" vim: et sw=2 sts=2 " Plugin: https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify " Description: A fancy start screen for Vim. " Maintainer: Marco Hinz <http://github.com/mhinz> if exists('g:autoloaded_startify') || &compatible finish endif let g:autoloaded_startify = 1 " Function: #get_lastline {{{1 function! startify#get_lastline() abort return b:startify.lastline + 1 endfunction " Function: #get_separator {{{1 function! startify#get_separator() abort return !exists('+shellslash') || &shellslash ? '/' : '\' endfunction " Function: #get_session_path {{{1 function! startify#get_session_path() abort if exists('g:startify_session_dir') let path = g:startify_session_dir elseif has('nvim') let path = has('nvim-0.3.1') \ ? stdpath('data').'/session' \ : has('win32') \ ? '~/AppData/Local/nvim-data/session' \ : '~/.local/share/nvim/session' else " Vim let path = has('win32') \ ? '~/vimfiles/session' \ : '~/.vim/session' endif return resolve(expand(path)) endfunction " Function: #insane_in_the_membrane {{{1 function! startify#insane_in_the_membrane(on_vimenter) abort " Handle vim -y, vim -M. if a:on_vimenter && (&insertmode || !&modifiable) return endif if !&hidden && &modified call s:warn('Save your changes first.') return endif if !empty(v:servername) && exists('g:startify_skiplist_server') for servname in g:startify_skiplist_server if servname == v:servername return endif endfor endif if line2byte('$') != -1 noautocmd enew endif silent! setlocal \ bufhidden=wipe \ colorcolumn= \ foldcolumn=0 \ matchpairs= \ nobuflisted \ nocursorcolumn \ nocursorline \ nolist \ nonumber \ norelativenumber \ nospell \ noswapfile \ signcolumn=no \ synmaxcol& if empty(&statusline) setlocal statusline=\ startify endif " Must be global so that it can be read by syntax/startify.vim. let g:startify_header = exists('g:startify_custom_header') \ ? s:set_custom_section(g:startify_custom_header) \ : (exists('*strwidth') ? startify#pad(startify#fortune#cowsay()) : []) if !empty(g:startify_header) let g:startify_header += [''] " add blank line endif call append('$', g:startify_header) let b:startify = { \ 'entries': {}, \ 'indices': [], \ 'leftmouse': 0, \ 'tick': 0, \ } if s:show_special call append('$', [s:padding_left .'[e] <empty buffer>', '']) endif call s:register(line('$')-1, 'e', 'special', 'enew', '') let b:startify.entry_number = 0 if filereadable('Session.vim') call append('$', [s:padding_left .'[0] '. getcwd() . s:sep .'Session.vim', '']) call s:register(line('$')-1, '0', 'session', \ 'call startify#session_delete_buffers() | source', 'Session.vim') let b:startify.entry_number = 1 let l:show_session = 1 endif if empty(v:oldfiles) call s:warn("Can't read viminfo file. Read :help startify-faq-02") endif let b:startify.section_header_lines = [] let lists = s:get_lists() call s:show_lists(lists) silent $delete _ if s:show_special call append('$', ['', s:padding_left .'[q] <quit>']) call s:register(line('$'), 'q', 'special', 'call s:close()', '') else " Don't overwrite the last regular entry, thus +1 call s:register(line('$')+1, 'q', 'special', 'call s:close()', '') endif " compute first line offset let b:startify.firstline = 2 let b:startify.firstline += len(g:startify_header) " no special, no local Session.vim, but a section header if !s:show_special && !exists('l:show_session') && has_key(lists[0], 'header') let b:startify.firstline += len(lists[0].header) + 1 endif let b:startify.lastline = line('$') let footer = exists('g:startify_custom_footer') \ ? s:set_custom_section(g:startify_custom_footer) \ : [] if !empty(footer) let footer = [''] + footer endif call append('$', footer) setlocal nomodifiable nomodified call s:set_mappings() call cursor(b:startify.firstline, 5) autocmd startify CursorMoved <buffer> call s:set_cursor() silent! %foldopen! normal! zb set filetype=startify if exists('##DirChanged') let b:startify.cwd = getcwd() autocmd startify DirChanged <buffer> if getcwd() !