" vim match-up - even better matching " " Maintainer: Andy Massimino " Email: a@normed.space " let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim function! matchup#quirks#isclike() abort " {{{1 let l:ft = get(split(&filetype, '\.'), 0, '') return index(s:clikeft, l:ft) > -1 endfunction let s:clikeft = [ 'arduino', 'c', 'cpp', 'cuda', \ 'go', 'javascript', 'ld', 'php' ] " }}}1 let s:adjust_max = 7 function! matchup#quirks#status_adjust(offscreen) abort " {{{1 if a:offscreen.match ==# '{' && matchup#quirks#isclike() let [l:a, l:b] = [indent(a:offscreen.lnum), \ indent(a:offscreen.links.close.lnum)] if strpart(getline(a:offscreen.lnum), \ 0, a:offscreen.cnum-1) =~# '^\s*$' let l:target = l:a elseif l:a != l:b let l:target = l:b else return 0 endif " go up to next line with same indent (up to s:adjust_max) for l:adjust in range(-1, -s:adjust_max, -1) let l:lnum = a:offscreen.lnum + l:adjust if indent(l:lnum) == l:target \ && getline(l:lnum) !~ '^\s*\%(#\|/\*\|//\)' return l:adjust endif endfor endif return 0 endfunction " }}}1 let &cpo = s:save_cpo " vim: fdm=marker sw=2