pcall(require, "luacov") local Text = require("nui.text") local Tree = require("nui.tree") local h = require("tests.helpers") local eq = h.eq describe("nui.tree", function() local winid, bufnr before_each(function() winid = vim.api.nvim_get_current_win() bufnr = vim.api.nvim_create_buf(false, true) vim.api.nvim_win_set_buf(winid, bufnr) end) after_each(function() vim.api.nvim_buf_delete(bufnr, { force = true }) end) describe("(#deprecated) o.winid", function() it("throws if missing", function() local ok, err = pcall(Tree, {}) eq(ok, false) eq(type(string.match(err, "missing bufnr")), "string") end) it("throws if invalid", function() local ok, err = pcall(Tree, { winid = 999 }) eq(ok, false) eq(type(string.match(err, "invalid winid ")), "string") end) it("sets t.winid and t.bufnr properly", function() local tree = Tree({ winid = winid }) eq(tree.winid, winid) eq(tree.bufnr, bufnr) end) end) describe("o.bufnr", function() it("throws if missing", function() local ok, err = pcall(Tree, {}) eq(ok, false) eq(type(string.match(err, "missing bufnr")), "string") end) it("throws if invalid", function() local ok, err = pcall(Tree, { bufnr = 999 }) eq(ok, false) eq(type(string.match(err, "invalid bufnr ")), "string") end) it("sets t.bufnr properly", function() local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr }) eq(tree.winid, nil) eq(tree.bufnr, bufnr) end) end) it("throws on duplicated node id", function() local ok, err = pcall(Tree, { bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { Tree.Node({ id = "id", text = "text" }), Tree.Node({ id = "id", text = "text" }), }, }) eq(ok, false) eq(type(err), "string") end) it("sets default buf options emulating scratch-buffer", function() local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr }) h.assert_buf_options(tree.bufnr, { bufhidden = "hide", buflisted = false, buftype = "nofile", swapfile = false, }) end) describe("(#deprecated) o.win_options", function() it("sets default values for handling folds", function() local tree = Tree({ winid = winid }) h.assert_win_options(tree.winid, { foldmethod = "manual", foldcolumn = "0", wrap = false, }) end) it("sets values", function() local initial_statusline = vim.api.nvim_win_get_option(winid, "statusline") local statusline = "test: win_options " .. math.random() local tree = Tree({ winid = winid, win_options = { statusline = statusline, }, }) h.assert_win_options(tree.winid, { statusline = statusline, }) vim.api.nvim_win_set_option(tree.winid, "statusline", initial_statusline) end) it("has no effect if o.bufnr is present", function() local initial_statusline = vim.api.nvim_win_get_option(winid, "statusline") Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, win_options = { statusline = "test: win_options" .. math.random(), }, }) h.assert_win_options(winid, { statusline = initial_statusline, }) end) end) it("sets t.ns_id if o.ns_id is string", function() local ns = "NuiTreeTest" local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, ns_id = ns }) local namespaces = vim.api.nvim_get_namespaces() eq(tree.ns_id, namespaces[ns]) end) it("sets t.ns_id if o.ns_id is number", function() local ns = "NuiTreeTest" local ns_id = vim.api.nvim_create_namespace(ns) local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, ns_id = ns_id }) eq(tree.ns_id, ns_id) end) it("uses o.get_node_id if provided", function() local node_d2 = Tree.Node({ key = "depth two" }) local node_d1 = Tree.Node({ key = "depth one" }, { node_d2 }) Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { node_d1 }, get_node_id = function(node) return node.key end, }) eq(node_d1:get_id(), node_d1.key) eq(node_d2:get_id(), node_d2.key) end) describe("default get_node_id", function() it("returns id using n.id", function() local node = Tree.Node({ id = "id", text = "text" }) Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { node } }) eq(node:get_id(), "-id") end) it("returns id using parent_id + depth + n.text", function() local node_d2 = Tree.Node({ text = { "depth two a", Text("depth two b") } }) local node_d1 = Tree.Node({ text = "depth one" }, { node_d2 }) Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { node_d1 } }) eq(node_d1:get_id(), string.format("-%s-%s", node_d1:get_depth(), node_d1.text)) eq( node_d2:get_id(), string.format( "%s-%s-%s", node_d2:get_parent_id(), node_d2:get_depth(), table.concat({ node_d2.text[1], node_d2.text[2]:content() }, "-") ) ) end) it("returns id using random number", function() math.randomseed(0) local expected_id = "-" .. math.random() math.randomseed(0) local node = Tree.Node({}) Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { node } }) eq(node:get_id(), expected_id) end) end) it("uses o.prepare_node if provided", function() local function prepare_node(node, parent_node) if not parent_node then return node.text end return parent_node.text .. ":" .. node.text end