"============================================================================= " FILE: action.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! unite#action#get_action_table(source_name, kind, self_func, ...) abort "{{{ let is_parents_action = get(a:000, 0, 0) let source_table = get(a:000, 1, {}) let action_table = {} for kind_name in unite#util#convert2list(a:kind) call extend(action_table, \ s:get_action_table(a:source_name, \ kind_name, a:self_func, \ is_parents_action, source_table)) endfor return action_table endfunction"}}} function! unite#action#get_alias_table(source_name, kind, ...) abort "{{{ let source_table = get(a:000, 0, {}) let alias_table = {} for kind_name in unite#util#convert2list(a:kind) call extend(alias_table, \ s:get_alias_table(a:source_name, kind_name, source_table)) endfor return alias_table endfunction"}}} function! unite#action#get_default_action(source_name, kind) abort "{{{ let kinds = unite#util#convert2list(a:kind) return s:get_default_action(a:source_name, kinds[-1]) endfunction"}}} function! s:get_action_table(source_name, kind_name, self_func, is_parents_action, source_table) abort "{{{ let kind = unite#get_kinds(a:kind_name) let source = empty(a:source_table) ? \ unite#get_sources(a:source_name) : \ unite#util#get_name(a:source_table, a:source_name, {}) if empty(source) call unite#print_error('source "' . a:source_name . '" is not found.') return {} endif if empty(kind) call unite#print_error('kind "' . a:kind_name . '" is not found.') return {} endif let action_table = {} let source_kind = 'source/'.a:source_name.'/'.a:kind_name let source_kind_wild = 'source/'.a:source_name.'/*' let custom = unite#custom#get() if !a:is_parents_action " Source/kind custom actions. if has_key(custom.actions, source_kind) let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ custom.actions[source_kind], 'custom/'.source.name.'/'.kind.name) endif " Source/kind actions. if has_key(source.action_table, a:kind_name) let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ source.action_table[a:kind_name], source.name.'/'.kind.name) endif " Source/* custom actions. if has_key(custom.actions, source_kind_wild) let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ custom.actions[source_kind_wild], 'custom/source/'.source.name) endif " Source/* actions. if has_key(source.action_table, '*') let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ source.action_table['*'], 'source/'.source.name) endif " Kind custom actions. if has_key(custom.actions, a:kind_name) let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ custom.actions[a:kind_name], 'custom/'.kind.name) endif " Kind actions. let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ kind.action_table, kind.name) endif " Parents actions. for parent in source.parents let parent_kind = unite#get_kinds(parent) let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ parent_kind.action_table, parent) endfor for parent in kind.parents let action_table = s:extend_actions(a:self_func, action_table, \ unite#action#get_action_table(a:source_name, parent, \ a:self_func, 0, a:source_table)) endfor if !a:is_parents_action " Kind aliases. call s:filter_alias_action(action_table, kind.alias_table, \ kind.name) " Kind custom aliases. if has_key(custom.aliases, a:kind_name) call s:filter_alias_action(action_table, custom.aliases[a:kind_name], \ 'custom/'.kind.name) endif " Source/* aliases. if has_key(source.alias_table, '*') call s:filter_alias_action(action_table, source.alias_table['*'], \ 'source/'.source.name) endif " Source/* custom aliases. if has_key(custom.aliases, source_kind_wild) call s:filter_alias_action(action_table, custom.aliases[source_kind_wild], \ 'custom/source/'.source.name) endif " Source/kind aliases. if has_key(custom.aliases, source_kind) call s:filter_alias_action(action_table, custom.aliases[source_kind], \ 'source/'.source.name.'/'.kind.name) endif " Source/kind custom aliases. if has_key(source.alias_table, a:kind_name) call s:filter_alias_action(action_table, source.alias_table[a:kind_name], \ 'custom/source/'.source.name.'/'.kind.name) endif endif " Initialize action. for [action_name, action] in items(action_table) if !has_key(action, 'name') let action.name = action_name endif if !has_key(action, 'from') let action.from = '' endif if !has_key(action, 'description') let action.description = '' endif if !has_key(action, 'is_quit') let action.is_quit = 1 endif if !has_key(action, 'is_start') let action.is_start = 0 endif if !has_key(action, 'is_tab') let action.is_tab = 0 endif if !has_key(action, 'is_selectable') let action.is_selectable = 0 endif if !has_key(action, 'is_invalidate_cache') let action.is_invalidate_cache = 0 endif if !has_key(action, 'is_listed') let action.is_listed = \ (action.name !