if exists('b:current_syntax') && b:current_syntax ==# 'SpaceVimRunner' finish endif let b:current_syntax = 'SpaceVimRunner' syntax case ignore syn match KeyBindings /\[Running\]/ syn match KeyBindings /\[Compile\]/ syn match RunnerCmd /\(\[Running\]\ \)\@<=.*/ syn match RunnerCmd /\(\[Compile\]\ \)\@<=.*/ syn match DoneSucceeded /\[Done]\(\ exited\ with\ code=0\)\@=/ syn match DoneFailed /\[Done]\(\ exited\ with\ code=[^0]\)\@=/ syn match ExitCode /\(\[Done\]\ exited\ with \)\@<=code=0/ syn match ExitCodeFailed /\(\[Done\]\ exited\ with \)\@<=code=[^0]/ hi def link RunnerCmd Comment hi def link KeyBindings String hi def link DoneSucceeded String hi def link DoneFailed WarningMsg hi def link ExitCode MoreMsg hi def link ExitCodeFailed WarningMsg