=# get(get(b:, 'startify', {}), 'cwd') | Startify | endif endif if exists('#User#Startified') doautocmd <nomodeline> User Startified endif if exists('#User#StartifyReady') doautocmd <nomodeline> User StartifyReady endif endfunction " Function: #session_load {{{1 function! startify#session_load(source_last_session, ...) abort if !isdirectory(s:session_dir) echomsg 'The session directory does not exist: '. s:session_dir return elseif empty(startify#session_list_as_string('')) echomsg 'There are no sessions...' return endif let session_path = s:session_dir . s:sep if a:0 let session_path .= a:1 elseif a:source_last_session && !has('win32') let session_path .= '__LAST__' else call inputsave() let session_path .= input( \ 'Load this session: ', \ fnamemodify(v:this_session, ':t'), \ 'custom,startify#session_list_as_string') | redraw call inputrestore() endif if filereadable(session_path) if get(g:, 'startify_session_persistence') && filewritable(v:this_session) call startify#session_write(fnameescape(v:this_session)) endif call startify#session_delete_buffers() execute 'source '. fnameescape(session_path) call s:create_last_session_link(session_path) else echo 'No such file: '. session_path endif endfunction " Function: #session_save {{{1 function! startify#session_save(bang, ...) abort if !isdirectory(s:session_dir) if exists('*mkdir') echo 'The session directory does not exist: '. s:session_dir .'. Create it? [y/n]' if (nr2char(getchar()) == 'y') call mkdir(s:session_dir, 'p') else echo return endif else echo 'The session directory does not exist: '. s:session_dir return endif endif call inputsave() let this_session = fnamemodify(v:this_session, ':t') if this_session ==# '__LAST__' let this_session = '' endif let session_name = exists('a:1') \ ? a:1 \ : input('Save under this session name: ', this_session, 'custom,startify#session_list_as_string') | redraw call inputrestore() if empty(session_name) echo 'You gave an empty name!' return endif let session_path = s:session_dir . s:sep . session_name if !filereadable(session_path) call startify#session_write(fnameescape(session_path)) echo 'Session saved under: '. session_path return endif echo 'Session already exists. Overwrite? [y/n]' | redraw if a:bang || nr2char(getchar()) == 'y' call startify#session_write(fnameescape(session_path)) echo 'Session saved under: '. session_path else echo 'Did NOT save the session!' endif endfunction " Function: #session_close {{{1 function! startify#session_close() abort if exists('v:this_session') && filewritable(v:this_session) call startify#session_write(fnameescape(v:this_session)) let v:this_session = '' endif call startify#session_delete_buffers() Startify endfunction " Function: #session_write {{{1 function! startify#session_write(session_path) " preserve existing variables from savevars if exists('g:startify_session_savevars') let savevars = map(filter(copy(g:startify_session_savevars), 'exists(v:val)'), '"let ". v:val ." = ". strtrans(string(eval(v:val)))') endif " if this function is called while being in the Startify buffer " (by loading another session or running :SSave/:SLoad directly) " switch back to the previous buffer before saving the session if &filetype == 'startify' let callingbuffer = bufnr('#') if callingbuffer > 0 execute 'buffer' callingbuffer endif endif " prevent saving already deleted buffers that were in the arglist for arg in argv() if !buflisted(arg) execute 'silent! argdelete' fnameescape(arg) endif endfor " clean up session before saving it for cmd in get(g:, 'startify_session_before_save', []) execute cmd endfor let ssop = &sessionoptions set sessionoptions-=options try execute 'mksession!' a:session_path catch echohl ErrorMsg echomsg v:exception echohl NONE return finally let &sessionoptions = ssop endtry if exists('g:startify_session_remove_lines') \ || exists('g:startify_session_savevars') \ || exists('g:startify_session_savecmds') silent execute 'split' a:session_path " remove lines from the session file if exists('g:startify_session_remove_lines') for pattern in g:startify_session_remove_lines execute 'silent global/'. pattern .'