~ '^unite__\|^vimfiler__') endif endfor " Filtering nop action. return filter(action_table, 'v:key !=# "nop"') endfunction"}}} function! s:get_alias_table(source_name, kind_name, source_table) abort "{{{ let kind = unite#get_kinds(a:kind_name) let source = empty(a:source_table) ? \ unite#get_sources(a:source_name) : \ unite#util#get_name(a:source_table, a:source_name, {}) if empty(source) call unite#print_error('source "' . a:source_name . '" is not found.') return {} endif let table = kind.alias_table let source_kind = 'source/'.a:source_name.'/'.a:kind_name let source_kind_wild = 'source/'.a:source_name.'/*' let custom = unite#custom#get() " Kind custom aliases. if has_key(custom.aliases, a:kind_name) let table = extend(table, custom.aliases[a:kind_name]) endif " Source/* aliases. if has_key(source.alias_table, '*') let table = extend(table, source.alias_table['*']) endif " Source/* custom aliases. if has_key(custom.aliases, source_kind_wild) let table = extend(table, custom.aliases[source_kind_wild]) endif " Source/kind aliases. if has_key(custom.aliases, source_kind) let table = extend(table, custom.aliases[source_kind]) endif " Source/kind custom aliases. if has_key(source.alias_table, a:kind_name) let table = extend(table, source.alias_table[a:kind_name]) endif return table endfunction"}}} function! s:get_default_action(source_name, kind_name) abort "{{{ let source = unite#get_all_sources(a:source_name) if empty(source) return '' endif let source_kind = 'source/'.a:source_name.'/'.a:kind_name let source_kind_wild = 'source/'.a:source_name.'/*' let custom = unite#custom#get() " Source/kind custom default actions. if has_key(custom.default_actions, source_kind) return custom.default_actions[source_kind] endif " Source custom default actions. if has_key(source.default_action, a:kind_name) return source.default_action[a:kind_name] endif " Source/* custom default actions. if has_key(custom.default_actions, source_kind_wild) return custom.default_actions[source_kind_wild] endif " Source/* default actions. if has_key(source.default_action, '*') return source.default_action['*'] endif " Kind custom default actions. if has_key(custom.default_actions, a:kind_name) return custom.default_actions[a:kind_name] endif " Kind default actions. let kind = unite#get_kinds(a:kind_name) return get(kind, 'default_action', '') endfunction"}}} function! unite#action#take(action_name, candidate, is_parent_action) abort "{{{ let candidate_head = type(a:candidate) == type([]) ? \ a:candidate[0] : a:candidate let action_table = unite#action#get_action_table( \ candidate_head.source, candidate_head.kind, \ unite#get_self_functions()[-3], a:is_parent_action) let action_name = \ a:action_name ==# 'default' ? \ unite#action#get_default_action( \ candidate_head.source, candidate_head.kind) \ : a:action_name if !has_key(action_table, action_name) " throw 'unite.vim: no such action ' . action_name return 1 endif let action = action_table[action_name] " Convert candidates. call action.func( \ (action.is_selectable && type(a:candidate) != type([])) ? \ [a:candidate] : a:candidate) endfunction"}}} function! unite#action#do(action_name, ...) abort "{{{ if &filetype == 'vimfiler' && has_key(b:vimfiler, 'unite') " Restore unite condition in vimfiler. call unite#set_current_unite(b:vimfiler.unite) endif call unite#redraw() let candidates = empty(a:000) ? \ unite#helper#get_marked_candidates() : a:1 let new_context = get(a:000, 1, {}) let sources = get(a:000, 2, {}) let unite = unite#get_current_unite() if empty(candidates) if empty(unite#helper#get_current_candidate()) " Ignore. return [] endif let candidates = [ unite#helper#get_current_candidate() ] endif let candidates = filter(copy(candidates), \ "!empty(v:val) && !get(v:val, 'is_dummy', 0)") if empty(candidates) return [] endif let action_tables = s:get_candidates_action_table( \ a:action_name, candidates, sources) let old_context = {} if !empty(new_context) " Set new context. let new_context = extend( \ deepcopy(unite#get_context()), new_context) let old_context = unite#set_context(new_context) let unite = unite#get_current_unite() endif " Execute action. let is_quit = 0 let is_redraw = 0 let _ = [] for table in action_tables if a:action_name !=# 'preview' \ && !empty(unite#helper#get_marked_candidates()) call s:clear_marks(candidates) call unite#force_redraw() let is_redraw = 0 endif " Check quit flag. if table.action.is_quit && unite.profile_name !=# 'action' \ && !table.action.is_start \ && !(table.action.is_tab && !unite.context.quit) call unite#all_quit_session(0) if unite.context.file_quit && &buftype =~# 'nofile' " Switch to file buffer. let winnr = get(filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ "getwinvar(v:val, '&buftype') !