local Runner = require("tests.indent.common").Runner local run = Runner:new(it, "tests/indent/php", { tabstop = 4, shiftwidth = 4, softtabstop = 0, expandtab = true, }) describe("indent PHP:", function() describe("whole file:", function() run:whole_file(".", { expected_failures = {}, }) end) describe("new line:", function() run:new_line("example.php", { on_line = 11, text = "// new line starts 1 indentation to far", indent = 4 }) run:new_line( "example2.php", { on_line = 5, text = "indentation with `enter` in insert mode is not correct", indent = 4 } ) run:new_line("issue-2497.php", { on_line = 5, text = "$a =", indent = 4 }) run:new_line("unfinished-call.php", { on_line = 6, text = "$a =", indent = 0 }) run:new_line("issue-3591.php", { on_line = 4, text = "$a =", indent = 8 }) run:new_line("enum-indent.php", { on_line = 4, text = "case", indent = 4 }) end) end)