local M = {} local system = require('spacevim.api').import('system') local fn = nil if vim.fn == nil then fn = require('spacevim').fn else fn = vim.fn end if system.isWindows then M.separator = '\\' M.pathSeparator = ';' else M.separator = '/' M.pathSeparator = ':' end local file_node_extensions = { ['styl'] = '', ['scss'] = '', ['htm'] = '', ['html'] = '', ['erb'] = '', ['slim'] = '', ['ejs'] = '', ['wxml'] = '', ['css'] = '', ['less'] = '', ['wxss'] = '', ['md'] = '', ['markdown'] = '', ['json'] = '', ['js'] = '', ['jsx'] = '', ['rb'] = '', ['php'] = '', ['py'] = '', ['pyc'] = '', ['pyo'] = '', ['pyd'] = '', ['coffee'] = '', ['mustache'] = '', ['hbs'] = '', ['conf'] = '', ['ini'] = '', ['yml'] = '', ['bat'] = '', ['jpg'] = '', ['jpeg'] = '', ['bmp'] = '', ['png'] = '', ['gif'] = '', ['ico'] = '', ['twig'] = '', ['cpp'] = '', ['c++'] = '', ['cxx'] = '', ['cc'] = '', ['cp'] = '', ['c'] = '', ['hs'] = '', ['lhs'] = '', ['lua'] = '', ['java'] = '', ['sh'] = '', ['fish'] = '', ['ml'] = 'λ', ['mli'] = 'λ', ['diff'] = '', ['db'] = '', ['sql'] = '', ['dump'] = '', ['clj'] = '', ['cljc'] = '', ['cljs'] = '', ['edn'] = '', ['scala'] = '', ['go'] = '', ['dart'] = '', ['xul'] = '', ['sln'] = '', ['suo'] = '', ['pl'] = '', ['pm'] = '', ['t'] = '', ['rss'] = '', ['f#'] = '', ['fsscript'] = '', ['fsx'] = '', ['fs'] = '', ['fsi'] = '', ['rs'] = '', ['rlib'] = '', ['d'] = '', ['erl'] = '', ['hrl'] = '', ['vim'] = '', ['ai'] = '', ['psd'] = '', ['psb'] = '', ['ts'] = '', ['tsx'] = '', ['jl'] = '', ['ex'] = '', ['exs'] = '', ['eex'] = '', ['leex'] = '' } local file_node_exact_matches = { ['exact-match-case-sensitive-1.txt'] = 'X1', ['exact-match-case-sensitive-2'] = 'X2', ['gruntfile.coffee'] = '', ['gruntfile.js'] = '', ['gruntfile.ls'] = '', ['gulpfile.coffee'] = '', ['gulpfile.js'] = '', ['gulpfile.ls'] = '', ['dropbox'] = '', ['.ds_store'] = '', ['.gitconfig'] = '', ['.gitignore'] = '', ['.bashrc'] = '', ['.bashprofile'] = '', ['favicon.ico'] = '', ['license'] = '', ['node_modules'] = '', ['react.jsx'] = '', ['Procfile'] = '', ['.vimrc'] = '', ['mix.lock'] = '', } local file_node_pattern_matches = { ['.*jquery.*\\.js$'] = '', ['.*angular.*\\.js$'] = '', ['.*backbone.*\\.js$'] = '', ['.*require.*\\.js$'] = '', ['.*materialize.*\\.js$'] = '', ['.*materialize.*\\.css$'] = '', ['.*mootools.*\\.js$'] = '' } function M.fticon(path) local file = fn.fnamemodify(path, ':t') if file_node_exact_matches[file] ~= nil then return file_node_exact_matches[file] end for k,v in ipairs(file_node_pattern_matches) do if fn.match(file, k) ~= -1 then return v end end local ext = fn.fnamemodify(file, ':e') if file_node_extensions[ext] ~= nil then return file_node_extensions[ext] else return '' end end function M.read(path) if fn.filereadable(path) then return fn.readfile(path, '') else return '' end end function M.write(msg, fname) local flags if fn.filereadable(fname) == 1 then flags = 'a' else flags = '' end fn.writefile({msg}, fname, flags) end function M.override(msg, fname) local flags if fn.filereadable(fname) == 1 then flags = 'b' else flags = '' end fn.writefile({msg}, fname, flags) end function M.read(fname) if fn.filereadable(fname) == 1 then return fn.readfile(fname, '') else return '' end end function M.unify_path(_path, ...) local mod = select('1', ...) if mod == nil then mod = ':p' end local path = fn.fnamemodify(_path, mod .. ':gs?[\\\\/]?/?') if fn.isdirectory(path) == 1 and string.sub(path, -1) ~= '/' then return path .. '/' elseif string.sub(_path, -1) == '/' and string.sub(path, -1) ~= '/' then return path .. '/' else return path end end function M.path_to_fname(path) return fn.substitute(M.unify_path(path), '[\\/:;.]', '_', 'g') end function M.findfile(what, where, ...) -- let old_suffixesadd = &suffixesadd -- let &suffixesadd = '' local count = select('1', ...) if count == nil then count = 0 end local file = '' if fn.filereadable(where) == 1 and fn.isdirectory(where) == 0 then path = fn.fnamemodify(where, ':h') else path = where end if count > 0 then file = fn.findfile(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';', count) elseif #{...} == 0 then file = fn.findfile(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';') elseif count == 0 then file = fn.findfile(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';', -1) else file = fn.get(fn.findfile(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';', -1), count, '') end -- let &suffixesadd = old_suffixesadd return file end function M.finddir(what, where, ...) -- let old_suffixesadd = &suffixesadd -- let &suffixesadd = '' local count = select('1', ...) if count == nil then count = 0 end local path = '' local file = '' if fn.filereadable(where) == 1 and fn.isdirectory(where) == 0 then path = fn.fnamemodify(where, ':h') else path = where end if count > 0 then file = fn.finddir(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';', count) elseif #{...} == 0 then file = fn.finddir(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';') elseif count == 0 then file = fn.finddir(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';', -1) else file = fn.get(fn.finddir(what, fn.escape(path, ' ') .. ';', -1), count, '') end -- let &suffixesadd = old_suffixesadd return file end return M