local configs = require 'lspconfig/configs' local util = require 'lspconfig/util' local server_name = 'omnisharp' configs[server_name] = { default_config = { filetypes = { 'cs', 'vb' }, root_dir = function(fname) return util.root_pattern '*.sln'(fname) or util.root_pattern '*.csproj'(fname) end, on_new_config = function(new_config, new_root_dir) if new_root_dir then table.insert(new_config.cmd, '-s') table.insert(new_config.cmd, new_root_dir) end end, init_options = {}, }, -- on_new_config = function(new_config) end; -- on_attach = function(client, bufnr) end; docs = { description = [[ https://github.com/omnisharp/omnisharp-roslyn OmniSharp server based on Roslyn workspaces `omnisharp-roslyn` can be installed by downloading and extracting a release from [here](https://github.com/OmniSharp/omnisharp-roslyn/releases). Omnisharp can also be built from source by following the instructions [here](https://github.com/omnisharp/omnisharp-roslyn#downloading-omnisharp). Omnisharp requires the [dotnet-sdk](https://dotnet.microsoft.com/download) to be installed. **By default, omnisharp-roslyn doesn't have a `cmd` set.** This is because nvim-lspconfig does not make assumptions about your path. You must add the following to your init.vim or init.lua to set `cmd` to the absolute path ($HOME and ~ are not expanded) of the unzipped run script or binary. ```lua local pid = vim.fn.getpid() -- On linux/darwin if using a release build, otherwise under scripts/OmniSharp(.Core)(.cmd) local omnisharp_bin = "/path/to/omnisharp-repo/run" -- on Windows -- local omnisharp_bin = "/path/to/omnisharp/OmniSharp.exe" require'lspconfig'.omnisharp.setup{ cmd = { omnisharp_bin, "--languageserver" , "--hostPID", tostring(pid) }; ... } ``` Note, if you download the executable for darwin you will need to strip the quarantine label to run: ```bash find /path/to/omnisharp-osx | xargs xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ``` ]], default_config = { root_dir = [[root_pattern(".sln") or root_pattern(".csproj")]], }, }, }