; Types ; Javascript ; Variables ;----------- (identifier) @variable ; Properties ;----------- (property_identifier) @property (shorthand_property_identifier) @property (private_property_identifier) @property (variable_declarator name: (object_pattern (shorthand_property_identifier_pattern))) @variable ; Special identifiers ;-------------------- ((identifier) @type (#lua-match? @type "^[A-Z]")) ((identifier) @constant (#lua-match? @constant "^_*[A-Z][A-Z%d_]*$")) ((shorthand_property_identifier) @constant (#lua-match? @constant "^_*[A-Z][A-Z%d_]*$")) ((identifier) @variable.builtin (#any-of? @variable.builtin "arguments" "module" "console" "window" "document")) ((identifier) @type.builtin (#any-of? @type.builtin "Object" "Function" "Boolean" "Symbol" "Number" "Math" "Date" "String" "RegExp" "Map" "Set" "WeakMap" "WeakSet" "Promise" "Array" "Int8Array" "Uint8Array" "Uint8ClampedArray" "Int16Array" "Uint16Array" "Int32Array" "Uint32Array" "Float32Array" "Float64Array" "ArrayBuffer" "DataView" "Error" "EvalError" "InternalError" "RangeError" "ReferenceError" "SyntaxError" "TypeError" "URIError")) ((identifier) @namespace.builtin (#eq? @namespace.builtin "Intl")) ((identifier) @function.builtin (#any-of? @function.builtin "eval" "isFinite" "isNaN" "parseFloat" "parseInt" "decodeURI" "decodeURIComponent" "encodeURI" "encodeURIComponent" "require")) ; Function and method definitions ;-------------------------------- (function name: (identifier) @function) (function_declaration name: (identifier) @function) (generator_function name: (identifier) @function) (generator_function_declaration name: (identifier) @function) (method_definition name: [(property_identifier) (private_property_identifier)] @method) (method_definition name: (property_identifier) @constructor (#eq? @constructor "constructor")) (pair key: (property_identifier) @method value: (function)) (pair key: (property_identifier) @method value: (arrow_function)) (assignment_expression left: (member_expression property: (property_identifier) @method) right: (arrow_function)) (assignment_expression left: (member_expression property: (property_identifier) @method) right: (function)) (variable_declarator name: (identifier) @function value: (arrow_function)) (variable_declarator name: (identifier) @function value: (function)) (assignment_expression left: (identifier) @function right: (arrow_function)) (assignment_expression left: (identifier) @function right: (function)) ; Function and method calls ;-------------------------- (call_expression function: (identifier) @function.call) (call_expression function: (member_expression property: [(property_identifier) (private_property_identifier)] @method.call)) ; Constructor ;------------ (new_expression constructor: (identifier) @constructor) ; Variables ;---------- (namespace_import (identifier) @namespace) ; Decorators ;---------- (decorator "@" @attribute (identifier) @attribute) (decorator "@" @attribute (call_expression (identifier) @attribute)) ; Literals ;--------- [ (this) (super) ] @variable.builtin ((identifier) @variable.builtin (#eq? @variable.builtin "self")) [ (true) (false) ] @boolean [ (null) (undefined) ] @constant.builtin (comment) @comment @spell ((comment) @comment.documentation (#lua-match? @comment.documentation "^/[*][*][^*].*[*]/$")) (hash_bang_line) @preproc ((string_fragment) @preproc (#eq? @preproc "use strict")) (string) @string (template_string) @string (escape_sequence) @string.escape (regex_pattern) @string.regex (regex_flags) @character.special (regex "/" @punctuation.bracket) ; Regex delimiters (number) @number ((identifier) @number (#any-of? @number "NaN" "Infinity")) ; Punctuation ;------------ ";" @punctuation.delimiter "." @punctuation.delimiter "," @punctuation.delimiter (pair ":" @punctuation.delimiter) (pair_pattern ":" @punctuation.delimiter) (switch_case ":" @punctuation.delimiter) (switch_default ":" @punctuation.delimiter) [ "--" "-" "-=" "&&" "+" "++" "+=" "&=" "/=" "**=" "<<=" "<" "<=" "<<" "=" "==" "===" "!=" "!==" "=>" ">" ">=" ">>" "||" "%" "%=" "*" "**" ">>>" "&" "|" "^" "??" "*=" ">>=" ">>>=" "^=" "|=" "&&=" "||=" "??=" "..." ] @operator (binary_expression "/" @operator) (ternary_expression ["?" ":"] @conditional.ternary) (unary_expression ["!" "~" "-" "+"] @operator) (unary_expression ["delete" "void"] @keyword.operator) [ "(" ")" "[" "]" "{" "}" ] @punctuation.bracket ((template_substitution ["${" "}"] @punctuation.special) @none) ; Keywords ;---------- [ "if" "else" "switch" "case" ] @conditional [ "import" "from" ] @include (export_specifier "as" @include) (import_specifier "as" @include) (namespace_export "as" @include) (namespace_import "as" @include) [ "for" "of" "do" "while" "continue" ] @repeat [ "break" "class" "const" "debugger" "export" "extends" "get" "let" "set" "static" "target" "var" "with" ] @keyword [ "async" "await" ] @keyword.coroutine [ "return" "yield" ] @keyword.return [ "function" ] @keyword.function [ "new" "delete" "in" "instanceof" "typeof" ] @keyword.operator [ "throw" "try" "catch" "finally" ] @exception (export_statement "default" @keyword) (switch_default "default" @conditional)