function! dein#autoload#_source(...) abort let plugins = empty(a:000) ? values(g:dein#_plugins) : \ dein#util#_convert2list(a:1) if empty(plugins) return [] endif if type(plugins[0]) != v:t_dict let plugins = map(dein#util#_convert2list(a:1), \ { _, val -> get(g:dein#_plugins, val, {}) }) endif let rtps = dein#util#_split_rtp(&runtimepath) let index = index(rtps, dein#util#_get_runtime_path()) if index < 0 return [] endif let sourced = [] for plugin in filter(plugins, \ { _, val -> !empty(val) && !val.sourced && val.rtp !=# '' \ && (!has_key(v:val, 'if') || eval(v:val.if)) }) call s:source_plugin(rtps, index, plugin, sourced) endfor let filetype_before = dein#util#_redir('autocmd FileType') let &runtimepath = dein#util#_join_rtp(rtps, &runtimepath, '') call dein#call_hook('source', sourced) " Reload script files. for plugin in sourced for directory in map(filter( \ ['ftdetect', 'after/ftdetect', 'plugin', 'after/plugin'], \ { _, val -> isdirectory(plugin.rtp . '/' . val) }), \ { _, val -> plugin.rtp . '/' . val }) if directory =~# 'ftdetect' if !get(plugin, 'merge_ftdetect') execute 'augroup filetypedetect' endif endif let files = glob(directory . '/**/*.vim', v:true, v:true) if has('nvim') let files += glob(directory . '/**/*.lua', v:true, v:true) endif for file in files execute 'source' fnameescape(file) endfor if directory =~# 'ftdetect' execute 'augroup END' endif endfor if !has('vim_starting') let augroup = get(plugin, 'augroup', plugin.normalized_name) let events = ['VimEnter', 'BufRead', 'BufEnter', \ 'BufWinEnter', 'WinEnter'] if has('gui_running') && &term ==# 'builtin_gui' call add(events, 'GUIEnter') endif for event in events if exists('#'.augroup.'#'.event) silent execute 'doautocmd' augroup event endif endfor " Register for lazy loaded denops plugin if isdirectory(plugin.rtp . '/denops') for name in filter(map(globpath(plugin.rtp, \ 'denops/*/main.ts', v:true, v:true), \ { _, val -> fnamemodify(val, ':h:t')}), \ { _, val -> !denops#plugin#is_loaded(val) }) if denops#server#status() ==# 'running' " Note: denops#plugin#register() may be failed silent! call denops#plugin#register(name, { 'mode': 'skip' }) endif call denops#plugin#wait(name) redraw endfor endif endif endfor let filetype_after = dein#util#_redir('autocmd FileType') let is_reset = s:is_reset_ftplugin(sourced) if is_reset call s:reset_ftplugin() endif if (is_reset || filetype_before !=# filetype_after) && &l:filetype !=# '' " Recall FileType autocmd let &l:filetype = &l:filetype endif if !has('vim_starting') call dein#call_hook('post_source', sourced) endif return sourced endfunction function! dein#autoload#_on_default_event(event) abort let lazy_plugins = dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins() let plugins = [] let path = expand('') " For ":edit ~". if fnamemodify(path, ':t') ==# '~' let path = '~' endif let path = dein#util#_expand(path) for filetype in split(&l:filetype, '\.') let plugins += filter(copy(lazy_plugins), \ { _, val -> index(get(val, 'on_ft', []), filetype) >= 0 }) endfor let plugins += filter(copy(lazy_plugins), \ { _, val -> !empty(filter(copy(get(val, 'on_path', [])), \ { _, val -> path =~? val })) }) let plugins += filter(copy(lazy_plugins), \ { _, val -> !has_key(val, 'on_event') && has_key(val, 'on_if') \ && eval(val.on_if) }) call s:source_events(a:event, plugins) endfunction function! dein#autoload#_on_event(event, plugins) abort let lazy_plugins = filter(dein#util#_get_plugins(a:plugins), \ { _, val -> !val.sourced }) if empty(lazy_plugins) execute 'autocmd! dein-events' a:event