*jplus.txt*	Join lines inserting characters in between

CONTENTS						*jplus-contents*

Introduction				|jplus-introduction|
Usage					|jplus-usage|
Interface				|jplus-interface|
  Mappings				  |jplus-mapping|
Settings				|jplus-setting|
  Variables				  |jplus-variables|
FAQ					|jplus-FAQ|

INTRODUCTION						*jplus-introduction*

This plugin lets you input characters to insert between lines when joining

before: >

↓↓↓ <Plug>(jplus-getchar)+ ↓↓↓

after: >

Additionally, it deletes the line continuation character (such as \) when

before: >
	" filetype=vim
	let = aaa
	\   + bbb
	\   + ccc

↓↓↓ <Plug>(jplus) ↓↓↓

after: >
	let = aaa + bbb + ccc

USAGE							*jplus-usage*

You can map it to the key of your preference to use it.

	" Let jplus.vim handle default behaviour of J
	nmap J <Plug>(jplus)
	vmap J <Plug>(jplus)

	" Input one character getchar() to insert between lines
	nmap <Leader>J <Plug>(jplus-getchar)
	vmap <Leader>J <Plug>(jplus-getchar)

	" When you want to add surrounding spaces with <Plug>(jplus-getchar)
	" %d is replaced with the input character
	let g:jplus#config = {
	\	"_" : {
	\		"delimiter_format" : ' %d '
	\	}

	" When you want to use input() (for more than one character)
	" nmap <Leader>J <Plug>(jplus-input)
	" vmap <Leader>J <Plug>(jplus-input)

INTERFACE						*jplus-interface*

MAPPINGS						*jplus-mapping*

<Plug>(jplus)					*<Plug>(jplus)*
	Does line concatenation similar to |J|.
	This will automatically remove the line continuation character (such
	as a trailing \) when joining lines.
	Automatic removal is done in the following 'filetype'.


	The plugin will check the |jplus-config| set in |g:jplus#config|.
	See |jplus-config-priority| for more details.

<Plug>(jplus-getchar)				*<Plug>(jplus-getchar)*
	Similar to |<Plug>(jplus)| but prompts for a character that is used as
	a delimiter for the lines. Character input is done using |getchar()|.
	The plugin will look settings in |g:jplus#input_config|.
	See |jplus-config-priority| for more details.

<Plug>(jplus-getchar-with-space)		*<Plug>(jplus-getchar-with-space)*
	Similar to |<Plug>(jplus-getchar)|, but inserts surrounding spaces
	around the delimiter character.
	This has higher priority than the configurations in

<Plug>(jplus-input)				*<Plug>(jplus-input)*
	Similar to |<Plug>(jplus-getchar)| but uses |input()| for prompting.

<Plug>(jplus-input-with-space)			*<Plug>(jplus-input-with-space)*
	Similar to |<Plug>(jplus-input)| but inserts surrounding spaces around
	the delimiter character.
	This has higher priority than the configurations in

SETTINGS					*jplus-setting*

VARIABLES					*jplus-variables*

g:jplus#config					*g:jplus#config*
	States the configurations with 'filetype' being the keys.
	When "_" is used as the key, it is used as the default configurations.
	These configurations are used when key mappings such as
	|<Plug>(jplus)| are used.
	See |jplus-config| for the format of the configurations per

	NOTE: The delimiter characters entered using |<Plug>(jplus-getchar)|
	have higher priority than the |jplus-config-delimiter| set in

|g:jplus#default_config|			*g:jplus#default_config*
	Same configurations as |g:jplus#config|.
	This variable is used as the default value, and is normally not
	modified by the user.

g:jplus#input_config				*g:jplus#input_config*
	|jplus-config| configurations that are used by |<Plug>(jplus-getchar)|
	and |<Plug>(jplus-input)|.
	Dictionary whose keys are the entered delimiter character.
	This is used when you want to change the format depending on the
	character entered.
	"__DEFAULT__" key is used as the default configurations.
Example: >
	" Surround the delimiter character with spaces by default
	" Only add a space to the left when joining with a comma
	let g:jplus#input_config = {
	\	"__DEFAULT__" : {
	\		"delimiter_format" : " %d "
	\	},
	\	"," : {
	\		"delimiter_format" : "%d "
	\	}

jplus-config						*jplus-config*

Defines the configurations that are used when joining lines.
This is a dictionary with the key being the name of the configuration.
Use this format for configurations such as |g:jplus#config|.

Example: >
	" Don't join comment lines and delete them when filetype=vim
	let g:jplus#config = {
	\	"vim" : {
	\		"ignore_pattern" : '^\s*"'
	\	}

- "delimiter"					*jplus-config-delimiter*
	Delimiter used when joining.

	Default: " "

- "delimiter_format"				*jplus-config-delimiter_format*
	The format of the delimiter.
	"%d" is replaced with the "delimiter".

	Default: "%d"

- "ignore_pattern"				*jplus-config-ignore_pattern*
	Ignore lines that match this pattern. Ignored lines are deleted.
	No lines are ignored when an empty string is set.

	Default: ""

- "left_matchstr_pattern"		*jplus-config-left_matchstr_pattern*
	The {pat} value used for |matchstr()| when applying the pattern to the
	left hand side when joining lines.
	Used when joining only certain strings.
	When joining multiple lines, this pattern is used on each line.

	Default: '.*'

- "right_matchstr_pattern"		*jplus-config-right_matchstr_pattern*
	Similar to |jplus-config-left_matchstr_pattern| but is applied to the
	right hand side.
	The default pattern "removes the leading whitespaces."

	Default: '\s*\zs.*'

PRIORITIES					*jplus-config-priority*

The following list shows the priorities of the |jplus-config| configurations
used on |<Plug>(jplus)|.

1. '_' key of |g:jplus#default_config|
2. '_' key of |g:jplus#config|
3. Current 'filetype' key of |g:jplus#default_config|
4. Current 'filetype' key of |g:jplus#config|

where 1 is the lowest, and 4 is the highest priority.

The priorities of the |jplus-config| used on |<Plug>(jplus-getchar)| and
|<Plug>(jplus-input)| are the following.

1. '_' key of |g:jplus#default_config|
2. '_' key of |g:jplus#config|
3. '__DEFAULT__' key of |g:jplus#input_config|
4. Current 'filetype' key of |g:jplus#default_config|
5. Current 'filetype' key of |g:jplus#config|
6. { "delimiter" : {Entered delimiter} }
7. Entered delimiter in |g:jplus#input_config|

where 1 is the lowest priority.
If you want to change the configurations for the entered delimiter, change
g:jplus#input_config[{Entered delimiter}].delimiter

FAQ							*jplus-FAQ*

Q. Don't remove the leading spaces when joining

A. Set |jplus-config-right_matchstr_pattern| in |g:jplus#config|.
	" Apply this right_matchstr_pattern to all strings
	" "_" is the default configuration for all filetypes
	let g:jplus#config = {
	\	"_" : {
	\		"matchstr_pattern" : '\s*\\\s*\zs.*\|\s*\zs.*'
	\	}

Q. Don't join lines that are commented out

A. Set |jplus-config-ignore_pattern| in |g:jplus#config|
	" When filetype=vim
	let g:jplus#config = {
	\	"vim" : {
	\		"ignore_pattern" : '^\s*"'
	\	}

Q. When joining with "," using |<Plug>(jplus-getchar)|, I want the delimiter
   to be ", "

A. Add the settings for "," in |g:jplus#input_config|
	let g:jplus#input_config = {
	\	"," : {
	\		"delimiter_format" : " %d "
	\	}
