" org.vim - VimOrganizer plugin for Vim " ------------------------------------------------------------- " Version: 0.30 " Maintainer: Herbert Sitz <hesitz@gmail.com> " Last Change: 2011 Nov 02 " " Script: http://www.vim.org/scripts/script.php?script_id=3342 " Github page: http://github.com/hsitz/VimOrganizer " Copyright: (c) 2010, 2011 by Herbert Sitz " The VIM LICENSE applies to all files in the " VimOrganizer plugin. " (See the Vim copyright except read "VimOrganizer" " in places where that copyright refers to "Vim".) " http://vimdoc.sourceforge.net/htmldoc/uganda.html#license " No warranty, express or implied. " *** *** Use At-Your-Own-Risk *** *** if exists("g:org_autoload_funcs") finish endif let g:org_autoload_funcs=1 function! org#SetOrgFileType() "if expand("%:e") == 'org' "if exists("g:syntax_on") | syntax off | else | syntax enable | endif "syntax enable if &filetype != 'org' execute "set filetype=org" " if !exists('g:org_todo_setup') " let g:org_todo_setup = 'TODO | DONE' " endif " if !exists('g:org_tag_setup') " let g:org_tag_setup = '{home(h) work(w)}' " endif " " call OrgProcessConfigLines() " exec "syntax match DONETODO '" . b:v.todoDoneMatch . "' containedin=OL1,OL2,OL3,OL4,OL5,OL6" " exec "syntax match NOTDONETODO '" . b:v.todoNotDoneMatch . "' containedin=OL1,OL2,OL3,OL4,OL5,OL6" endif "endif runtime syntax/org.vim "syntax enable "call OrgSetColors() endfunction function! org#Pad(s,amt) return a:s . repeat(' ',a:amt - len(a:s)) endfunction function! org#Timestamp() return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %a %H:%M") endfunction function! org#redir(command) let save_a = @a try silent! redir @a silent! exe a:command redir END finally "let res = split(@a,"\n") let res = @a " restore register let @a = save_a return res endtry endfunction function! org#GetGroupHighlight(group) " this code was copied and modified from code posted on StackOverflow " http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1331213/how-to-modify-existing-highlight-group-in-vim " Redirect the output of the "hi" command into a variable " and find the highlighting redir => GroupDetails try exe "silent hi " . a:group catch " skip error message if no such group exists endtry redir END " Resolve linked groups to find the root highlighting scheme while GroupDetails =~ "links to" let index = stridx(GroupDetails, "links to") + len("links to") let LinkedGroup = strpart(GroupDetails, index + 1) redir => GroupDetails exe "silent hi " . LinkedGroup redir END endwhile if GroupDetails ># '' " Extract the highlighting details (the bit after "xxx") let MatchGroups = matchlist(GroupDetails, '\<xxx\>\s\+\(.*\)') let ExistingHighlight = MatchGroups[1] !~? 'cleared' ? MatchGroups[1] : '' else " Group does not exist let ExistingHighlight = '' endif return ExistingHighlight endfunction function! org#ISODateToYWD(date) "returns y,w,d which are iso week spec for date let date = a:date "let d = 1 + ((calutil#dow(date) + 4) % 7) let d = 1 + calutil#dow(date) let jul_nThur = calutil#jul(date) + 4 - d let y = calutil#cal(jul_nThur)[0:3] let julJan1 = calutil#jul(date[0:3] . '-01-01') let w = 1 + ((jul_nThur - julJan1) / 7) return [y,w,d] endfunction function! org#LocateFile(filename) let filename = a:filename if bufwinnr(filename) >= 0 silent execute bufwinnr(filename)."wincmd w" else if org#redir('tabs') =~ fnamemodify(filename, ':t') " proceed on assumption that file is open " if match found in tablist let this_tab = tabpagenr() let last_tab = tabpagenr('$') for i in range(1 , last_tab) exec i . 'tabn' if bufwinnr(filename) >= 0 silent execute bufwinnr(filename)."wincmd w" break " if file not found then use tab drop to open new file elseif i == last_tab execute 'tab drop ' . filename if (&ft != 'org') && (filename != '__Agenda__') call org#SetOrgFileType() endif endif tabn endfor else exe 'tabn ' . tabpagenr('$') execute 'tab drop ' . filename if (&ft != 'org') && (filename != '__Agenda__') call org#SetOrgFileType() endif endif endif if (&fdm != 'expr') && !exists('g:in_agenda_search') set fdm=expr set foldlevel=1 endif endfunction function! org#SaveLocation() let file_loc = bufname('%') ==? '__Agenda__' ? '__Agenda__' : expand('%:p') let g:location = [ file_loc , getpos('.') ] endfunction function! org#RestoreLocation() if expand('%:p') != g:location[0] call org#LocateFile( g:location[0] ) endif call setpos( '.', g:location[1] ) endfunction function! org#OpenCaptureFile() call org#LocateFile(g:org_capture_file) endfunction function! org#CaptureBuffer() if !exists('g:org_capture_file') || empty(g:org_capture_file) echo 'Capture is not set up. Please read docs at :h vimorg-capture.' return endif if bufnr('_Org_Capture_') > 0 exec 'bwipeout! ' . bufnr('_Org_Capture_') endif sp _Org_Capture_ autocmd BufWriteCmd <buffer> :call <SID>ProcessCapture() "autocmd BufLeave <buffer> :bwipeout autocmd BufUnload <buffer> :set nomodified set nobuflisted set ft=org setlocal buftype=acwrite setlocal noswapfile command! -buffer W :call <SID>ProcessCapture() " below is the basic template " a first level head with date timestamp normal ggVGd normal i* silent exec "normal o:<".org#Timestamp().">" normal gg set nomodified startinsert! endfunction function! s:ProcessCapture() "normal ggVG"xy let curbufnr = bufnr(g:org_capture_file) " check if capture file is already open or not if curbufnr == -1 exe '1,$write >> ' . g:org_capture_file bw! _Org_Capture_ else normal ggVG"xy bw! _Org_Capture_ call org#SaveLocation() call org#LocateFile(g:org_capture_file) normal G"xp silent write call org#RestoreLocation() endif exe 'bwipeout! ' . g:org_capture_file endfunction function! s:Pre0(s) return repeat('0',2 - len(a:s)) . a:s endfunction function! org#randomData() let date = string((2009 + org#util#random(3) - 1)).'-'.s:Pre0(org#util#random(12)).'-'.s:Pre0(org#util#random(28)) let dstring = '' if org#util#random(3) == 3 let dstring = date. ' ' . calutil#dayname(date) else let dstring = date. ' ' . calutil#dayname(date).' '.s:Pre0(org#util#random(23)).':'.s:Pre0((org#util#random(12)-1)*5) endif if org#util#random(6) == 6 let dstring .= ' +'.org#util#random(4).['d','w','m'][org#util#random(3)-1] endif return '<'.dstring.'>' "if a:date_type != '' " call s:SetProp(a:date_type,date) "else " silent execute "normal A".date "endif endfunction