return endif let plugins = filter(copy(lazy_plugins), \ { _, val -> !has_key(val, 'on_if') || eval(val.on_if) }) call s:source_events(a:event, plugins) endfunction function! s:source_events(event, plugins) abort if empty(a:plugins) return endif let prev_autocmd = execute('autocmd ' . a:event) call dein#autoload#_source(a:plugins) let new_autocmd = execute('autocmd ' . a:event) if a:event ==# 'InsertCharPre' " Queue this key again call feedkeys(v:char) let v:char = '' else if exists('#BufReadCmd') && a:event ==# 'BufNew' " For BufReadCmd plugins silent doautocmd BufReadCmd endif if exists('#' . a:event) && prev_autocmd !=# new_autocmd execute 'doautocmd ' a:event elseif exists('#User#' . a:event) execute 'doautocmd User' a:event endif endif endfunction function! dein#autoload#_on_func(name) abort let function_prefix = substitute(a:name, '[^#]*$', '', '') if function_prefix =~# '^dein#' \ || function_prefix =~# '^vital#' return endif call dein#autoload#_source(filter(dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins(), \ { _, val -> stridx(function_prefix, val.normalized_name.'#') == 0 \ || (index(get(val, 'on_func', []), a:name) >= 0) })) endfunction function! dein#autoload#_on_lua(name) abort if has_key(g:dein#_called_lua, a:name) return endif " Only use the root of module name. let mod_root = matchstr(a:name, '^[^./]\+') " Prevent infinite loop let g:dein#_called_lua[a:name] = v:true call dein#autoload#_source(filter(dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins(), \ { _, val -> index(get(val, 'on_lua', []), mod_root) >= 0 })) endfunction function! dein#autoload#_on_pre_cmd(name) abort call dein#autoload#_source( \ filter(dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins(), \ { _, val -> index(map(copy(get(val, 'on_cmd', [])), \ { _, val2 -> tolower(val2) }), a:name) >= 0 \ || stridx(tolower(a:name), \ substitute(tolower(val.normalized_name), \ '[_-]', '', 'g')) == 0 })) endfunction function! dein#autoload#_on_cmd(command, name, args, bang, line1, line2) abort call dein#source(a:name) if exists(':' . a:command) != 2 call dein#util#_error(printf('command %s is not found.', a:command)) return endif let range = (a:line1 == a:line2) ? '' : \ (a:line1 == line("'<") && a:line2 == line("'>")) ? \ "'<,'>" : a:line1.','.a:line2 try execute range.a:command.a:bang a:args catch /^Vim\%((\a\+)\)\=:E481/ " E481: No range allowed execute a:command.a:bang a:args endtry endfunction function! dein#autoload#_on_map(mapping, name, mode) abort let cnt = v:count > 0 ? v:count : '' let input = s:get_input() let sourced = dein#source(a:name) if empty(sourced) " Prevent infinite loop silent! execute a:mode.'unmap' a:mapping endif if a:mode ==# 'v' || a:mode ==# 'x' call feedkeys('gv', 'n') elseif a:mode ==# 'o' && v:operator !=# 'c' " TODO: omap " v:prevcount? " Cancel waiting operator mode. call feedkeys(v:operator, 'm') endif call feedkeys(cnt, 'n') if a:mode ==# 'o' && v:operator ==# 'c' " Note: This is the dirty hack. execute matchstr(s:mapargrec(a:mapping . input, a:mode), \ ':\zs.