" Private Functions {{{1 " Public Functions {{{1 function! tablemode#utils#throw(string) abort "{{{2 let v:errmsg = 'table-mode: ' . a:string throw v:errmsg endfunction function! tablemode#utils#line(row) "{{{2 if type(a:row) == type('') return line(a:row) else return a:row endif endfunction function! tablemode#utils#strip(string) "{{{2 return matchstr(a:string, '^\s*\zs.\{-}\ze\s*$') endfunction " function! tablemode#utils#strlen {{{2 " To count multibyte characters accurately function! tablemode#utils#strlen(text) return strlen(substitute(a:text, '.', 'x', 'g')) endfunction function! tablemode#utils#StrDisplayWidth(string) "{{{2 if exists('*strdisplaywidth') return strdisplaywidth(a:string) else " Implement the tab handling part of strdisplaywidth for vim 7.2 and " earlier - not much that can be done about handling doublewidth " characters. let rv = 0 let i = 0 for char in split(a:string, '\zs') if char == "\t" let rv += &ts - i let i = 0 else let rv += 1 let i = (i + 1) % &ts endif endfor return rv endif endfunction function! tablemode#utils#get_buffer_or_global_option(table_option) "{{{2 return get(b:, a:table_option, get(g:, a:table_option)) endf function tablemode#utils#MoveToLine(line) "{{{2 let offset = tablemode#utils#line(a:line) - line('.') if offset > 0 execute "normal! ".offset."j" elseif offset < 0 execute "normal! ".(-offset)."k" endif endfunction function! tablemode#utils#SeparatorCount(str) return tablemode#utils#strlen(substitute(a:str, '\V\C\(\\' . escape(g:table_mode_separator, '\') . '\|\[^' . escape(g:table_mode_separator, ']^-\') . ']\)', '', 'g')) endfunction