let g:delimitMate_autoclose = 1 "'x" "'x'" "'x\<Esc>u" "" "''x" "''x" "'\<BS>x" "x" "'\<C-G>gx" "''x" # This will fail for double quote. "'\"x" "'\"x\"'" "@'x" "@'x'" "@#\<Left>'x" "@'x'#" "'\<S-Tab>x" "''x" "abc'" "abc'" "abc\\'x" "abc\\'x" "u'Привет'" "u'Привет'" "u'string'" "u'string'" let g:delimitMate_autoclose = 0 "'x" "'x" "''x" "'x'" "'''x" "''x" "''\<BS>x" "x" "@''x" "@'x'" "@#\<Left>''x" "@'x'#" let g:delimitMate_expand_space = 1 let g:delimitMate_autoclose = 1 "'\<Space>x" "' x'" let g:delimitMate_expand_inside_quotes = 1 "'\<Space>x" "' x '" "'\<Space>\<BS>x" "'x'" "abc\\''\<Space>x" "abc\\' x'" let g:delimitMate_autoclose = 0 "''\<Space>\<BS>x" "'x'" let g:delimitMate_autoclose = 1 # Handle backspace gracefully. set backspace= "'\<Esc>a\<BS>x" "'x'" set backspace=2 set cpo=ces$ "'x" "'x'" # Make sure smart quote works beyond first column. " 'x" " 'x'" # smart quote, check fo char on the right. "a\<space>b\<left>'" "a 'b" # Make sure we jump over a quote on the right. #89. "('test'x" "('test'x)" # Duplicate whole line when inserting quote at bol #105 "}\<Home>'" "''}" "'\<Del>abc '" "'abc '" "''abc '" "''abc ''" # Nesting quotes: let g:delimitMate_nesting_quotes = split(g:delimitMate_quotes, '\s\+') "'''x" "'''x'''" "''''x" "''''x''''" "''x" "''x" "'x" "'x'" unlet g:delimitMate_nesting_quotes # expand iabbreviations iabb def ghi "def'" "ghi'" let g:delimitMate_smart_quotes = '\w\%#\_.' "xyz'x" "xyz'x" "xyz 'x" "xyz 'x'" let g:delimitMate_smart_quotes = '\s\%#\_.' "abc'x" "abc'x'" "abc 'x" "abc 'x" # let's try the negated form let g:delimitMate_smart_quotes = '!\w\%#\_.' "cba'x" "cba'x'" "cba 'x" "cba 'x" let g:delimitMate_smart_quotes = '!\s\%#\_.' "zyx'x" "zyx'x" "zyx 'x" "zyx 'x'" unlet g:delimitMate_smart_quotes "'\<CR>\<BS>" "''"