if get(s:, 'loaded', 0) finish endif let s:loaded = 1 let s:id = 1 let s:reg = {} let s:leaving = 0 augroup yarp autocmd! " this one is which you're most likely to use? autocmd VimLeavePre * let s:leaving = 1 augroup end if has('nvim') let s:rpcrequest = 'rpcrequest' let s:rpcnotify = 'rpcnotify' let s:jobstart = 'jobstart' fun! s:_serveraddr() return v:servername endfunc let s:serveraddr = function('s:_serveraddr') else let s:rpcrequest = get(g:, 'yarp_rpcrequest', 'neovim_rpc#rpcrequest') let s:rpcnotify = get(g:, 'yarp_rpcnotify', 'neovim_rpc#rpcnotify') let s:jobstart = get(g:, 'yarp_jobstart', 'neovim_rpc#jobstart') let s:serveraddr = get(g:, 'yarp_serveraddr', 'neovim_rpc#serveraddr') endif func! yarp#core#new(rp) let s:id = s:id + 1 let rp = a:rp let rp.jobstart = function('yarp#core#jobstart') func rp.error(msg) dict call yarp#core#error(self.module, a:msg) endfunc let rp.call = function('yarp#core#request') let rp.request = function('yarp#core#request') let rp.notify = function('yarp#core#notify') let rp.try_notify = function('yarp#core#try_notify') let rp.wait_channel = function('yarp#core#wait_channel') let rp.id = s:id let rp.job_is_dead = 0 let s:reg[rp.id] = rp " options let rp.on_load = get(rp, 'on_load', function('yarp#core#_nop')) let rp.job_detach = get(rp, 'job_detach', 0) " reserved for user let rp.user_data = get(rp, 'user_data', {}) return rp endfunc func! yarp#core#_nop(...) dict endfunc func! yarp#core#on_stderr(chan_id, data, event) dict let mod = self.self call mod.error(filter(a:data, 'len(v:val)')) endfunc func! yarp#core#on_exit(chan_id, data, event) dict let mod = self.self let mod.job_is_dead = 1 if has_key(mod, 'channel') unlet mod.channel endif if has("nvim") if v:exiting is 0 return endif elseif v:dying || s:leaving return endif call mod.error("Job is dead. cmd=" . string(mod.cmd)) endfunc func! yarp#core#channel_started(id, channel) let rp = s:reg[a:id] let rp.channel = a:channel call call(rp.on_load, [], rp) endfunc func! yarp#core#request(method, ...) dict call self.wait_channel() return call(s:rpcrequest, [self.channel, a:method] + a:000) endfunc func! yarp#core#notify(method, ...) dict call self.wait_channel() call call(s:rpcnotify, [self.channel, a:method] + a:000) endfunc func! yarp#core#try_notify(method, ...) dict call self.jobstart() if get(self, 'job_is_dead', 0) call self.error('try_notify ' . a:method . ' failed, job is dead') return 0 endif if !has_key(self, 'channel') " not yet started return 0 endif let args = [self.channel, a:method] + a:000 try call call(s:rpcnotify, args) return 1 catch call self.error('try_notify ' . s:rpcnotify . ' ' . a:method . ' failed: ' . v:exception . ', ' . string(args)) return 0 endtry endfunc func! yarp#core#wait_channel() dict if has_key(self, 'channel') return endif if ! has_key(self, 'job') call self.jobstart() endif if get(self, 'job', -1) == -1 throw '[yarp] [' . self.module . '] job is not running' endif let cnt = 5000 / 20 while ! has_key(self, 'channel') if self.job_is_dead throw '[yarp] [' . self.module . \ '] job is dead. failed establishing channel for ' . \ string(self.cmd) endif if cnt <= 0 throw '[yarp] [' . self.module . '] timeout establishing channel for ' . string(self.cmd) endif let cnt = cnt - 1 silent sleep 20m endwhile endfunc func! yarp#core#jobstart() dict if ! has_key(self, 'cmd') call self.init() if ! has_key(self, 'cmd') call self.error("cmd of the job is not set") return endif endif if has_key(self, 'job') return endif let opts = {'on_stderr': function('yarp#core#on_stderr'), \ 'on_exit': function('yarp#core#on_exit'), \ 'detach': self.job_detach, \ 'self': self} try let self.job = call(s:jobstart, [self.cmd, opts]) if self.job == -1 call self.error('Failed starting job: ' . string(self.cmd)) endif catch let self.job = -1 call self.error(['Failed starting job: ' . string(self.cmd), v:exception]) endtry endfunc func! yarp#core#serveraddr() return call (s:serveraddr, []) endfunc func! yarp#core#error(mod, msg) if mode() == 'i' " NOTE: side effect, sorry, but this is necessary set nosmd endif if type(a:msg) == type("") let lines = split(a:msg, "\n", 1) else let lines = a:msg endif echoh ErrorMsg for line in lines echom '[' . a:mod . '@yarp] ' . line endfor echoh None endfunc