/delete _' endfor endif " put variables from savevars into session file if exists('savevars') && !empty(savevars) call append(line('$')-3, savevars) endif " put commands from savecmds into session file if exists('g:startify_session_savecmds') call append(line('$')-3, g:startify_session_savecmds) endif setlocal bufhidden=delete silent update silent hide endif call s:create_last_session_link(a:session_path) endfunction " Function: #session_delete {{{1 function! startify#session_delete(bang, ...) abort if !isdirectory(s:session_dir) echo 'The session directory does not exist: '. s:session_dir return elseif empty(startify#session_list_as_string('')) echo 'There are no sessions...' return endif call inputsave() let session_path = s:session_dir . s:sep . (exists('a:1') \ ? a:1 \ : input('Delete this session: ', fnamemodify(v:this_session, ':t'), 'custom,startify#session_list_as_string')) call inputrestore() if !filereadable(session_path) redraw | echo 'No such session: '. session_path return endif redraw | echo 'Really delete '. session_path .'? [y/n]' | redraw if a:bang || nr2char(getchar()) == 'y' if delete(session_path) == 0 echo 'Deleted session '. session_path .'!' else echo 'Deletion failed!' endif else echo 'Deletion aborted!' endif endfunction " Function: #session_delete_buffers {{{1 function! startify#session_delete_buffers() if get(g:, 'startify_session_delete_buffers', 1) silent! %bdelete! endif endfunction " Function: #session_list {{{1 function! startify#session_list(lead, ...) abort return filter(map(split(globpath(s:session_dir, '*'.a:lead.'*'), '\n'), 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t")'), 'v:val !=# "__LAST__"') endfunction " Function: #session_list_as_string {{{1 function! startify#session_list_as_string(lead, ...) abort return join(filter(map(split(globpath(s:session_dir, '*'.a:lead.'*'), '\n'), 'fnamemodify(v:val, ":t")'), 'v:val !=# "__LAST__"'), "\n") endfunction " Function: #debug {{{1 function! startify#debug() if exists('b:startify.entries') for k in sort(keys(b:startify.entries)) echomsg '['. k .'] = '. string(b:startify.entries[k]) endfor else call s:warn('This is no Startify buffer!') endif endfunction " Function: #open_buffers {{{1 function! startify#open_buffers(...) abort if exists('a:1') " used in mappings let entry = b:startify.entries[a:1] if !empty(s:batchmode) && entry.type == 'file' call startify#set_mark(s:batchmode, a:1) else call s:open_buffer(entry) endif return endif let marked = filter(copy(b:startify.entries), 'v:val.marked') if empty(marked) " open current entry call s:open_buffer(b:startify.entries[line('.')]) return endif enew setlocal nobuflisted " Open all marked entries. for entry in sort(values(marked), 's:sort_by_tick') call s:open_buffer(entry) endfor wincmd = if exists('#User#StartifyAllBuffersOpened') doautocmd <nomodeline> User StartifyAllBuffersOpened endif endfunction " Function: #pad {{{1 function! startify#pad(lines) abort return map(copy(a:lines), 's:padding_left . v:val') endfunction " Function: #center {{{1 function! startify#center(lines) abort let longest_line = max(map(copy(a:lines), 'strwidth(v:val)')) return map(copy(a:lines), \ 'repeat(" ", (&columns / 2) - (longest_line / 2) - 1) . v:val') endfunction " Function: s:get_lists {{{1 function! s:get_lists() abort if exists('g:startify_lists') return g:startify_lists elseif exists('g:startify_list_order') " Convert old g:startify_list_order format to newer g:startify_lists format. let lists = [] for item in g:startify_list_order if type(item) == type([]) let header = item else if exists('header') let lists += [{ 'type': item, 'header': header }] unlet header else let lists += [{ 'type': item }] endif endif unlet item endfor return lists else return [ \ { 'header': [s:padding_left .'MRU'], 'type': 'files' }, \ { 'header': [s:padding_left .'MRU '. getcwd()], 'type': 'dir' }, \ { 'header': [s:padding_left .'Sessions'], 'type': 'sessions' }, \ { 'header': [s:padding_left .'Bookmarks'], 'type': 'bookmarks' }, \ { 'header': [s:padding_left .'Commands'], 'type': 'commands' }, \ ] endif endfunction " Function: s:show_lists {{{1 function! s:show_lists(lists) abort for list in a:lists if !has_key(list, 'type') continue endif let b:startify.indices = copy(get(list, 'indices', [])) if type(list.type) == type('') if has_key(list, 'header') let s:last_message = list.header endif call s:show_{list.type}() elseif type(list.type) == type(function('tr')) try let entries = list.type() catch call s:warn(v:exception) continue endtry if empty(entries) unlet! s:last_message continue endif if has_key(list, 'header') let s:last_message = list.header call s:print_section_header() endif for entry in entries let cmd = get(entry, 'cmd', 'edit') let path = get(entry, 'path', '') let type = get(entry, 'type', empty(path) ? 