function! s:AmtDone(lineno) dict "use list_dict structure to calculate "amount done for node at lineno let mysum = 0 let mycount = 0 if (len(self[a:lineno].c) == 0) && ( get(self[a:lineno],'ckbox') ) " just check val for current line let mysum = get(self[a:lineno],'ckval',0) let mycount = 1 else " sum vals for this item's immediate children for item in self[a:lineno].c if get(self[item],'ckbox') == 1 let mysum += (get(self[item],'ckval',' ') == 'X') let mycount += 1 endif endfor endif return [ mysum , mycount ] endfunction function! orgcheck#ToggleCheck() call s:MakeListDict() let linetext = getline(line('.')) let curval = matchstr(linetext,' \[\zs.\ze\]') let has_checkbox = match(linetext, '^\s* [-\+\*] \[.\]') > -1 if curval == 'X' call s:ClearCheck() elseif !has_checkbox " give this list item a checkbox if it has none let part1 = matchstr(linetext,'^\s* [-\+\*] ') let part2 = matchstr(linetext,'^\s* [-\+\*] \zs.*') call setline(line('.'),part1 . '[ ] ' . part2) " need to redo dict after checkbox added call s:MakeListDict() else call s:SetCheck() endif call s:UpdateCheckSummaries() endfunction function! orgcheck#UpdateSummaries() call s:MakeListDict() call s:UpdateCheckSummaries() endfunction function! s:SetCheck() let save_pos = getpos('.') exec 's/\[\zs.\ze\]/X/e' let g:list_dict[line('.')].ckval = 'X' " also set children, if any for line in g:list_dict[line('.')].c exec line call s:SetCheck() endfor call setpos('.', save_pos) endfunction function! s:ClearCheck() let save_pos = getpos('.') exec 's/\[\zs.\ze\]/ /e' let g:list_dict[line('.')].ckval = ' ' " also clear children, if any for line in g:list_dict[line('.')].c exec line call s:ClearCheck() endfor call setpos('.', save_pos) endfunction function! s:UpdateCheckSummaries(...) " updates summaries (i.e., (x/x)) for list checkbox " lines from beginning of list to current line if a:0 > 0 | let lineno = a:1 | endif let save_pos = getpos('.') let this_line = line('.') func! s:CheckCompare(i1, i2) return a:i2 - a:i1 endfunc " get reversed list of lines let list_lines = copy(sort(keys(g:list_dict),"s:CheckCompare")) if a:0 > 0 call s:UpdateListLine(key) else for key in list_lines call s:UpdateListLine(key) endfor endif call setpos('.',save_pos) endfunction function! s:DoHeadingUpdate() exec 'let lineno =<SNR>' . g:org_sid . '_OrgGetHead()' if lineno == 0 | return | endif exec lineno " delete existing stats, if any exec 's/ \[\d\+\/\d\+\]\s*$//e' " now put new stats in let stats = g:list_dict.AmtDone(0) let new_summary = ' [' . stats[0] . '\/' . stats[1] . ']' exec 's/$/' . new_summary . '/' endfunction function! s:UpdateListLine(key) let key = a:key if str2nr(key) > 0 let parent = get(g:list_dict[key], 'p', 0) if parent > 0 call s:UpdateListLine(parent) endif endif if key == 'AmtDone' | return | endif if key == '0' " put amtdone on heading and return call s:DoHeadingUpdate() return else exec key endif "delete current summary, if any :s/\s*\[\d\+\/\d\+\]\s*$//e " and put new summary on let stats = g:list_dict.AmtDone(key) let new_summary = ' [' . stats[0] . '\/' . stats[1] . ']' if match(new_summary,'\/[01]\]') > -1 | return | endif exec 's/$/' . new_summary . '/' if stats[0] == 0 exec 's/\[\zs.\ze\]/ /e' let g:list_dict[key].ckval = ' ' elseif stats[0] == stats[1] exec 's/\[\zs.\ze\]/X/e' let g:list_dict[key].ckval = 'X' else exec 's/\[\zs.\ze\]/-/e' let g:list_dict[key].ckval = '-' endif endfunction function! s:MakeListDict() let save_pos = getpos('.') let list_dict = {'AmtDone':function('s:AmtDone'), 0:{'c':[], 'indent':0}} let list_pat = '^\s* [-\+\*] *' let item_stack = [ 0 ] let last_indent = 0 ?\(^\s*$\|^\*\)?+1 while 1 let lineno = line('.') let linetext = getline(lineno) let start_indent = len(matchstr(linetext, list_pat)) let is_list_item = match(linetext, list_pat) > -1 let has_checkbox = match(linetext, '^\s* [-\+\*] \[.\]') > -1 if (linetext =~ '^\s*$') break elseif is_list_item let list_dict[lineno] = { 'ckbox':has_checkbox, 'c':[] } let this_indent = len(matchstr(linetext, list_pat)) let list_dict[lineno].indent = this_indent if this_indent < start_indent break endif if has_checkbox && (matchstr(linetext,'^\s* [-\+\*] [\zsX\ze') == 'X') let list_dict[lineno].ckval = 'X' endif if this_indent > last_indent let list_dict[lineno].p = item_stack[-1] call add(list_dict[item_stack[-1]].c, lineno) call add(item_stack, lineno) elseif this_indent <= last_indent while list_dict[item_stack[-1]].indent > this_indent unlet item_stack[-1] endwhile let item_stack[-1] = lineno let list_dict[lineno].p = item_stack[-2] call add(list_dict[item_stack[-2]].c, lineno) endif endif let last_indent = this_indent exec lineno + 1 endwhile let g:list_dict = list_dict call setpos('.', save_pos) endfunction