[bdist_wheel] universal=1 [flake8] max-line-length = 100 ignore = # do not use bare 'except' E722, # don't know why this was ever even an option, 1+1 should be possible. E226, # Sometimes `type() is` makes sense and is better than isinstance. Code # review is there to find the times when it doesn't make sense. E721, # Line break before binary operator W503, # Single letter loop variables are often fine E741, per-file-ignores = # Ignore apparently unused imports in files where we're (implicitly) # re-exporting them. jedi/__init__.py:F401 jedi/inference/compiled/__init__.py:F401 jedi/inference/value/__init__.py:F401 exclude = jedi/third_party/* .tox/* [pycodestyle] max-line-length = 100 [mypy] # Ensure generics are explicit about what they are (e.g: `List[str]` rather than # just `List`) disallow_any_generics = True disallow_subclassing_any = True # Avoid creating future gotchas emerging from bad typing warn_redundant_casts = True warn_unused_ignores = True warn_return_any = True warn_unused_configs = True warn_unreachable = True # Require values to be explicitly re-exported; this makes things easier for # Flake8 too and avoids accidentally importing thing from the "wrong" place # (which helps avoid circular imports) implicit_reexport = False strict_equality = True [mypy-jedi,jedi.inference.compiled,jedi.inference.value,parso] # Various __init__.py files which contain re-exports we want to implicitly make. implicit_reexport = True