; Misc keywords
  "my" "our" "local"
  "next" "last" "redo"
;  "do"
;  "eval"
] @keyword

; Keywords for including
[ "use" "no" "require" ] @include

; Keywords that mark conditional statements
[ "if" "elsif" "unless" "else" ] @conditional

; Keywords that mark repeating loops
[ "while" "until" "for" "foreach" ] @repeat

; Keyword for return expressions
[ "return" ] @keyword.return

; Keywords for phaser blocks
; TODO: Ideally these would be @keyword.phaser but vim-treesitter doesn't
;   have such a thing yet
[ "BEGIN" "CHECK" "UNITCHECK" "INIT" "END" ] @keyword.function

; Keywords to define a function
[ "sub" ] @keyword.function

; Lots of builtin functions, except tree-sitter-perl doesn't emit most of
;   these yet
;  "print" "printf" "sprintf" "say"
;  "push" "pop" "shift" "unshift" "splice"
;  "exists" "delete" "keys" "values"
;  "each"
;] @function.builtin

; Keywords that are regular infix operators
  "and" "or" "not" "xor"
  "eq" "ne" "lt" "le" "ge" "gt" "cmp"
] @keyword.operator

; Variables
] @variable

; Special builtin variables
] @variable.builtin

; Integer numbers
] @number

; Float numbers
] @float

; version sortof counts as a kind of multipart integer
(version) @constant

; Package names are types
(package_name) @type

; The special SUPER:: could be called a namespace. It isn't really but it
;   should highlight differently and we might as well do it this way
(super) @namespace

; Comments are comments
(comments) @comment

; POD should be handled specially with its own embedded subtype but for now
;   we'll just have to do this.
(pod_statement) @text

  function_name: (identifier) @method)
  function_name: (identifier) @function)

;; ----------

  constant: (identifier) @constant)

  function_name: (identifier) @function)

  name: (identifier) @function)

] @function

] @punctuation.bracket
(standard_input_to_variable) @punctuation.bracket

] @operator

] @parameter

  (identifier) @variable)

] @string

] @string.regex

(escape_sequence) @string.escape

] @punctuation.delimiter

(function_attribute) @field

(function_signature) @type