# This file is autogenerated by tools/create_ultisnips.sh, any edits will be overwritten. # (Edit /Users/jdonaldson/.vim/bundle/vaxe/snippets/haxe.snippets instead.) snippet doc "doc" /** ${1} **/ endsnippet snippet switch "switch" switch(${1}){ case ${2}: ${3} } endsnippet snippet case "case" case ${1}: ${2} endsnippet snippet try "try" try{ ${1} }catch(e:${2}){ ${3:// Ignore any errors.} } endsnippet snippet for "for" for( ${1:var} in ${2:itr} ){ ${3} } endsnippet snippet class "HAXE" class `!v expand('%:t:r')` { public function new(${1}) { ${2://initialize variables} } static function main() { ${3:trace("hello world");} } } endsnippet snippet main "main" static function main() { ${1:trace("hello world");} } endsnippet snippet new "new" public function new(${1:arg}) { super($1); } endsnippet snippet fn "func" function(${1:arg}) { ${2} } endsnippet snippet fu "function" function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) { ${3} } endsnippet snippet prifu "private function" private function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) { ${3} } endsnippet snippet pufu "public function" public function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) { ${3} } endsnippet snippet pustafu "public static function" public static function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) { ${3} } endsnippet snippet pristafu "private static function" private static function ${1:name}(${2:arg}) { ${3} } endsnippet snippet trace "trace" trace(${1}); endsnippet snippet desc "function" trace(${1} + " is the value for $1"); endsnippet snippet cast "cast" cast(${1:cast_this}, ${2:type}) endsnippet snippet interface "interface" interface ${1:name}${2: implements this}${3:, implements other}{ ${4} } endsnippet snippet #if "#if" #if js, php, cpp, flash ${1} #end{2} endsnippet snippet typedef "typedef" typedef ${1}${2:} = { var ${3}:$2; }${4} endsnippet snippet untyped "untyped" untyped{ ${1} }${2} endsnippet snippet enum "enum" enum ${1:Name} { ${2:Construct} } endsnippet