*\ze') else let mapping = a:mapping while mapping =~# '<[[:alnum:]_-]\+>' let mapping = substitute(mapping, '\c', \ get(g:, 'mapleader', '\'), 'g') let mapping = substitute(mapping, '\c', \ get(g:, 'maplocalleader', '\'), 'g') let ctrl = matchstr(mapping, '<\zs[[:alnum:]_-]\+\ze>') execute 'let mapping = substitute( \ mapping, "<' . ctrl . '>", "\<' . ctrl . '>", "")' endwhile call feedkeys(mapping . input, 'm') endif return '' endfunction function! dein#autoload#_dummy_complete(arglead, cmdline, cursorpos) abort let command = matchstr(a:cmdline, '\h\w*') if exists(':'.command) == 2 " Remove the dummy command. silent! execute 'delcommand' command endif " Load plugins call dein#autoload#_on_pre_cmd(tolower(command)) return [a:arglead] endfunction function! s:source_plugin(rtps, index, plugin, sourced) abort if a:plugin.sourced || index(a:sourced, a:plugin) >= 0 \ || (has_key(a:plugin, 'if') && !eval(a:plugin.if)) return endif call insert(a:sourced, a:plugin) let index = a:index " Note: on_source must sourced after depends for on_source in filter(dein#util#_get_lazy_plugins(), \ { _, val -> index(get(val, 'on_source', []), >= 0 }) if s:source_plugin(a:rtps, index, on_source, a:sourced) let index += 1 endif endfor " Load dependencies for name in get(a:plugin, 'depends', []) if !has_key(g:dein#_plugins, name) call dein#util#_error(printf( \ 'Plugin name "%s" is not found.', name)) continue endif if !a:plugin.lazy && g:dein#_plugins[name].lazy call dein#util#_error(printf( \ 'Not lazy plugin "%s" depends lazy "%s" plugin.', \, name)) continue endif if s:source_plugin(a:rtps, index, g:dein#_plugins[name], a:sourced) let index += 1 endif endfor let a:plugin.sourced = 1 if has_key(a:plugin, 'dummy_commands') for command in a:plugin.dummy_commands silent! execute 'delcommand' command[0] endfor let a:plugin.dummy_commands = [] endif if has_key(a:plugin, 'dummy_mappings') for map in a:plugin.dummy_mappings silent! execute map[0].'unmap' map[1] endfor let a:plugin.dummy_mappings = [] endif if !a:plugin.merged || get(a:plugin, 'local', 0) call insert(a:rtps, a:plugin.rtp, index) if isdirectory(a:plugin.rtp.'/after') call dein#util#_add_after(a:rtps, a:plugin.rtp.'/after') endif endif if get(g:, 'dein#lazy_rplugins', v:false) && !g:dein#_loaded_rplugins \ && isdirectory(a:plugin.rtp.'/rplugin') " Enable remote plugin unlet! g:loaded_remote_plugins runtime! plugin/rplugin.vim let g:dein#_loaded_rplugins = v:true endif endfunction function! s:reset_ftplugin() abort let filetype_state = dein#util#_redir('filetype') if exists('b:did_indent') || exists('b:did_ftplugin') filetype plugin indent off endif if filetype_state =~# 'plugin:ON' silent! filetype plugin on endif if filetype_state =~# 'indent:ON' silent! filetype indent on endif endfunction function! s:get_input() abort let input = '' let termstr = '' call feedkeys(termstr, 'n') while 1 let char = getchar() let input .= (type(char) == v:t_number) ? nr2char(char) : char let idx = stridx(input, termstr) if idx >= 1 let input = input[: idx - 1] break elseif idx == 0 let input = '' break endif endwhile return input endfunction function! s:is_reset_ftplugin(plugins) abort if &l:filetype ==# '' return 0 endif for plugin in a:plugins let ftplugin = plugin.rtp . '/ftplugin/' . &l:filetype let after = plugin.rtp . '/after/ftplugin/' . &l:filetype let check_ftplugin = !empty(filter(['ftplugin', 'indent', \ 'after/ftplugin', 'after/indent',], \ { _, val -> filereadable(printf('%s/%s/%s.vim', \ plugin.rtp, val, &l:filetype)) \ || filereadable(printf('%s/%s/%s.lua', \ plugin.rtp, val, &l:filetype))})) if check_ftplugin \ || isdirectory(ftplugin) || isdirectory(after) \ || glob(ftplugin. '_*.vim', v:true) !=# '' \ || glob(after . '_*.vim', v:true) !=# '' \ || glob(ftplugin. '_*.lua', v:true) !=# '' \ || glob(after . '_*.lua', v:true) !=# '' return 1 endif endfor return 0 endfunction function! s:mapargrec(map, mode) abort let arg = maparg(a:map, a:mode) while maparg(arg, a:mode) !=# '' let arg = maparg(arg, a:mode) endwhile return arg endfunction