pcall(require, "luacov") local Menu = require("nui.menu") local Line = require("nui.line") local Text = require("nui.text") local h = require("tests.helpers") local spy = require("luassert.spy") local eq, feedkeys = h.eq, h.feedkeys describe("nui.menu", function() local callbacks local popup_options local menu before_each(function() callbacks = { on_change = function() end, on_submit = function() end, } popup_options = { relative = "win", position = "50%", } end) after_each(function() if menu then menu:unmount() menu = nil end end) describe("method :new", function() it("works with menu", function() menu = Menu:new(popup_options, { lines = { Menu.item("a"), }, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "a", }) end) end) describe("o.keymap", function() it("supports multiple keys as table", function() local on_change = spy.on(callbacks, "on_change") local lines = { Menu.item("Item 1", { id = 1 }), Menu.item("Item 2", { id = 2 }), Menu.item("Item 3", { id = 3 }), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { keymap = { focus_next = { "j", "s" }, focus_prev = { "k", "w" }, }, lines = lines, on_change = on_change, }) menu:mount() feedkeys("j", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[2], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("s", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[3], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("w", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[2], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("k", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[1], menu) on_change:clear() end) it("supports single key as string", function() local on_change = spy.on(callbacks, "on_change") local lines = { Menu.item("Item 1", { id = 1 }), Menu.item("Item 2", { id = 2 }), Menu.item("Item 3", { id = 3 }), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { keymap = { focus_next = "s", focus_prev = "w", }, lines = lines, on_change = on_change, }) menu:mount() feedkeys("s", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[2], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("w", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[1], menu) on_change:clear() end) end) describe("size", function() it("respects o.min_width", function() local min_width = 3 local items = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("*"), Menu.item("B"), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, min_width = min_width, }) menu:mount() eq(vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(menu.winid), min_width) h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", " * ", "B", }) end) it("respects o.max_width", function() local max_width = 6 local items = { Menu.item("Item 1"), Menu.separator("*"), Menu.item("Item Number Two"), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, max_width = max_width, }) menu:mount() eq(vim.api.nvim_win_get_width(menu.winid), max_width) h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "Item 1", " * ", "Item …", }) end) it("respects o.min_height", function() local min_height = 3 local items = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("*"), Menu.item("B"), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, min_height = min_height, }) menu:mount() eq(vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(menu.winid), min_height) end) it("respects o.max_height", function() local max_height = 2 local items = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("*"), Menu.item("B"), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, max_height = max_height, }) menu:mount() eq(vim.api.nvim_win_get_height(menu.winid), max_height) end) end) it("calls o.on_change item focus is changed", function() local on_change = spy.on(callbacks, "on_change") local lines = { Menu.item("Item 1", { id = 1 }), Menu.item("Item 2", { id = 2 }), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = lines, on_change = on_change, }) menu:mount() -- initial focus assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[1], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("j", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[2], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("j", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[1], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("k", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(lines[2], menu) on_change:clear() end) it("calls o.on_submit when item is submitted", function() local on_submit = spy.on(callbacks, "on_submit") local lines = { Menu.item("Item 1", { id = 1 }), Menu.item("Item 2", { id = 2 }), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = lines, on_submit = on_submit, }) menu:mount() feedkeys("j", "x") feedkeys("<CR>", "x") assert.spy(on_submit).called_with(lines[2]) end) it("calls o.on_close when menu is closed", function() local on_close = spy.on(callbacks, "on_close") local lines = { Menu.item("Item 1", { id = 1 }), Menu.item("Item 2", { id = 2 }), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = lines, on_close = on_close, }) menu:mount() feedkeys("<Esc>", "x") assert.spy(on_close).called_with() end) describe("item", function() it("is prepared using o.prepare_item if provided", function() local items = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("*"), Menu.item("B"), } local function prepare_item(item) return "-" .. item.text .. "-" end menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, prepare_item = prepare_item, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, vim.tbl_map(prepare_item, items)) end) it("is prepared when o.prepare_item is not provided", function() local items = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("*"), Menu.item("B"), } popup_options.border = "single" menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", "─*──", "B", }) end) it("is skipped respecting o.should_skip_item if provided", function() local on_change = spy.on(callbacks, "on_change") local items = { Menu.item("-"), Menu.item("A", { id = 1 }), Menu.item("-"), Menu.item("B", { id = 2 }), Menu.item("-"), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, on_change = on_change, should_skip_item = function(item) return not item.id end, }) menu:mount() assert.spy(on_change).called_with(items[2], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("j", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(items[4], menu) on_change:clear() feedkeys("j", "x") assert.spy(on_change).called_with(items[2], menu) on_change:clear() end) it("supports table with key .text", function() local text = "text" local items = { Menu.item({ text = text }), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { text, }) end) it("supports nui.text", function() local hl_group = "NuiMenuTest" local text = "text" local items = { Menu.item(Text(text, hl_group)), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { text, }) h.assert_highlight(menu.bufnr, menu.ns_id, 1, text, hl_group) end) it("supports nui.line", function() local hl_group = "NuiMenuTest" local text = "text" local items = { Menu.item(Line({ Text(text, hl_group) })), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = items, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { text, }) h.assert_highlight(menu.bufnr, menu.ns_id, 1, text, hl_group) end) it("content longer than max_width is truncated", function() local items = { Menu.item({ text = "Item 10 -" }), Menu.item(Text("Item 20 -")), Menu.item(Line({ Text("Item 30 -") })), Menu.item(Line({ Text("Item 40"), Text(" -") })), Menu.item(Line({ Text("Item 50 -"), Text(" -") })), } menu = Menu(popup_options, { max_width = 7, lines = items, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "Item 1…", "Item 2…", "Item 3…", "Item 4…", "Item 5…", }) end) end) describe("separator", function() it("text supports string", function() menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("Group"), }, min_width = 10, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", " Group ", }) end) it("content longer than max_width is truncated", function() menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("Long Long Group"), }, max_width = 10, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", " Long Lo… ", }) end) it("text supports nui.text", function() local hl_group = "NuiMenuTest" local text = "Group" menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator(Text(text, hl_group)), }, min_width = 10, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", " Group ", }) h.assert_highlight(menu.bufnr, menu.ns_id, 2, text, hl_group) end) it("text supports nui.line", function() local hl_group = "NuiMenuTest" local text = "Group" menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator(Line({ Text(text, hl_group), Text(" nui.text") })), }, min_width = 10, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", " Group nui.t… ", }) h.assert_highlight(menu.bufnr, menu.ns_id, 2, text, hl_group) end) it("o.char supports string", function() menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("Group", { char = "*", text_align = "right", }), }, min_width = 10, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", "****Group*", }) end) it("o.char supports nui.text", function() local hl_group = "NuiMenuTest" menu = Menu(popup_options, { lines = { Menu.item("A"), Menu.separator("Group", { char = Text("*", hl_group), text_align = "center", }), }, min_width = 10, }) menu:mount() h.assert_buf_lines(menu.bufnr, { "A", "**Group***", }) local linenr = 2 local extmarks = h.get_line_extmarks(menu.bufnr, menu.ns_id, linenr) eq(#extmarks, 4) h.assert_extmark(extmarks[1], linenr, "*", hl_group) h.assert_extmark(extmarks[2], linenr, "*", hl_group) h.assert_extmark(extmarks[3], linenr, "**", hl_group) h.assert_extmark(extmarks[4], linenr, "*", hl_group) end) end) end)