local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b-2" }), }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } nodes[2]:expand() local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, prepare_node = prepare_node, }) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { "a", "b", "b:b-1", "b:b-2", "c", }) end) describe("default prepare_node", function() it("throws if missing n.text", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ txt = "a" }), Tree.Node({ txt = "b" }), Tree.Node({ txt = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, }) local ok, err = pcall(tree.render, tree) eq(ok, false) eq(type(err), "string") end) it("uses n.text", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = { "b-1", "b-2" } }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, }) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " a", " b-1", " b-2", " c", }) end) it("renders arrow if children are present", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), Tree.Node({ text = { "b-2", "b-3" } }), }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, }) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " a", " b", " c", }) nodes[2]:expand() tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " a", " b", " b-1", " b-2", " b-3", " c", }) end) end) describe("method :get_node", function() it("can get node under cursor", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, }) tree:render() local linenr = 3 vim.api.nvim_win_set_cursor(winid, { linenr, 0 }) eq({ tree:get_node() }, { nodes[3], linenr, linenr }) end) it("can get node with id", function() local b_node_children = { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), Tree.Node({ text = { "b-2", "b-3" } }), } local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, b_node_children), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return type(node.text) == "table" and table.concat(node.text, "-") or node.text end, }) tree:render() eq({ tree:get_node("b") }, { nodes[2], 2, 2 }) tree:get_node("b"):expand() tree:render() eq({ tree:get_node("b-2-b-3") }, { b_node_children[2], 4, 5 }) end) it("can get node on linenr", function() local b_node_children = { Tree.Node({ id = "b-1-b-2", text = { "b-1", "b-2" } }), } local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, b_node_children), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, }) tree:render() eq({ tree:get_node(1) }, { nodes[1], 1, 1 }) tree:get_node(2):expand() tree:render() eq({ tree:get_node(3) }, { b_node_children[1], 3, 4 }) eq({ tree:get_node(4) }, { b_node_children[1], 3, 4 }) end) end) describe("method :get_nodes", function() it("can get nodes at root", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) eq(tree:get_nodes(), nodes) end) it("can get nodes under parent node", function() local child_nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, child_nodes), }, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) eq(tree:get_nodes("b"), child_nodes) end) end) describe("method :add_node", function() it("throw if invalid parent_id", function() local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "x" }), }, }) local ok, err = pcall(tree.add_node, tree, Tree.Node({ text = "y" }), "invalid_parent_id") eq(ok, false) eq(type(err), "string") end) it("can add node at root", function() local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "x" }), }, }) tree:add_node(Tree.Node({ text = "y" })) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " x", " y", }) tree:add_node(Tree.Node({ text = "z" })) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " x", " y", " z", }) end) it("can add node under parent node", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) tree:add_node(Tree.Node({ text = "b-2" }), "b") tree:get_node("b"):expand() tree:add_node(Tree.Node({ text = "c-1" }), "c") tree:get_node("c"):expand() tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " a", " b", " b-1", " b-2", " c", " c-1", }) end) end) describe("method :set_nodes", function() it("throw if invalid parent_id", function() local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "x" }), }, }) local ok, err = pcall(tree.set_nodes, tree, {}, "invalid_parent_id") eq(ok, false) eq(type(err), "string") end) it("can set nodes at root", function() local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "x" }), }, }) tree:set_nodes({ Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }), }) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " a", " b", }) tree:set_nodes({ Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), }) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " c", }) end) it("can set nodes under parent node", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) tree:set_nodes({ Tree.Node({ text = "b-2" }), }, "b") tree:get_node("b"):expand() tree:set_nodes({ Tree.Node({ text = "c-1" }), Tree.Node({ text = "c-2" }), }, "c") tree:get_node("c"):expand() tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " a", " b", " b-2", " c", " c-1", " c-2", }) end) end) describe("method :remove_node", function() it("can remove node w/o