~# 'nofile'"), 0, 0) if winnr > 0 execute winnr.'wincmd w' endif endif let is_quit = 1 endif try call add(_, table.action.func(table.candidates)) catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E325/ let save_shortmess = &shortmess try set shortmess+=A " Ignore 'SwapExists' and try again. call add(_, table.action.func(table.candidates)) finally let &shortmess = save_shortmess endtry catch call unite#print_error(v:throwpoint) call unite#print_error(v:exception) call unite#print_error( \ 'Error occurred while executing "'.table.action.name.'" action!') endtry " Executes command. if unite.context.execute_command != '' execute unite.context.execute_command endif " Check invalidate cache flag. if table.action.is_invalidate_cache for source_name in table.source_names call unite#helper#invalidate_cache(source_name) endfor let is_redraw = 1 endif endfor if (!is_quit || !unite.context.quit) && unite.context.keep_focus let winnr = bufwinnr(unite.bufnr) if winnr > 0 " Restore focus. execute winnr 'wincmd w' endif endif if !empty(new_context) " Restore context. let unite.context = old_context endif if is_redraw && !empty(filter(range(1, winnr('$')), \ "getwinvar(v:val, '&filetype') ==# 'vimfiler'")) " Redraw vimfiler buffer. call vimfiler#force_redraw_all_vimfiler(1) endif if !is_quit && is_redraw call s:clear_marks(candidates) call unite#force_redraw() endif if unite.context.unite__is_manual call unite#sources#history_unite#add(unite) endif return _ endfunction"}}} function! unite#action#do_candidates(action_name, candidates, ...) abort "{{{ let context = get(a:000, 0, {}) let sources = get(a:000, 1, []) let context = unite#init#_context(context) let context.unite__is_interactive = 0 let context.unite__disable_hooks = 1 call unite#init#_current_unite(sources, context) return unite#action#do( \ a:action_name, a:candidates, context, \ values(unite#get_all_sources())) endfunction"}}} function! unite#action#_get_candidate_action_table(candidate, sources) abort "{{{ return unite#action#get_action_table( \ a:candidate.source, a:candidate.kind, \ unite#get_self_functions()[-1], 0, a:sources) endfunction"}}} function! s:get_candidates_action_table(action_name, candidates, sources) abort "{{{ let action_tables = [] for candidate in a:candidates let action_table = unite#action#_get_candidate_action_table( \ candidate, a:sources) let action_name = a:action_name if action_name ==# 'default' " Get default action. let action_name = unite#action#get_default_action( \ candidate.source, candidate.kind) endif if action_name == '' " Ignore. return [] endif if !has_key(action_table, action_name) call unite#util#print_error( \ candidate.unite__abbr . '(' . candidate.source . ')') call unite#util#print_error( \ 'No such action : ' . action_name) return [] endif let action = action_table[action_name] " Check selectable flag. if !action.is_selectable && len(a:candidates) > 1 call unite#util#print_error( \ candidate.unite__abbr . '(' . candidate.source . ')') call unite#util#print_error( \ 'Not selectable action : ' . action_name) return [] endif let found = 0 for table in action_tables if action == table.action " Add list. call add(table.candidates, candidate) call add(table.source_names, candidate.source) let found = 1 break endif endfor if !found " Add action table. call add(action_tables, { \ 'action' : action, \ 'source_names' : [candidate.source], \ 'candidates' : (!action.is_selectable ? candidate : [candidate]), \ }) endif endfor return action_tables endfunction"}}} function! s:extend_actions(self_func, action_table1, action_table2, ...) abort "{{{ let filterd_table = s:filter_self_func(a:action_table2, a:self_func) if a:0 > 0 for action in values(filterd_table) let action.from = a:1 endfor endif return extend(a:action_table1, filterd_table, 'keep') endfunction"}}} function! s:filter_alias_action(action_table, alias_table, from) abort "{{{ for [alias_name, alias_action] in items(a:alias_table) if alias_action ==# 'nop' if has_key(a:action_table, alias_name) " Delete nop action. call remove(a:action_table, alias_name) endif elseif has_key(a:action_table, alias_action) let a:action_table[alias_name] = copy(a:action_table[alias_action]) let a:action_table[alias_name].from = a:from let a:action_table[alias_name].name = alias_name endif endfor endfunction"}}} function! s:filter_self_func(action_table, self_func) abort "{{{ return filter(copy(a:action_table), \ printf("string(v:val.func) !=# \"function('%s')\"", a:self_func)) endfunction"}}} function! s:clear_marks(candidates) abort "{{{ for candidate in a:candidates let candidate.unite__is_marked = 0 endfor endfunction"}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo " vim: foldmethod=marker