local ts = vim.treesitter local parsers = require "nvim-treesitter.parsers" local M = {} M.avoid_force_reparsing = { yaml = true, } M.comment_parsers = { comment = true, jsdoc = true, phpdoc = true, } local function getline(lnum) return vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(0, lnum - 1, lnum, false)[1] or "" end ---@param root TSNode ---@param lnum integer ---@param col? integer ---@return TSNode local function get_first_node_at_line(root, lnum, col) col = col or vim.fn.indent(lnum) return root:descendant_for_range(lnum - 1, col, lnum - 1, col) end ---@param root TSNode ---@param lnum integer ---@param col? integer ---@return TSNode local function get_last_node_at_line(root, lnum, col) col = col or (#getline(lnum) - 1) return root:descendant_for_range(lnum - 1, col, lnum - 1, col) end ---@param node TSNode ---@return number local function node_length(node) local _, _, start_byte = node:start() local _, _, end_byte = node:end_() return end_byte - start_byte end ---@param bufnr integer ---@param node TSNode ---@param delimiter string ---@return TSNode|nil child ---@return boolean|nil is_end local function find_delimiter(bufnr, node, delimiter) for child, _ in node:iter_children() do if child:type() == delimiter then local linenr = child:start() local line = vim.api.nvim_buf_get_lines(bufnr, linenr, linenr + 1, false)[1] local end_char = { child:end_() } local trimmed_after_delim local escaped_delimiter = delimiter:gsub("[%-%.%+%[%]%(%)%$%^%%%?%*]", "%%%1") trimmed_after_delim, _ = line:sub(end_char[2] + 1):gsub("[%s" .. escaped_delimiter .. "]*", "") return child, #trimmed_after_delim == 0 end end end ---Memoize a function using hash_fn to hash the arguments. ---@generic F: function ---@param fn F ---@param hash_fn fun(...): any ---@return F local function memoize(fn, hash_fn) local cache = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "kv" }) ---@type table<any,any> return function(...) local key = hash_fn(...) if cache[key] == nil then local v = fn(...) ---@type any cache[key] = v ~= nil and v or vim.NIL end local v = cache[key] return v ~= vim.NIL and v or nil end end local get_indents = memoize(function(bufnr, root, lang) local map = { ["indent.auto"] = {}, ["indent.begin"] = {}, ["indent.end"] = {}, ["indent.dedent"] = {}, ["indent.branch"] = {}, ["indent.ignore"] = {}, ["indent.align"] = {}, ["indent.zero"] = {}, } --TODO(clason): remove when dropping Nvim 0.8 compat local query = (ts.query.get or ts.get_query)(lang, "indents") if not query then return map end for id, node, metadata in query:iter_captures(root, bufnr) do if query.captures[id]:sub(1, 1) ~= "_" then map[query.captures[id]][node:id()] = metadata or {} end end return map end, function(bufnr, root, lang) return tostring(bufnr) .. root:id() .. "_" .. lang end) ---@param lnum number (1-indexed) function M.get_indent(lnum) local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf() local parser = parsers.get_parser(bufnr) if not parser or not lnum then return -1 end --TODO(clason): replace when dropping Nvim 0.8 compat local root_lang = parsers.get_buf_lang(bufnr) -- some languages like Python will actually have worse results when re-parsing at opened new line if not M.avoid_force_reparsing[root_lang] then -- Reparse in case we got triggered by ":h indentkeys" parser:parse() end -- Get language tree with smallest range around node that's not a comment parser local root, lang_tree ---@type TSNode, LanguageTree parser:for_each_tree(function(tstree, tree) if not tstree or M.comment_parsers[tree:lang()] then return end local local_root = tstree:root() if ts.is_in_node_range(local_root, lnum - 1, 0) then if not root or node_length(root) >= node_length(local_root) then root = local_root lang_tree = tree end end end) -- Not likely, but just in case... if not root then return 0 end local q = get_indents(vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf(), root, lang_tree:lang()) local is_empty_line = string.match(getline(lnum), "^%s*$") ~= nil local node ---@type TSNode if is_empty_line then local prevlnum = vim.fn.prevnonblank(lnum) local indent = vim.fn.indent(prevlnum) local prevline = vim.trim(getline(prevlnum)) -- The final position can be trailing spaces, which should not affect indentation node = get_last_node_at_line(root, prevlnum, indent + #prevline - 1) if node:type():match "comment" then -- The final node we capture of the previous line can be a comment node, which should also be ignored -- Unless the last line is an entire line of comment, ignore the comment range and find the last node again local first_node = get_first_node_at_line(root, prevlnum, indent) local _, scol, _, _ = node:range() if first_node:id() ~= node:id() then -- In case the last captured node is a trailing comment node, re-trim the string prevline = vim.trim(prevline:sub(1, scol - indent)) -- Add back indent as indent of prevline was trimmed away local col = indent + #prevline - 1 node = get_last_node_at_line(root, prevlnum, col) end end if q["indent.end"][node:id()] then node = get_first_node_at_line(root, lnum) end else node = get_first_node_at_line(root, lnum) end local indent_size = vim.fn.shiftwidth() local indent = 0 local _, _, root_start = root:start() if root_start ~= 0 then -- injected tree indent = vim.fn.indent(root:start() + 1) end -- tracks to ensure multiple indent levels are not applied for same line local is_processed_by_row = {} if q["indent.zero"][node:id()] then return 0 end while node do -- do 'autoindent' if not marked as @indent if not q["indent.begin"][node:id()] and not q["indent.align"][node:id()] and q["indent.auto"][node:id()] and node:start() < lnum - 1 and lnum - 1 <= node:end_() then return -1 end -- Do not indent if we are inside an @ignore block. -- If a node spans from L1,C1 to L2,C2, we know that lines where L1 < line <= L2 would -- have their indentations contained by the node. if not q["indent.begin"][node:id()] and q["indent.ignore"][node:id()] and node:start() < lnum - 1 and lnum - 1 <= node:end_() then return 0 end local srow, _, erow = node:range() local is_processed = false if not is_processed_by_row[srow] and ((q["indent.branch"][node:id()] and srow == lnum - 1) or (q["indent.dedent"][node:id()] and srow ~= lnum - 1)) then indent = indent - indent_size is_processed = true end -- do not indent for nodes that starts-and-ends on same line and starts on target line (lnum) local should_process = not is_processed_by_row[srow] local is_in_err = false if should_process then local parent = node:parent() is_in_err = parent and parent:has_error() end if should_process and ( q["indent.begin"][node:id()] and (srow ~= erow or is_in_err or q["indent.begin"][node:id()]["indent.immediate"]) and (srow ~= lnum - 1 or q["indent.begin"][node:id()]["indent.start_at_same_line"]) ) then indent = indent + indent_size is_processed = true end if is_in_err and not q["indent.align"][node:id()] then -- only when the node is in error, promote the -- first child's aligned indent to the error node -- to work around ((ERROR "X" . (_)) @aligned_indent (#set! "delimeter" "AB")) -- matching for all X, instead set do -- (ERROR "X" @aligned_indent (#set! "delimeter" "AB") . (_)) -- and we will fish it out here. for c in node:iter_children() do if q["indent.align"][c:id()] then q["indent.align"][node:id()] = q["indent.align"][c:id()] break end end end -- do not indent for nodes that starts-and-ends on same line and starts on target line (lnum) if should_process and q["indent.align"][node:id()] and (srow ~= erow or is_in_err) and (srow ~= lnum - 1) then local metadata = q["indent.align"][node:id()] local o_delim_node, o_is_last_in_line ---@type TSNode|nil, boolean|nil local c_delim_node, c_is_last_in_line ---@type TSNode|nil, boolean|nil, boolean|nil local indent_is_absolute = false if metadata["indent.open_delimiter"] then o_delim_node, o_is_last_in_line = find_delimiter(bufnr, node, metadata["indent.open_delimiter"]) else o_delim_node = node end if metadata["indent.close_delimiter"] then c_delim_node, c_is_last_in_line = find_delimiter(bufnr, node, metadata["indent.close_delimiter"]) else c_delim_node = node end if o_delim_node then local o_srow, o_scol = o_delim_node:start() local c_srow = nil if c_delim_node then c_srow, _ = c_delim_node:start() end if o_is_last_in_line then -- hanging indent (previous line ended with starting delimiter) -- should be processed like indent if should_process then indent = indent + indent_size * 1 if c_is_last_in_line then -- If current line is outside the range of a node marked with `@aligned_indent` -- Then its indent level shouldn't be affected by `@aligned_indent` node if c_srow and c_srow < lnum - 1 then indent = math.max(indent - indent_size, 0) end end end else -- aligned indent if c_is_last_in_line and c_srow and o_srow ~= c_srow and c_srow < lnum - 1 then -- If current line is outside the range of a node marked with `@aligned_indent` -- Then its indent level shouldn't be affected by `@aligned_indent` node indent = math.max(indent - indent_size, 0) else indent = o_scol + (metadata["indent.increment"] or 1) indent_is_absolute = true end end -- deal with the final line local avoid_last_matching_next = false if c_srow and c_srow ~= o_srow and c_srow == lnum - 1 then -- delims end on current line, and are not open and closed same line. -- then this last line may need additional indent to avoid clashes -- with the next. `indent.avoid_last_matching_next` controls this behavior, -- for example this is needed for function parameters. avoid_last_matching_next = metadata["indent.avoid_last_matching_next"] or false end if avoid_last_matching_next then -- last line must be indented more in cases where -- it would be same indent as next line (we determine this as one -- width more than the open indent to avoid confusing with any -- hanging indents) if indent <= vim.fn.indent(o_srow + 1) + indent_size then indent = indent + indent_size * 1 else indent = indent end end is_processed = true if indent_is_absolute then -- don't allow further indenting by parent nodes, this is an absolute position return indent end end end is_processed_by_row[srow] = is_processed_by_row[srow] or is_processed node = node:parent() end return indent end ---@type table<integer, string> local indent_funcs = {} ---@param bufnr integer function M.attach(bufnr) indent_funcs[bufnr] = vim.bo.indentexpr vim.bo.indentexpr = "nvim_treesitter#indent()" end function M.detach(bufnr) vim.bo.indentexpr = indent_funcs[bufnr] end return M