parent", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) tree:remove_node("a") tree:get_node("b"):expand() tree:render() eq( vim.tbl_map(function(node) return node:get_id() end, tree:get_nodes()), { "b", "c" } ) h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " b", " b-1", " c", }) end) it("can remove node w/ parent", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) tree:remove_node("b-1") tree:render() eq(tree:get_node("b"):get_child_ids(), {}) h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " a", " b", " c", }) end) it("removes children nodes recursively", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "a-1" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "a-1-x" }), }), }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) h.neq(tree:get_node("a"), nil) h.neq(tree:get_node("a-1"), nil) h.neq(tree:get_node("a-1-x"), nil) tree:remove_node("a") eq(tree:get_node("a"), nil) eq(tree:get_node("a-1"), nil) eq(tree:get_node("a-1-x"), nil) end) end) describe("method :render", function() it("handles unexpected case of missing node", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) -- this should not happen normally tree.nodes.by_id["a"] = nil tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { " b", " c", }) end) it("skips node if o.prepare_node returns nil", function() local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }), Tree.Node({ text = "c" }), } local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, prepare_node = function(node) if node:get_id() == "b" then return nil end return node.text end, }) tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { "a", "c", }) end) it("supports param linenr_start", function() local b_node_children = { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b-2" }), } local nodes = { Tree.Node({ text = "a" }), Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, b_node_children), } vim.api.nvim_buf_set_lines(bufnr, 0, -1, false, { "NuiTreeTest", "", "NuiTreeTest", }) local tree = Tree({ bufnr = bufnr, nodes = nodes, get_node_id = function(node) return node.text end, }) tree:render(2) h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { "NuiTreeTest", " a", " b", "NuiTreeTest", }) nodes[2]:expand() tree:render() h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { "NuiTreeTest", " a", " b", " b-1", " b-2", "NuiTreeTest", }) nodes[2]:collapse() tree:render(3) h.assert_buf_lines(tree.bufnr, { "NuiTreeTest", "", " a", " b", "NuiTreeTest", }) end) end) end) describe("nui.tree.Node", function() describe("method :has_children", function() it("works before initialization", function() local node_wo_children = Tree.Node({ text = "a" }) local node_w_children = Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }) }) eq(node_wo_children._initialized, false) eq(node_wo_children:has_children(), false) eq(node_w_children._initialized, false) eq(type(node_w_children.__children), "table") eq(node_w_children:has_children(), true) end) it("works after initialization", function() local node_wo_children = Tree.Node({ text = "a" }) local node_w_children = Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }) }) Tree({ bufnr = vim.api.nvim_win_get_buf(vim.api.nvim_get_current_win()), nodes = { node_wo_children, node_w_children }, }) eq(node_wo_children._initialized, true) eq(node_wo_children:has_children(), false) eq(node_w_children._initialized, true) eq(type(node_w_children.__children), "nil") eq(node_w_children:has_children(), true) end) end) describe("method :expand", function() it("returns true if not already expanded", function() local node = Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }) }) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) eq(node:expand(), true) eq(node:is_expanded(), true) end) it("returns false if already expanded", function() local node = Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }) }) node:expand() eq(node:is_expanded(), true) eq(node:expand(), false) eq(node:is_expanded(), true) end) it("does not work w/o children", function() local node = Tree.Node({ text = "a" }) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) eq(node:expand(), false) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) end) end) describe("method :collapse", function() it("returns true if not already collapsed", function() local node = Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }) }) node:expand() eq(node:is_expanded(), true) eq(node:collapse(), true) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) end) it("returns false if already collapsed", function() local node = Tree.Node({ text = "b" }, { Tree.Node({ text = "b-1" }) }) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) eq(node:collapse(), false) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) end) it("does not work w/o children", function() local node = Tree.Node({ text = "a" }) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) eq(node:collapse(), false) eq(node:is_expanded(), false) end) end) end)