" help source for unite.vim " Version: 0.0.3 " Last Change: 14 Feb 2014. " Author: tsukkee <takayuki0510 at gmail.com> " Licence: The MIT License {{{ " Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy " of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal " in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights " to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell " copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is " furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: " " The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in " all copies or substantial portions of the Software. " " THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR " IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, " FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE " AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER " LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, " OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN " THE SOFTWARE. " }}} " define source function! unite#sources#help#define() return unite#util#has_vimproc() ? s:source : {} endfunction let s:Cache = unite#util#get_vital_cache() " cache let s:cache = [] let s:cont_number = 0 let s:cont_max = 0 function! unite#sources#help#refresh() let s:cache = [] let cache_dir = unite#get_data_directory() . '/help' if s:Cache.filereadable(cache_dir, 'help-cache') " Delete cache file. call s:Cache.deletefile(cache_dir, 'help-cache') endif endfunction let s:vimproc_files = {} " source let s:source = { \ 'name': 'help', \ 'max_candidates': 50, \ 'action_table': {}, \ 'hooks': {}, \ 'default_action': 'execute', \ 'filters' : ['matcher_default', 'sorter_word', 'converter_default'], \} function! s:source.hooks.on_init(args, context) let lang_filter = [] for arg in a:args if arg == '!' let should_refresh = 1 endif if arg =~ '[a-z]\{2\}' call add(lang_filter, arg) endif endfor let a:context.source__lang_filter = lang_filter let a:context.source__input = a:context.input if a:context.source__input == '' let a:context.source__input = \ unite#util#input('Please input search word: ', '', 'help') endif call unite#print_source_message('Search word: ' \ . a:context.source__input, s:source.name) endfunction function! s:source.gather_candidates(args, context) let should_refresh = a:context.is_redraw if should_refresh call unite#sources#help#refresh() let a:context.is_async = 1 endif let cache_dir = unite#get_data_directory() . '/help' if s:Cache.filereadable(cache_dir, 'help-cache') " Use cache file. let s:cache = eval(get(s:Cache.readfile( \ cache_dir, 'help-cache'), 0, '[]')) let a:context.is_async = 0 call unite#print_source_message('Completed.', s:source.name) endif if !empty(s:cache) let list = copy(s:cache) return s:filter_list(list, a:context) endif " load files. let s:vimproc_files = {} for tagfile in s:globpath(&runtimepath, 'doc/{tags,tags-*}', 1, 1) if !filereadable(tagfile) | continue | endif let file = { \ 'proc' : vimproc#fopen(tagfile, 'O_RDONLY'), \ 'lang' : matchstr(tagfile, 'tags-\zs[a-z]\{2\}'), \ 'path': fnamemodify(expand(tagfile), ':p:h:h:t'), \ 'max' : len(readfile(tagfile)), \ 'lnum' : 0, \ } let s:vimproc_files[tagfile] = file endfor let s:cont_number = 1 let s:cont_max = len(s:vimproc_files) return [] endfunction function! s:source.async_gather_candidates(args, context) let list = [] for [key, file] in items(s:vimproc_files) let lines = file.proc.read_lines(1000, 2000) " Show progress. let file.lnum += len(lines) let progress = (file.lnum * 100) / file.max if progress > 100 let progress = 100 endif call unite#clear_message() call unite#print_source_message( \ printf('[%2d/%2d] Making cache of "%s"...%d%%', \ s:cont_number, s:cont_max, \ file.path, progress), s:source.name) for line in lines if line == '' || line[0] == '!' continue endif let name = split(line, "\t")[0] let word = name . '@' . (file.lang != '' ? file.lang : 'en') let abbr = printf("%s%s (in %s)", \ name, ((file.lang != '') ? '@' . file.lang : ''), file.path) call add(list, { \ 'word': word, \ 'abbr': abbr, \ 'action__command': 'help ' . word, \ 'source__lang' : file.lang != '' ? file.lang : 'en' \}) endfor if file.proc.eof call file.proc.close() call remove(s:vimproc_files, key) let s:cont_number += 1 endif endfor let s:cache += list if empty(s:vimproc_files) let a:context.is_async = 0 call unite#print_source_message('Completed.', s:source.name) " Save cache file. let cache_dir = unite#get_data_directory() . '/help' call s:Cache.writefile(cache_dir, 'help-cache', \ [string(s:cache)]) endif return s:filter_list(list, a:context) endfunction function! s:source.hooks.on_close(args, context) endfunction function! s:filter_list(list, context) call filter(a:list, 'stridx(v:val.word, a:context.source__input) >= 0') if !empty(a:context.source__lang_filter) call filter(a:list, 'index(a:context.source__lang_filter, \ v:val.source__lang) != -1') endif return a:list endfunction " action let s:action_table = {} let s:action_table.execute = { \ 'description': 'lookup help' \} function! s:action_table.execute.func(candidate) let save_ignorecase = &ignorecase set noignorecase execute a:candidate.action__command let &ignorecase = save_ignorecase endfunction let s:action_table.tabopen = { \ 'description': 'open help in a new tab' \} function! s:action_table.tabopen.func(candidate) let save_ignorecase = &ignorecase set noignorecase execute 'tab' a:candidate.action__command let &ignorecase = save_ignorecase endfunction function! s:globpath(path, expr, suf, list) abort if has('patch-7.4.279') return globpath(a:path, a:expr, a:suf, a:list) else let rst = globpath(a:path, a:expr, a:suf) if a:list return split(rst, "\n") else return rst endif endif endfunction let s:source.action_table.common = s:action_table " vim: expandtab:ts=4:sts=4:sw=4