'special' : 'file') let index = s:get_index_as_string() call append('$', s:padding_left .'['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index))) . entry.line) call s:register(line('$'), index, type, cmd, path) endfor call append('$', '') else call s:warn('Wrong format for g:startify_lists: '. string(list)) endif endfor endfunction " Function: s:open_buffer {{{1 function! s:open_buffer(entry) if a:entry.type == 'special' execute a:entry.cmd elseif a:entry.type == 'session' execute a:entry.cmd a:entry.path elseif a:entry.type == 'file' if line2byte('$') == -1 execute 'edit' a:entry.path else if a:entry.cmd == 'tabnew' wincmd = endif execute a:entry.cmd a:entry.path endif call s:check_user_options(a:entry.path) endif if exists('#User#StartifyBufferOpened') doautocmd <nomodeline> User StartifyBufferOpened endif endfunction " Function: s:set_custom_section {{{1 function! s:set_custom_section(section) abort if type(a:section) == type([]) return copy(a:section) elseif type(a:section) == type('') return empty(a:section) ? [] : eval(a:section) endif return [] endfunction " Function: s:display_by_path {{{1 function! s:display_by_path(path_prefix, path_format, use_env) abort let oldfiles = call(get(g:, 'startify_enable_unsafe') ? 's:filter_oldfiles_unsafe' : 's:filter_oldfiles', \ [a:path_prefix, a:path_format, a:use_env]) let entry_format = "s:padding_left .'['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index))) ." if exists('*StartifyEntryFormat') let entry_format .= StartifyEntryFormat() else let entry_format .= 'entry_path' endif if !empty(oldfiles) if exists('s:last_message') call s:print_section_header() endif for [absolute_path, entry_path] in oldfiles let index = s:get_index_as_string() call append('$', eval(entry_format)) if has('win32') let absolute_path = substitute(absolute_path, '\[', '\[[]', 'g') endif call s:register(line('$'), index, 'file', 'edit', absolute_path) endfor call append('$', '') endif endfunction " Function: s:filter_oldfiles {{{1 function! s:filter_oldfiles(path_prefix, path_format, use_env) abort let path_prefix = '\V'. escape(a:path_prefix, '\') let counter = s:numfiles let entries = {} let oldfiles = [] for fname in v:oldfiles if counter <= 0 break endif if s:is_in_skiplist(fname) " https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/issues/353 continue endif let absolute_path = fnamemodify(resolve(fname), ":p") " filter duplicates, bookmarks and entries from the skiplist if has_key(entries, absolute_path) \ || !filereadable(absolute_path) \ || s:is_in_skiplist(absolute_path) \ || match(absolute_path, path_prefix) continue endif let entry_path = '' if s:tf let entry_path = s:transform(absolute_path) endif if empty(entry_path) let entry_path = fnamemodify(absolute_path, a:path_format) endif let entries[absolute_path] = 1 let counter -= 1 let oldfiles += [[fnameescape(absolute_path), entry_path]] endfor if a:use_env call s:init_env() for i in range(len(oldfiles)) for [k,v] in s:env let p = oldfiles[i][0] if !stridx(tolower(p), tolower(v)) let oldfiles[i][1] = printf('$%s%s', k, p[len(v):]) break endif endfor endfor endif return oldfiles endfunction " Function: s:filter_oldfiles_unsafe {{{1 function! s:filter_oldfiles_unsafe(path_prefix, path_format, use_env) abort let path_prefix = '\V'. escape(a:path_prefix, '\') let counter = s:numfiles let entries = {} let oldfiles = [] let is_dir = escape(s:sep, '\') . '$' for fname in v:oldfiles if counter <= 0 break endif if s:is_in_skiplist(fname) " https://github.com/mhinz/vim-startify/issues/353 continue endif let absolute_path = glob(fnamemodify(fname, ":p")) if empty(absolute_path) \ || has_key(entries, absolute_path) \ || (absolute_path =~ is_dir) \ || match(absolute_path, path_prefix) \ || s:is_in_skiplist(absolute_path) continue endif let entry_path = fnamemodify(absolute_path, a:path_format) let entries[absolute_path] = 1 let counter -= 1 let oldfiles += [[fnameescape(absolute_path), entry_path]] endfor return oldfiles endfunction " Function: s:show_dir {{{1 function! s:show_dir() abort return s:display_by_path(getcwd() . s:sep, ':.', 0) endfunction " Function: s:show_files {{{1 function! s:show_files() abort return s:display_by_path('', s:relative_path, get(g:, 'startify_use_env')) endfunction " Function: s:show_sessions {{{1 function! s:show_sessions() abort let limit = get(g:, 'startify_session_number', 999) - 1 if limit <= -1 return endif let sfiles = split(globpath(s:session_dir, '*'), '\n') let sfiles = filter(sfiles, 'v:val !~# "__LAST__$"') let sfiles = filter(sfiles, \ '!(v:val =~# "x\.vim$" && index(sfiles, v:val[:-6].".vim") >= 0)') if empty(sfiles) if exists('s:last_message') unlet s:last_message endif return endif if exists('s:last_message') call s:print_section_header() endif if get(g:, 'startify_session_sort') function! s:sort_by_mtime(foo, bar) let foo = getftime(a:foo) let bar = getftime(a:bar) return foo == bar ? 0 : (foo < bar ? 1 : -1) endfunction call sort(sfiles, 's:sort_by_mtime') endif for i in range(len(sfiles)) let index = s:get_index_as_string() let fname = fnamemodify(sfiles[i], ':t') let dname = sfiles[i] ==# v:this_session ? fname.' (*)' : fname call append('$', s:padding_left .'['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index))) . dname) if has('win32') let fname = substitute(fname, '\[', '\[[]', 'g') endif call s:register(line('$'), index, 'session', 'SLoad', fname) if i == limit break endif endfor call append('$', '') endfunction " Function: s:show_bookmarks {{{1 function! s:show_bookmarks() abort if !exists('g:startify_bookmarks') || empty(g:startify_bookmarks) return endif if exists('s:last_message') call s:print_section_header() endif for bookmark in g:startify_bookmarks if type(bookmark) == type({}) let [index, path] = items(bookmark)[0] else " string let [index, path] = [s:get_index_as_string(), bookmark] endif let entry_path = '' if s:tf let entry_path = s:transform(fnamemodify(resolve(expand(path)), ':p')) endif if empty(entry_path) let entry_path = path endif call append('$', s:padding_left .'['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index))) . entry_path) if has('win32') let path = substitute(path, '\[', '\[[]', 'g') endif call s:register(line('$'), index, 'file', 'edit', fnameescape(expand(path))) unlet bookmark " avoid type mismatch for heterogeneous lists endfor call append('$', '') endfunction " Function: s:show_commands {{{1 function! s:show_commands() abort if !exists('g:startify_commands') || empty(g:startify_commands) return endif if exists('s:last_message') call s:print_section_header() endif for entry in g:startify_commands if type(entry) == type({}) " with custom index let [index, command] = items(entry)[0] else let command = entry let index = s:get_index_as_string() endif " If no list is given, the description is the command itself. let [desc, cmd] = type(command) == type([]) ? command : [command, command] call append('$', s:padding_left .'['. index .']'. repeat(' ', (3 - strlen(index))) . desc) call s:register(line('$'), index, 'special', cmd, '') unlet entry command endfor call append('$', '') endfunction " Function: s:is_in_skiplist {{{1 function! s:is_in_skiplist(arg) abort for regexp in s:skiplist try if a:arg =~# regexp return 1 endif catch call s:warn('Pattern '. string(regexp) .' threw an exception. Read :help g:startify_skiplist') endtry endfor endfunction " Function: s:set_cursor {{{1 function! s:set_cursor() abort let b:startify.oldline = exists('b:startify.newline') ? b:startify.newline : 2 + len(s:padding_left) let b:startify.newline = line('.') " going up (-1) or down (1) if b:startify.oldline == b:startify.newline \ && col('.') != s:fixed_column \ && !b:startify.leftmouse let movement = 2 * (col('.') > s:fixed_column) - 1 let b:startify.newline += movement else let movement = 2 * (b:startify.newline > b:startify.oldline) - 1 let b:startify.leftmouse = 0 endif " skip section headers lines until an entry is found while index(b:startify.section_header_lines, b:startify.newline) != -1 let b:startify.newline += movement endwhile " skip blank lines between lists if empty(getline(b:startify.newline)) let b:startify.newline += movement endif " don't go beyond first or last entry let b:startify.newline = max([b:startify.firstline, min([b:startify.lastline, b:startify.newline])]) call cursor(b:startify.newline, s:fixed_column) endfunction " Function: s:set_mappings {{{1 function! s:set_mappings() abort nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> i :enew <bar> startinsert<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> <insert> :enew <bar> startinsert<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> b :call startify#set_mark('B')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> s :call startify#set_mark('S')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> t :call startify#set_mark('T')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> v :call startify#set_mark('V')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> B :call startify#set_batchmode('B')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> S :call startify#set_batchmode('S')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> T :call startify#set_batchmode('T')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> V :call startify#set_batchmode('V')<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> <cr> :call startify#open_buffers()<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> <LeftMouse> :call <sid>leftmouse()<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> <2-LeftMouse> :call startify#open_buffers()<cr> nnoremap <buffer><nowait><silent> <MiddleMouse> :enew <bar> execute 'normal! "'.(v:register=='"'?'*':v:register).'gp'<cr> " Without these mappings n/N wouldn't work properly, since autocmds always " force the cursor back on the index. nnoremap <buffer><expr> n ' j'[v:searchforward].'n' nnoremap <buffer><expr> N 'j '[v:searchforward].'N' function! s:leftmouse() " feedkeys() triggers CursorMoved which calls s:set_cursor() which checks " .leftmouse. let b:startify.leftmouse = 1 call feedkeys("\<LeftMouse>", 'nt') endfunction function! s:compare_by_index(foo, bar) return a:foo.index - a:bar.index endfunction for entry in sort(values(b:startify.entries), 's:compare_by_index') execute 'nnoremap <buffer><silent><nowait>' entry.index \ ':call startify#open_buffers('. string(entry.line) .')<cr>' endfor endfunction " Function: #set_batchmode {{{1 function! startify#set_batchmode(batchmode) abort let s:batchmode = (a:batchmode == s:batchmode) ? '' : a:batchmode echo empty(s:batchmode) ? 'Batchmode off' : 'Batchmode: '. s:batchmode endfunction " Function: #set_mark {{{1 function! startify#set_mark(type, ...) abort if a:0 let entryline = a:1 else call startify#set_batchmode('') let entryline = line('.') endif let entry = b:startify.entries[entryline] if entry.type != 'file' return endif let default_cmds = { \ 'B': 'edit', \ 'S': 'split', \ 'V': 'vsplit', \ 'T': 'tabnew', \ } let origline = line('.') execute entryline let index = expand('<cword>') setlocal modifiable if entry.marked && index[0] == a:type let entry.cmd = 'edit' let entry.marked = 0 execute 'normal! ci]'. entry.index else let entry.cmd = default_cmds[a:type] let entry.marked = 1 let entry.tick = b:startify.tick let b:startify.tick += 1 execute 'normal! ci]'. repeat(a:type, len(index)) endif setlocal nomodifiable nomodified " Reset cursor to fixed column, which is important for s:set_cursor(). call cursor(origline, s:fixed_column) endfunction " Function: s:sort_by_tick {{{1 function! s:sort_by_tick(one, two) return a:one.tick - a:two.tick endfunction " Function: s:check_user_options {{{1 function! s:check_user_options(path) abort let session = a:path . s:sep .'Session.vim' if get(g:, 'startify_session_autoload') && filereadable(glob(session)) execute 'silent bwipeout' a:path call startify#session_delete_buffers() execute 'source' session return endif if get(g:, 'startify_change_to_vcs_root') && s:cd_to_vcs_root(a:path) return endif if get(g:, 'startify_change_to_dir', 1) if isdirectory(a:path) execute 'lcd' a:path else let dir = fnamemodify(a:path, ':h') if isdirectory(dir) execute 'lcd' dir else " Do nothing. E.g. a:path == `scp://foo/bar` endif endif endif endfunction " Function: s:cd_to_vcs_root {{{1 function! s:cd_to_vcs_root(path) abort let dir = fnamemodify(a:path, ':p:h') for vcs in [ '.git', '.hg', '.bzr', '.svn' ] let root = finddir(vcs, dir .';') if !empty(root) execute 'lcd' fnameescape(fnamemodify(root, ':h')) return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction " Function: s:close {{{1 function! s:close() abort if len(filter(range(0, bufnr('$')), 'buflisted(v:val)')) - &buflisted if bufloaded(bufnr('#')) && bufnr('#') != bufnr('%') buffer # else bnext endif else quit endif endfunction " Function: s:get_index_as_string {{{1 function! s:get_index_as_string() abort if !empty(b:startify.indices) return remove(b:startify.indices, 0) elseif exists('g:startify_custom_indices') let listlen = len(g:startify_custom_indices) if b:startify.entry_number < listlen let idx = g:startify_custom_indices[b:startify.entry_number] else let idx = string(b:startify.entry_number - listlen) endif else let idx = string(b:startify.entry_number) endif let b:startify.entry_number += 1 return idx endfunction " Function: s:print_section_header {{{1 function! s:print_section_header() abort $ let curline = line('.') for lnum in range(curline, curline + len(s:last_message) + 1) call add(b:startify.section_header_lines, lnum) endfor call append('$', s:last_message + ['']) unlet s:last_message endfunction " Function: s:register {{{1 function! s:register(line, index, type, cmd, path) let b:startify.entries[a:line] = { \ 'index': a:index, \ 'type': a:type, \ 'line': a:line, \ 'cmd': a:cmd, \ 'path': a:path, \ 'marked': 0, \ } endfunction " Function: s:create_last_session_link {{{1 function! s:create_last_session_link(session_path) if !has('win32') && a:session_path !~# '__LAST__$' let cmd = printf('ln -sf %s %s', \ shellescape(fnamemodify(a:session_path, ':t')), \ shellescape(s:session_dir .'/__LAST__')) call system(cmd) if v:shell_error call s:warn("Can't create 'last used session' symlink.") endif endif endfunction " Function: s:init_env {{{1 function! s:init_env() let s:env = [] let ignore = { \ 'HOME': 1, \ 'OLDPWD': 1, \ 'PWD': 1, \ } if exists('*environ') let env = items(environ()) else redir => s silent! execute "norm!:ec$\<c-a>'\<c-b>\<right>\<right>\<del>'\<cr>" redir END redraw let env = map(split(s), '[v:val, eval("$".v:val)]') endif for [var, val] in env if has('win32') ? (val[1] != ':') : (val[0] != '/') \ || has_key(ignore, var) \ || len(var) > len(val) continue endif call insert(s:env, [var, val], 0) endfor function! s:compare_by_key_len(foo, bar) return len(a:foo[0]) - len(a:bar[0]) endfunction function! s:compare_by_val_len(foo, bar) return len(a:bar[1]) - len(a:foo[1]) endfunction let s:env = sort(s:env, 's:compare_by_key_len') let s:env = sort(s:env, 's:compare_by_val_len') endfunction " Function: s:transform {{{1 function s:transform(absolute_path) for [k,V] in g:startify_transformations if a:absolute_path =~ k return type(V) == type('') ? V : V(a:absolute_path) endif unlet V endfor return '' endfunction " Function: s:warn {{{1 function! s:warn(msg) abort echohl WarningMsg echomsg 'startify: '. a:msg echohl NONE endfunction " Init: values {{{1 let s:sep = startify#get_separator() let s:numfiles = get(g:, 'startify_files_number', 10) let s:show_special = get(g:, 'startify_enable_special', 1) let s:relative_path = get(g:, 'startify_relative_path') ? ':~:.' : ':p:~' let s:tf = exists('g:startify_transformations') let s:session_dir = startify#get_session_path() let s:skiplist = get(g:, 'startify_skiplist', [ \ 'runtime/doc/.*\.txt', \ 'bundle/.*/doc/.*\.txt', \ 'plugged/.*/doc/.*\.txt', \ '/.git/', \ 'fugitiveblame$', \ escape(fnamemodify(resolve($VIMRUNTIME), ':p'), '\') .'doc/.*\.txt', \ ]) let s:padding_left = repeat(' ', get(g:, 'startify_padding_left', 3)) let s:fixed_column = len(s:padding_left) + 2 let s:batchmode = ''