local NuiLine = require("nui.line") local mod = {} ---@param node table NuiTreeNode ---@return string node_id id function mod.default_get_node_id(node) if node.id then return "-" .. node.id end if node.text then local texts = node.text if type(node.text) ~= "table" or node.text.content then texts = { node.text } end return string.format( "%s-%s-%s", node._parent_id or "", node._depth, table.concat( vim.tbl_map(function(text) if type(text) == "string" then return text end return text:content() end, texts), "-" ) ) end return "-" .. math.random() end ---@param node table NuiTreeNode ---@return table[] lines NuiLine[] function mod.default_prepare_node(node) if not node.text then error("missing node.text") end local texts = node.text if type(node.text) ~= "table" or node.text.content then texts = { node.text } end local lines = {} for i, text in ipairs(texts) do local line = NuiLine() line:append(string.rep(" ", node._depth - 1)) if i == 1 and node:has_children() then line:append(node:is_expanded() and " " or " ") else line:append(" ") end line:append(text) table.insert(lines, line) end return lines end return mod