# cmp-dictionary

A dictionary completion source for [nvim-cmp](https://github.com/hrsh7th/nvim-cmp).

This plugin provides one of the easiest way to add desired completion candidates to nvim-cmp.


# Requirements

- neovim >= 0.7
- nvim-cmp
- [plenary.nvim](https://github.com/nvim-lua/plenary.nvim) (only document feature)
- [sqlite.lua](https://github.com/kkharji/sqlite.lua) (only if sqlite option is enabled)

# Setting

  -- other settings
  sources = {
  -- other sources
      name = "dictionary",
      keyword_length = 2,

local dict = require("cmp_dictionary")

  -- The following are default values.
  exact = 2,
  first_case_insensitive = false,
  document = false,
  document_command = "wn %s -over",
  async = false,
  sqlite = false,
  max_items = -1,
  capacity = 5,
  debug = false,

  filetype = {
    lua = "/path/to/lua.dict",
    javascript = { "/path/to/js.dict", "/path/to/js2.dict" },
  filepath = {
    [".*xmake.lua"] = { "/path/to/xmake.dict", "/path/to/lua.dict" },
    ["%.tmux.*%.conf"] = { "/path/to/js.dict", "/path/to/js2.dict" },
  spelllang = {
    en = "/path/to/english.dict",

See help for details.

# Examples of usage

See [wiki](https://github.com/uga-rosa/cmp-dictionary/wiki/Examples-of-usage)