results in " errors (E474). if has('patch-7.4-775') if g:jedi#popup_select_first set completeopt+=noinsert else set completeopt+=noselect endif else " To pass the tests we use this, it seems to get the closest to " the other options. I'm really not sure if this properly " works, but VIM 7.4-775 is already pretty old, so it might not " be a problem anymore in a few years. set completeopt+=longest endif endif elseif pumvisible() return "\<C-n>" endif return "\<C-x>\<C-o>\<C-r>=jedi#complete_opened(".a:autocomplete.")\<CR>" endfunction function! jedi#complete_opened(autocomplete) abort if a:autocomplete let &completeopt = s:saved_completeopt unlet s:saved_completeopt elseif pumvisible() && g:jedi#popup_select_first && stridx(&completeopt, 'longest') > -1 return "\<Down>" endif return '' endfunction function! jedi#smart_auto_mappings() abort " Auto put import statement after from<space> and complete if search('\m^\s*from\s\+[A-Za-z0-9._]\{1,50}\%#\s*$', 'bcn', line('.')) " Enter character and start completion. return "\<space>import \<C-r>=jedi#complete_string(1)\<CR>" endif return "\<space>" endfunction function! jedi#setup_completion() abort " We need our own omnifunc, so this overrides the omnifunc set by " $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/python.vim. setlocal omnifunc=jedi#completions " map ctrl+space for autocompletion if g:jedi#completions_command ==# '<C-Space>' " In terminals, <C-Space> sometimes equals <Nul>. imap <buffer> <Nul> <C-Space> smap <buffer> <Nul> <C-Space> endif if len(g:jedi#completions_command) execute 'inoremap <expr> <buffer> '.g:jedi#completions_command.' jedi#complete_string(0)' " A separate mapping for select mode: deletes and completes. execute 'snoremap <expr> <buffer> '.g:jedi#completions_command." '\<C-g>c'.jedi#complete_string(0)" endif endfunction "python3 jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout, speed=True, warnings=False, notices=False) "python3 jedi_vim.jedi.set_debug_function(jedi_vim.print_to_stdout) " vim: set et ts=4: