--- categories: blog --- # [Blogs](https://spacevim.org/community#blogs) > Use Vim as a Java IDE I am a vimmer and a java developer. Here are some useful plugins for developing java in vim/neovim. ![2017-02-01_1360x721](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/13142418/22506638/84705532-e8bc-11e6-8b72-edbdaf08426b.png) ## Project manager 1. [unite](https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim) - file and code fuzzy founder. ![](https://s3.amazonaws.com/github-csexton/unite-01.gif) The unite or unite.vim plug-in can search and display information from arbitrary sources like files, buffers, recently used files or registers. You can run several pre-defined actions on a target displayed in the unite window. The difference between unite and similar plug-ins like fuzzyfinder, ctrl-p or ku is that unite provides an integration interface for several sources and you can create new interfaces using unite. You can also use unite with [ag](https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher), that will make searching faster. *config unite with ag or other tools support* ```viml if executable('hw') " Use hw (highway) " https://github.com/tkengo/highway let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'hw' let g:unite_source_grep_default_opts = '--no-group --no-color' let g:unite_source_grep_recursive_opt = '' elseif executable('ag') " Use ag (the silver searcher) " https://github.com/ggreer/the_silver_searcher let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'ag' let g:unite_source_grep_default_opts = \ '-i --line-numbers --nocolor ' . \ '--nogroup --hidden --ignore ' . \ '''.hg'' --ignore ''.svn'' --ignore' . \ ' ''.git'' --ignore ''.bzr''' let g:unite_source_grep_recursive_opt = '' elseif executable('pt') " Use pt (the platinum searcher) " https://github.com/monochromegane/the_platinum_searcher let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'pt' let g:unite_source_grep_default_opts = '--nogroup --nocolor' let g:unite_source_grep_recursive_opt = '' elseif executable('ack-grep') " Use ack " http://beyondgrep.com/ let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'ack-grep' let g:unite_source_grep_default_opts = \ '-i --no-heading --no-color -k -H' let g:unite_source_grep_recursive_opt = '' elseif executable('ack') let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'ack' let g:unite_source_grep_default_opts = '-i --no-heading' . \ ' --no-color -k -H' let g:unite_source_grep_recursive_opt = '' elseif executable('jvgrep') " Use jvgrep " https://github.com/mattn/jvgrep let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'jvgrep' let g:unite_source_grep_default_opts = \ '-i --exclude ''\.(git|svn|hg|bzr)''' let g:unite_source_grep_recursive_opt = '-R' elseif executable('beagrep') " Use beagrep " https://github.com/baohaojun/beagrep let g:unite_source_grep_command = 'beagrep' endif ``` 2. [vimfiler](https://github.com/Shougo/vimfiler.vim) - A powerful file explorer implemented in Vim script *Use vimfiler as default file explorer* > for more information, you should read the documentation of vimfiler. ```viml let g:vimfiler_as_default_explorer = 1 call vimfiler#custom#profile('default', 'context', { \ 'explorer' : 1, \ 'winwidth' : 30, \ 'winminwidth' : 30, \ 'toggle' : 1, \ 'columns' : 'type', \ 'auto_expand': 1, \ 'direction' : 'rightbelow', \ 'parent': 0, \ 'explorer_columns' : 'type', \ 'status' : 1, \ 'safe' : 0, \ 'split' : 1, \ 'hidden': 1, \ 'no_quit' : 1, \ 'force_hide' : 0, \ }) ``` 3. [tagbar](https://github.com/majutsushi/tagbar) - Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope ## Code formatting 1. [neoformat](https://github.com/sbdchd/neoformat) - A (Neo)vim plugin for formatting code. For formatting java code, you also nEed have [uncrustify](http://astyle.sourceforge.net/) or [astyle](http://astyle.sourceforge.net/) in your PATH. BTW, the google's [java formatter](https://github.com/google/google-java-format) also works well with neoformat. ## Code completion 1. [javacomplete2](https://github.com/artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2) - Updated javacomplete plugin for vim - Demo ![vim-javacomplete2](https://github.com/artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2/raw/master/doc/demo.gif) - Generics demo ![vim-javacomplete2](https://github.com/artur-shaik/vim-javacomplete2/raw/master/doc/generics_demo.gif) 2. [deoplete.nvim](https://github.com/Shougo/deoplete.nvim) - Dark powered asynchronous completion framework for neovim 3. [neocomplete.vim](https://github.com/Shougo/neocomplete.vim) - Next generation completion framework after neocomplcache ## Syntax lint 1. [neomake](https://github.com/neomake/neomake) - Asynchronous linting and make framework for Neovim/Vim I am maintainer of javac maker in neomake, the javac maker support maven project, gradle project or eclipse project. also you can set the classpath.