local strings = require "plenary.strings"
local eq = assert.are.same

describe("strings", function()
  describe("strdisplaywidth", function()
    for _, case in ipairs {
      { str = "abcde", expected = { single = 5, double = 5 } },
      -- This space below is a tab (U+0009)
      { str = "abc	de", expected = { single = 10, double = 10 } },
      { str = "アイウエオ", expected = { single = 10, double = 10 } },
      { str = "├─┤", expected = { single = 3, double = 6 } },
      { str = 123, expected = { single = 3, double = 3 } },
    } do
      for _, ambiwidth in ipairs { "single", "double" } do
        local item = type(case.str) == "string" and '"%s"' or "%s"
        local msg = ("ambiwidth = %s, " .. item .. " -> %d"):format(ambiwidth, case.str, case.expected[ambiwidth])
        local original = vim.o.ambiwidth
        vim.o.ambiwidth = ambiwidth
        it("lua: " .. msg, function()
          eq(case.expected[ambiwidth], strings.strdisplaywidth(case.str))
        it("vim: " .. msg, function()
          eq(case.expected[ambiwidth], vim.fn.strdisplaywidth(case.str))
        vim.o.ambiwidth = original

  describe("strcharpart", function()
    for _, case in ipairs {
      { args = { "abcde", 2 }, expected = "cde" },
      { args = { "abcde", 2, 2 }, expected = "cd" },
      { args = { "アイウエオ", 2, 2 }, expected = "ウエ" },
      { args = { "├───┤", 2, 2 }, expected = "──" },
    } do
      local msg = ('("%s", %d, %s) -> "%s"'):format(case.args[1], case.args[2], tostring(case.args[3]), case.expected)
      it("lua: " .. msg, function()
        eq(case.expected, strings.strcharpart(unpack(case.args)))
      it("vim: " .. msg, function()
        eq(case.expected, vim.fn.strcharpart(unpack(case.args)))

  describe("truncate", function()
    for _, case in ipairs {
      -- truncations from the right
      { args = { "abcde", 6, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "abcde", double = "abcde" } },
      { args = { "abcde", 5, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "abcde", double = "abcde" } },
      { args = { "abcde", 4, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "abc…", double = "ab…" } },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 11, nil, 1 },
        expected = { single = "アイウエオ", double = "アイウエオ" },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 10, nil, 1 },
        expected = { single = "アイウエオ", double = "アイウエオ" },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 9, nil, 1 },
        expected = { single = "アイウエ…", double = "アイウ…" },
      { args = { "アイウエオ", 8, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "アイウ…", double = "アイウ…" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 7, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├─┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 6, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├─┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 5, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├…" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 4, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├…" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 3, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "…" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 2, nil, 1 }, expected = { single = "├…", double = "…" } },
      -- truncations from the left
      { args = { "abcde", 6, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "abcde", double = "abcde" } },
      { args = { "abcde", 5, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "abcde", double = "abcde" } },
      { args = { "abcde", 4, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "…cde", double = "…de" } },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 11, nil, -1 },
        expected = { single = "アイウエオ", double = "アイウエオ" },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 10, nil, -1 },
        expected = { single = "アイウエオ", double = "アイウエオ" },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 9, nil, -1 },
        expected = { single = "…イウエオ", double = "…ウエオ" },
      { args = { "アイウエオ", 8, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "…ウエオ", double = "…ウエオ" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 7, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├─┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 6, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├─┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 5, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "…┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 4, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "…┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 3, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "…" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 2, nil, -1 }, expected = { single = "…┤", double = "…" } },
      -- truncations from the middle
      { args = { "abcde", 6, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "abcde", double = "abcde" } },
      { args = { "abcde", 5, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "abcde", double = "abcde" } },
      { args = { "abcde", 4, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "a…de", double = "a…e" } },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 11, nil, 0 },
        expected = { single = "アイウエオ", double = "アイウエオ" },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 10, nil, 0 },
        expected = { single = "アイウエオ", double = "アイウエオ" },
        args = { "アイウエオ", 9, nil, 0 },
        expected = { single = "アイ…エオ", double = "ア…エオ" },
      { args = { "アイウエオ", 8, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "ア…エオ", double = "ア…エオ" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 7, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├─┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 6, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "├─┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 5, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "…┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 4, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "…┤" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 3, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "├─┤", double = "…" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 2, nil, 0 }, expected = { single = "…┤", double = "…" } },
    } do
      for _, ambiwidth in ipairs { "single", "double" } do
        local msg = ("ambiwidth = %s, direction = %s, [%s, %d] -> %s"):format(
          (case.args[4] > 0) and "right" or (case.args[4] < 0) and "left" or "middle",
        it(msg, function()
          local original = vim.o.ambiwidth
          vim.o.ambiwidth = ambiwidth
          eq(case.expected[ambiwidth], strings.truncate(unpack(case.args)))
          vim.o.ambiwidth = original

