local misc = {} ---Create once callback ---@param callback function ---@return function misc.once = function(callback) local done = false return function(...) if done then return end done = true callback(...) end end ---Return concatenated list ---@param list1 any[] ---@param list2 any[] ---@return any[] misc.concat = function(list1, list2) local new_list = {} for _, v in ipairs(list1) do table.insert(new_list, v) end for _, v in ipairs(list2) do table.insert(new_list, v) end return new_list end ---Repeat values ---@generic T ---@param str_or_tbl T ---@param count integer ---@return T misc.rep = function(str_or_tbl, count) if type(str_or_tbl) == 'string' then return string.rep(str_or_tbl, count) end local rep = {} for _ = 1, count do for _, v in ipairs(str_or_tbl) do table.insert(rep, v) end end return rep end ---Return the valu is empty or not. ---@param v any ---@return boolean misc.empty = function(v) if not v then return true end if v == vim.NIL then return true end if type(v) == 'string' and v == '' then return true end if type(v) == 'table' and vim.tbl_isempty(v) then return true end if type(v) == 'number' and v == 0 then return true end return false end ---The symbol to remove key in misc.merge. misc.none = vim.NIL ---Merge two tables recursively ---@generic T ---@param tbl1 T ---@param tbl2 T ---@return T misc.merge = function(tbl1, tbl2) local is_dict1 = type(tbl1) == 'table' and (not vim.tbl_islist(tbl1) or vim.tbl_isempty(tbl1)) local is_dict2 = type(tbl2) == 'table' and (not vim.tbl_islist(tbl2) or vim.tbl_isempty(tbl2)) if is_dict1 and is_dict2 then local new_tbl = {} for k, v in pairs(tbl2) do if tbl1[k] ~= misc.none then new_tbl[k] = misc.merge(tbl1[k], v) end end for k, v in pairs(tbl1) do if tbl2[k] == nil then if v ~= misc.none then new_tbl[k] = misc.merge(v, {}) else new_tbl[k] = nil end end end return new_tbl end if tbl1 == misc.none then return nil elseif tbl1 == nil then return misc.merge(tbl2, {}) else return tbl1 end end ---Generate id for group name misc.id = setmetatable({ group = {}, }, { __call = function(_, group) misc.id.group[group] = misc.id.group[group] or 0 misc.id.group[group] = misc.id.group[group] + 1 return misc.id.group[group] end, }) ---Treat 1/0 as bool value ---@param v boolean|1|0 ---@param def boolean ---@return boolean misc.bool = function(v, def) if v == nil then return def end return v == true or v == 1 end ---Set value to deep object ---@param t table ---@param keys string[] ---@param v any misc.set = function(t, keys, v) local c = t for i = 1, #keys - 1 do local key = keys[i] c[key] = c[key] or {} c = c[key] end c[keys[#keys]] = v end ---Copy table ---@generic T ---@param tbl T ---@return T misc.copy = function(tbl) if type(tbl) ~= 'table' then return tbl end if vim.tbl_islist(tbl) then local copy = {} for i, value in ipairs(tbl) do copy[i] = misc.copy(value) end return copy end local copy = {} for key, value in pairs(tbl) do copy[key] = misc.copy(value) end return copy end ---Safe version of vim.str_utfindex ---@param text string ---@param vimindex integer|nil ---@return integer misc.to_utfindex = function(text, vimindex) vimindex = vimindex or #text + 1 return vim.str_utfindex(text, math.max(0, math.min(vimindex - 1, #text))) end ---Safe version of vim.str_byteindex ---@param text string ---@param utfindex integer ---@return integer misc.to_vimindex = function(text, utfindex) utfindex = utfindex or #text for i = utfindex, 1, -1 do local s, v = pcall(function() return vim.str_byteindex(text, i) + 1 end) if s then return v end end return utfindex + 1 end ---Mark the function as deprecated misc.deprecated = function(fn, msg) local printed = false return function(...) if not printed then print(msg) printed = true end return fn(...) end end --Redraw misc.redraw = setmetatable({ doing = false, force = false, -- We use `<Up><Down>` to redraw the screen. (Previously, We use <C-r><ESC>. it will remove the unmatches search history.) incsearch_redraw_keys = ' <BS>', }, { __call = function(self, force) local termcode = vim.api.nvim_replace_termcodes(self.incsearch_redraw_keys, true, true, true) if vim.tbl_contains({ '/', '?' }, vim.fn.getcmdtype()) then if vim.o.incsearch then return vim.api.nvim_feedkeys(termcode, 'ni', true) end end if self.doing then return end self.doing = true self.force = not not force vim.schedule(function() if self.force then vim.cmd([[redraw!]]) else vim.cmd([[redraw]]) end self.doing = false self.force = false end) end, }) return misc