Include: include/setup.vader Execute (action queue: order on WinEnter): function! F1(...) return neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), \ a:000]) endfunction function! F2(...) return neomake#action_queue#add(['WinEnter'], [function('F2'), \ a:000]) endfunction let jobinfo = NeomakeTestsFakeJobinfo() call neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), [jobinfo]]) call neomake#action_queue#add(['WinEnter'], [function('F2'), [jobinfo]]) doautocmd WinEnter AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: processing for WinEnter (2 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F1.', 3 call neomake#action_queue#clean(jobinfo) delfunction F1 delfunction F2 Execute (action queue: order on WinEnter with Timer): let s:calls = [0, 0] function! F1(...) let s:calls[0] += 1 " NOTE: copies a:000 to work around return neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), \ copy(a:000)]) endfunction function! F2(...) let s:calls[1] += 1 " NOTE: copies a:000 to work around return neomake#action_queue#add(['WinEnter'], [function('F2'), \ copy(a:000)]) endfunction let jobinfo = NeomakeTestsFakeJobinfo() call neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), [jobinfo]]) call neomake#action_queue#add(['WinEnter'], [function('F2'), [jobinfo]]) if has('timers') AssertNeomakeMessage '\V\^Retrying Timer event in 10ms' NeomakeTestsWaitForMessage 'action queue: processing for Timer (1 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} else doautocmd CursorHold AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: processing for Timer (1 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} endif AssertNeomakeMessage 'Queuing action F1 for Timer, WinEnter.' AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: re-queuing F2 for not processed make_id.', 3 doautocmd WinEnter AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: processing for WinEnter (2 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F1.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: re-queuing F2 for not processed make_id.', 3 call neomake#action_queue#clean(jobinfo) delfunction F1 delfunction F2 AssertEqual s:calls, [2, 0] Execute (action queue: re-queued with different events): let s:calls = [0, 0] function! F1(...) let s:calls[0] += 1 if s:calls[0] == 2 return g:neomake#action_queue#processed endif " NOTE: copies a:000 to work around return neomake#action_queue#add(['BufEnter', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), \ copy(a:000)]) endfunction function! F2(...) let s:calls[1] += 1 if s:calls[1] == 2 return g:neomake#action_queue#processed endif " NOTE: copies a:000 to work around return neomake#action_queue#add(['WinEnter'], [function('F2'), \ copy(a:000)]) endfunction let jobinfo = NeomakeTestsFakeJobinfo() call neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), [jobinfo]]) call neomake#action_queue#add(['WinEnter'], [function('F2'), [jobinfo]]) if has('timers') AssertNeomakeMessage '\V\^Retrying Timer event in 10ms' else doautocmd CursorHold endif NeomakeTestsWaitForMessage 'action queue: processing for Timer (1 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} AssertNeomakeMessage 'Queuing action F1 for BufEnter, WinEnter.' AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: re-queuing F2 for not processed make_id.', 3 AssertEqual s:calls, [1, 0] doautocmd WinEnter AssertEqual s:calls, [2, 1] AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: processing for WinEnter (2 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F1.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F2.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Queuing action F2 for WinEnter.', 3 AssertEqual s:calls, [2, 1] AssertEqual len(g:neomake#action_queue#_s.action_queue), 1 doautocmd WinEnter AssertEqual len(g:neomake#action_queue#_s.action_queue), 0 delfunction F1 delfunction F2 AssertEqual s:calls, [2, 2] Execute (action queue: logs errors (get_list_entries, WinEnter)): function! F1(jobinfo,...) if a:0 return g:neomake#action_queue#processed endif throw 'error_in_F1' endfunction let jobinfo = NeomakeTestsFakeJobinfo() call neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), [jobinfo]]) doautocmd WinEnter AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: processing for WinEnter (1 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F1.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Error during action queue processing: error_in_F1.', 0 AssertNeomakeMessage '\v^CancelJob: job not found: \d+.', 0 call neomake#action_queue#clean(jobinfo) delfunction F1 Execute (action queue: logs errors (get_list_entries, Timer)): function! F1(jobinfo,...) if a:0 return g:neomake#action_queue#processed endif throw 'error_in_F1' endfunction let jobinfo = NeomakeTestsFakeJobinfo() call neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), [jobinfo]]) if has('timers') NeomakeTestsWaitForMessage 'action queue: processing for Timer (1 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} else doautocmd CursorHold endif AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F1.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Error during action queue processing: error_in_F1.', 0 AssertNeomakeMessage '\v^CancelJob: job not found: \d+.', 0 call neomake#action_queue#clean(jobinfo) delfunction F1 Execute (action queue: logs errors (E48, WinEnter)): function! F1(jobinfo,...) if a:0 return g:neomake#action_queue#processed endif sandbox bprevious endfunction let jobinfo = NeomakeTestsFakeJobinfo() call neomake#action_queue#add(['Timer', 'WinEnter'], [function('F1'), [jobinfo]]) doautocmd WinEnter AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: processing for WinEnter (1 items).', 3, {'winnr': 1} AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F1.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage '\vError during action queue processing: .*E48' AssertNeomakeMessage '\v^CancelJob: job not found: \d+.', 0 call neomake#action_queue#clean(jobinfo) delfunction F1 Execute (action queue: handles make_info in clean_make_info queue check): if !neomake#has_async_support() || !has('patch-v8.1.0342') NeomakeTestsSkip 'no async support.' else new call neomake#Make({'enabled_makers': [g:true_maker]}) let make_info = values(neomake#GetStatus().make_info)[0] function F(...) return g:neomake#action_queue#processed endfunction call neomake#action_queue#add(['InsertLeave'], [function('F'), [make_info]]) NeomakeTestsWaitForFinishedJobs AssertNeomakeMessage '\VQueuing clean_make_info for already queued actions: [''make \d\+'']', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Queuing action clean_make_info for any event.', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'Skipping cleaning of make info for queued actions.', 3 doautocmd InsertLeave AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling F.' AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: calling clean_make_info.' bwipe delfunction F endif Execute (action queue: skips processing during internal autocommands): if NeomakeAsyncTestsSetup() Save g:neomake_open_list let g:neomake_open_list = 2 new let s:calls = [] function! F(...) call add(s:calls, a:000) return g:neomake#action_queue#processed endfunction let jobinfo = NeomakeTestsFakeJobinfo() call neomake#action_queue#add(['WinEnter'], [function('F'), [jobinfo]]) call neomake#Make(1, [g:error_maker]) let job = neomake#GetJobs()[-1] NeomakeTestsWaitForFinishedJobs AssertNeomakeMessage 'Handling location list: executing lwindow.', 3, job AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: skip processing for WinEnter (ignore_autocommands=1).', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'list window has been opened (old count: 2, new count: 3, height: 1).', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: skip processing for WinEnter (ignore_autocommands=1).', 3 AssertNeomakeMessage 'action queue: skip processing for WinEnter (ignore_autocommands=1).', 3 lclose wincmd p AssertNeomakeMessage '\vaction queue: processing for WinEnter' wincmd p bwipe delfunction F endif