github-dashboard.txt github-dashboard Last change: August 6 2015 *githubdashboard* *github-dashboard* *github-dashboard-toc* GITHUB-DASHBOARD - TABLE OF CONTENTS ============================================================================== vim-github-dashboard User dashboard: :GHD! matz User activity: :GHA! matz Repository activity: :GHA! mruby/mruby Installation |github-dashboard-1| Requirements |github-dashboard-2| Mac OS X |github-dashboard-2-1| Ubuntu |github-dashboard-2-2| Windows |github-dashboard-2-3| Commands |github-dashboard-3| With authentication |github-dashboard-3-1| |github-dashboard-3-2| Without authentication (60 calls/hour limit, only public activities) Navigation |github-dashboard-4| Authentication |github-dashboard-5| Without authentication |github-dashboard-5-1| Caveat about GitHub Two-factor authentication |github-dashboard-5-2| Optional configuration |github-dashboard-6| Profiles |github-dashboard-7| Author |github-dashboard-8| License |github-dashboard-9| "Why Ruby?" |github-dashboard-10| VIM-GITHUB-DASHBOARD *vim-github-dashboard* ============================================================================== Browse GitHub events (user dashboard, user/repo activity) in Vim. < User dashboard: :GHD! matz >________________________________________________~ *github-dashboard-user-dashboard-ghd-matz* < User activity: :GHA! matz >_________________________________________________~ *github-dashboard-user-activity-gha-matz* < Repository activity: :GHA! mruby/mruby >____________________________________~ *github-dashboard-repository-activity-gha-mruby-mruby* (Color scheme used: {seoul256-light}{1}) {1} *github-dashboard-1* INSTALLATION *github-dashboard-installation* ============================================================================== Using {vim-plug}{2}: > Plug 'junegunn/vim-github-dashboard' < {2} *github-dashboard-2* REQUIREMENTS *github-dashboard-requirements* ============================================================================== 1. Your Vim must have Ruby support enabled. Check if :echo has('ruby') prints 1. 2. If you see LoadError on :ruby require 'json/pure', you need to install `json_pure` gem. < Mac OS X >__________________________________________________________________~ *github-dashboard-mac-os-x* *github-dashboard-2-1* The current version of Mac OS X is shipped with a Ruby-enabled Vim. However, by default it comes with an old Ruby (1.8.7), so you still need to install `json_pure` (or `json`) gem. > sudo gem install json_pure < If your Vim crashes, try installing a newer version of Vim with {Homebrew}{3}. {3} < Ubuntu >____________________________________________________________________~ *github-dashboard-ubuntu* *github-dashboard-2-2* > sudo apt-get install ruby rubygems vim-nox && sudo /usr/bin/gem install json_pure < (Reference: {Installing vim with ruby support (+ruby)}{4}) {4} < Windows >___________________________________________________________________~ *github-dashboard-windows* *github-dashboard-2-3* 1. Download and install the {official GVim}{5} 2. Download a newer build of GVim executable from {here}{6} and replace the existing one 3. Download and install Ruby 1.9.3 using {RubyInstaller}{7}. You must check Add Ruby executable to your PATH option. {5} {6} {7} *github-dashboard-3* COMMANDS *github-dashboard-commands* ============================================================================== < With authentication >_______________________________________________________~ *github-dashboard-with-authentication* *github-dashboard-3-1* *:GHDashboard* *:GHActivity* - `:GHDashboard` - :GHDashboard USER - `:GHActivity` - :GHActivity USER - :GHActivity USER/REPO < Without authentication (60 calls/hour limit, only public activities) >______~ *github-dashboard-without-authentication-60-calls-hour-limit-only-public-activities* *github-dashboard-3-2* - :GHDashboard! USER - :GHActivity! USER - :GHActivity! USER/REPO *github-dashboard-4* NAVIGATION *github-dashboard-navigation* ============================================================================== Use CTRL-N and CTRL-P to navigate back and forth through the links. Press `Enter` key or `double-click` on a link to open it in the browser. Press `R` to refresh the window. Press `q` to close the window. *github-dashboard-5* AUTHENTICATION *github-dashboard-authentication* ============================================================================== When you first run `:GHDashboard` or `:GHActivity` command, you will be asked to enter your GitHub username and the password. Once it is successfully authenticated, the Vim process will remember the credentials and will no more ask for them. *g:github_dashboard* If you don't want to be asked for username and password, you can set up `g:github_dashboard` variable as follows. > let g:github_dashboard = { 'username': 'you', 'password': 'secret' } < Since having plain-text password in your .vimrc is not the most secure thing you can do, it is strongly recommended that you don't put password in your Vim configuration file. As a more secure alternative, create a {Personal Access Token}{8}, export it as an environment variable and use it as a password. > # in some secure file sourced in your .bashrc, .bash_profile, .zshrc, etc. export GITHUB_TOKEN="<your 40 char token>" let g:github_dashboard = { 'username': 'you', 'password': $GITHUB_TOKEN } < {8} < Without authentication >____________________________________________________~ *github-dashboard-without-authentication* *github-dashboard-5-1* In fact, GitHub API allows you to browse dashboard or activity stream without authentication, though the hourly rate is limited to 60. Well, that's good enough as long as you don't check GitHub page every minute. Use bang commands then: `:GHDashboard!` and `:GHActivity!`. < Caveat about GitHub Two-factor authentication >_____________________________~ *github-dashboard-caveat-about-github-two-factor-authentication* *github-dashboard-5-2* If you have enabled {GitHub Two-factor authentication}{9}, you cannot login with your username and password. In that case, you can generate a {Personal Access Token}{10} and use it as the password. {9} {10} *github-dashboard-6* OPTIONAL CONFIGURATION *github-dashboard-optional-configuration* ============================================================================== *github_dashboard#status* > let g:github_dashboard = {} " Dashboard window position " - Options: tab, top, bottom, above, below, left, right " - Default: tab let g:github_dashboard['position'] = 'top' " Disable Emoji output " - Default: only enable on terminal Vim on Mac let g:github_dashboard['emoji'] = 0 " Customize emoji (see let g:github_dashboard['emoji_map'] = { \ 'user_dashboard': 'blush', \ 'user_activity': 'smile', \ 'repo_activity': 'laughing', \ 'ForkEvent': 'fork_and_knife' \ } " Command to open link URLs " - Default: auto-detect let g:github_dashboard['open_command'] = 'open' " API timeout in seconds " - Default: 10, 20 let g:github_dashboard['api_open_timeout'] = 10 let g:github_dashboard['api_read_timeout'] = 20 " Do not set statusline " - Then you can customize your own statusline with github_dashboard#status() let g:github_dashboard['statusline'] = 0 " GitHub Enterprise let g:github_dashboard['api_endpoint'] = '' let g:github_dashboard['web_endpoint'] = '' < *github-dashboard-7* PROFILES *github-dashboard-profiles* ============================================================================== In case you need access to GitHub Enterprise as well as the public GitHub, you might want to define multiple sets of configuration as profiles. > " Default configuration for public GitHub let g:github_dashboard = { \ 'username': 'kent' \ } " Profile named `ck` let g:github_dashboard#ck = { \ 'username': 'kent.clark', \ 'api_endpoint': '', \ 'web_endpoint': '' \ } " Profile named `super` let g:github_dashboard#super = { \ 'username': 'superman', \ 'api_endpoint': '', \ 'web_endpoint': '' \ } < Then you can access each GitHub instance like so: > GHD! " GitHub Enterprise requires authentication, so use non-bang versions GHD -ck GHA -ck lois GHD -super GHA -super batman/bmobile < *github-dashboard-8* AUTHOR *github-dashboard-author* ============================================================================== {Junegunn Choi}{11} {11} *github-dashboard-9* LICENSE *github-dashboard-license* ============================================================================== MIT *github-dashboard-10* "WHY RUBY?" *github-dashboard-why-ruby* ============================================================================== 1. This is a personal fun project, and I like Ruby, so why not? 2. Ruby allows me to access GitHub API without another Vim plugin or an external executable 3. Mac OS X (which I use the most) is shipped with a Ruby-enabled Vim, so it's pretty easy to set up ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:sw=2:ts=2:ft=help:norl:nowrap: