"" " @section Introduction, intro " @order intro mappings " lua development plugin for vim and neovim. " check if Vim is in correct version and has Lua support if v:version < 703 finish endif if !has('lua') && !has('nvim') finish endif if !has('nvim') && has('lua') " add lua path let s:plugin_dir = fnamemodify(expand('<sfile>'), ':h:h').'\lua' let s:str = s:plugin_dir . '\?.lua;' . s:plugin_dir . '\?\init.lua;' lua package.path=vim.eval("s:str") .. package.path endif " save and reset compatibility options let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim if exists('g:luacomplete_loaded') finish else let g:luacomplete_loaded = 1 endif "" " Diable/Enable default mappings in lua buffer. " > " mode key functinon " normal <leader>fl print functin list " < let g:lua_default_mappings = 0 "" " @section Mappings, mappings " luacomplete defined some mappings for lua buffer: " > " <Plug>PrintFunctionList print functino list " <Plug>WriteAndLuaFile wirte and luafile " < noremap <unique> <script> <Plug>PrintFunctionList :lua print_function_list() " restore compatibility options let &cpo = s:save_cpo