  describe("align_str", function()
    for _, case in ipairs {
      { args = { "abcde", 8 }, expected = { single = "abcde   ", double = "abcde   " } },
      { args = { "アイウ", 8 }, expected = { single = "アイウ  ", double = "アイウ  " } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 8 }, expected = { single = "├─┤     ", double = "├─┤  " } },
      { args = { "abcde", 8, true }, expected = { single = "   abcde", double = "   abcde" } },
      { args = { "アイウ", 8, true }, expected = { single = "  アイウ", double = "  アイウ" } },
      { args = { "├─┤", 8, true }, expected = { single = "     ├─┤", double = "  ├─┤" } },
    } do
      for _, ambiwidth in ipairs { "single", "double" } do
        local msg = ('ambiwidth = %s, [%s, %d, %s] -> "%s"'):format(
        it(msg, function()
          local original = vim.o.ambiwidth
          vim.o.ambiwidth = ambiwidth
          eq(case.expected[ambiwidth], strings.align_str(unpack(case.args)))
          vim.o.ambiwidth = original

  describe("dedent", function()
    local function lines(t)
      return table.concat(t, "\n")
    for _, case in ipairs {
        msg = "empty string",
        tabstop = 8,
        args = { "" },
        expected = "",
        msg = "in case tabs are longer than spaces",
        tabstop = 8,
        args = {
          lines {
            "		<Tab><Tab> -> 13 spaces",
            "     5 spaces -> 0 space",
        expected = lines {
          "           <Tab><Tab> -> 13 spaces",
          "5 spaces -> 0 space",
        msg = "in case tabs are shorter than spaces",
        tabstop = 2,
        args = {
          lines {
            "		<Tab><Tab> -> 0 space",
            "     5spaces -> 1 space",
        expected = lines {
          "<Tab><Tab> -> 0 space",
          " 5spaces -> 1 space",
        msg = "ignores empty lines",
        tabstop = 2,
        args = {
          lines {
            "        8 spaces -> 3 spaces",
            "     5 spaces -> 0 space",
        expected = lines {
          "   8 spaces -> 3 spaces",
          "5 spaces -> 0 space",
        msg = "no indent",
        tabstop = 2,
        args = {
          lines {
            "	<Tab> -> 2 spaces",
            "Here is no indent.",
            "    4 spaces will remain",
        expected = lines {
          "  <Tab> -> 2 spaces",
          "Here is no indent.",
          "    4 spaces will remain",
        msg = "leave_indent = 4",
        tabstop = 2,
        args = {
          lines {
            "	<Tab> -> 6 spaces",
            "0 indent -> 4 spaces",
            "    4 spaces -> 8 spaces",
        expected = lines {
          "      <Tab> -> 6 spaces",
          "    0 indent -> 4 spaces",
          "        4 spaces -> 8 spaces",
        msg = "typical usecase: <Tab> to 5 spaces",
        tabstop = 4,
        args = {
          lines {
            "		Chapter 1",
            "	  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed",
            "	do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
            "	  Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco",
            "	laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.",
        expected = lines {
          "         Chapter 1",
          "       Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed",
          "     do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.",
          "       Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco",
          "     laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.",
    } do
      local msg = ("tabstop = %d, %s"):format(case.tabstop, case.msg)
      it(msg, function()
        local original = vim.bo.tabstop
        vim.bo.tabstop = case.tabstop
        eq(case.expected, strings.dedent(unpack(case.args)))
        vim.bo.tabstop = original