# Popup Popup is an abstraction layer on top of window. Creates a new popup object (but does not mount it immediately). **Examples** ```lua local Popup = require("nui.popup") local popup = Popup({ position = "50%", size = { width = 80, height = 40, }, enter = true, focusable = true, zindex = 50, relative = "editor", border = { padding = { top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 3, right = 3, }, style = "rounded", text = { top = " I am top title ", top_align = "center", bottom = "I am bottom title", bottom_align = "left", }, }, buf_options = { modifiable = true, readonly = false, }, win_options = { winblend = 10, winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder", }, }) ``` You can manipulate the assocciated buffer and window using the `split.bufnr` and `split.winid` properties. ## Options ### `border` **Type:** `table` Contains all border related options. #### `border.padding` **Type:** `table` Controls the popup padding. **Examples** It can be a list (`table`) with number of cells for top, right, bottom and left. The order behaves like [CSS](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS) padding. ```lua border = { -- `1` for top/bottom and `2` for left/right padding = { 1, 2 }, }, ``` You can also use a map (`table`) to set padding at specific side: ```lua border = { -- `1` for top, `2` for left, `0` for other sides padding = { top = 1, left = 2, }, }, ``` #### `border.style` **Type:** `string` or `table` Controls the styling of the border. **Examples** Can be one of the pre-defined styles: `"double"`, `"none"`, `"rounded"`, `"shadow"`, `"single"` or `"solid"`. ```lua border = { style = "double", }, ``` List (`table`) of characters starting from the top-left corner and then clockwise: ```lua border = { style = { "╭", "─", "╮", "│", "╯", "─", "╰", "│" }, }, ``` Map (`table`) with named characters: ```lua border = { style = { top_left = "╭", top = "─", top_right = "╮", left = "│", right = "│", bottom_left = "╰", bottom = "─", bottom_right = "╯", }, }, ``` If you don't need all these options, you can also pass the value of `border.style` to `border` directly. To set the highlight group for all the border characters, use the `win_options.winhighlight` option and include the name of highlight group for `FloatBorder`. **Examples** ```lua win_options = { winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:SpecialChar", }, ``` To set the highlight group for individual border character, you can use `NuiText` or a tuple with `(char, hl_group)`. **Examples** ```lua border = { style = { { [[/]], "SpecialChar" }, [[─]], NuiText([[\]], "SpecialChar"), [[│]] }, }, ``` #### `border.text` **Type:** `table` Text displayed on the border (as title/footnote). | Key | Type | Description | | ---------------- | -------------------------------------------- | ---------------------------- | | `"top"` | `string` / `NuiText` | top border text | | `"top_align"` | `"left"` / `"right"`/ `"center"` _(default)_ | top border text alignment | | `"bottom"` | `string` / `NuiText` | bottom border text | | `"bottom_align"` | `"left"` / `"right"`/ `"center"` _(default)_ | bottom border text alignment | **Examples** ```lua border = { text = { top = "Popup Title", top_align = "center", }, }, ``` --- ### `ns_id` **Type:** `number` or `string` Namespace id (`number`) or name (`string`). --- ### `relative` **Type:** `string` or `table` This option affects how `position` and `size` are calculated. **Examples** Relative to cursor on current window: ```lua relative = "cursor", ``` Relative to the current editor screen: ```lua relative = "editor", ``` Relative to the current window (_default_): ```lua relative = "win", ``` Relative to the window with specific id: ```lua relative = { type = "win", winid = 5, }, ``` Relative to the buffer position: ```lua relative = { type = "buf", -- zero-indexed position = { row = 5, col = 5, }, }, ``` --- ### `position` **Type:** `number` or `percentage string` or `table` Position is calculated from the top-left corner. If `position` is `number` or `percentage string`, it applies to both `row` and `col`. Or you can pass a table to set them separately. For `percentage string`, position is calculated according to the option `relative`. If `relative` is set to `"buf"` or `"cursor"`, `percentage string` is not allowed. **Examples** ```lua position = 50, ``` ```lua position = "50%", ``` ```lua position = { row = 30, col = 20, }, ``` ```lua position = { row = "20%", col = "50%", }, ``` --- ### `size` **Type:** `number` or `percentage string` or `table` Determines the size of the popup. If `size` is `number` or `percentage string`, it applies to both `width` and `height`. You can also pass a table to set them separately. For `percentage string`, `size` is calculated according to the option `relative`. If `relative` is set to `"buf"` or `"cursor"`, window size is considered. **Examples** ```lua size = 50, ``` ```lua size = "50%", ``` ```lua size = { width = 80, height = 40, }, ``` ```lua size = { width = "80%", height = "60%", }, ``` --- ### `enter` **Type:** `boolean` If `true`, the popup is entered immediately after mount. **Examples** ```lua enter = true, ``` --- ### `focusable` **Type:** `boolean` If `false`, the popup can not be entered by user actions (wincmds, mouse events). **Examples** ```lua focusable = true, ``` --- ### `zindex` **Type:** `number` Sets the order of the popup on z-axis. Popup with higher the `zindex` goes on top of popups with lower `zindex`. **Examples** ```lua zindex = 50, ``` --- ### `buf_options` **Type:** `table` Contains all buffer related options (check `:h options | /local to buffer`). **Examples** ```lua buf_options = { modifiable = false, readonly = true, }, ``` --- ### `win_options` **Type:** `table` Contains all window related options (check `:h options | /local to window`). **Examples** ```lua win_options = { winblend = 10, winhighlight = "Normal:Normal,FloatBorder:FloatBorder", }, ``` --- ### `bufnr` **Type:** `number` You can pass `bufnr` of an existing buffer to display it on the popup. **Examples:** ```lua bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf(), ``` ## Methods ### `popup:mount` _Signature:_ `popup:mount()` Mounts the popup. **Examples** ```lua popup:mount() ``` --- ### `popup:unmount` _Signature:_ `popup:unmount()` Unmounts the popup. **Examples** ```lua popup:unmount() ``` --- ### `popup:hide` _Signature:_ `popup:hide()` Hides the popup window. Preserves the buffer (related content, autocmds and keymaps). --- ### `popup:show` _Signature:_ `popup:show()` Shows the hidden popup window. --- ### `popup:map` _Signature:_ `popup:map(mode, key, handler, opts) -> nil` Sets keymap for the popup. **Parameters** | Name | Type | Description | | --------- | --------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | `mode` | `string` | check `:h :map-modes` | | `key` | `string` | key for the mapping | | `handler` | `string` / `function` | handler for the mapping | | `opts` | `table` | check `:h :map-arguments` (including `remap`/`noremap`, excluding `buffer`) | **Examples** ```lua local ok = popup:map("n", "<esc>", function(bufnr) print("ESC pressed in Normal mode!") end, { noremap = true }) ``` --- ### `popup:unmap` _Signature:_ `popup:unmap(mode, key) -> nil` Deletes keymap for the popup. **Parameters** | Name | Type | Description | | ------ | ------------- | --------------------- | | `mode` | `"n"` / `"i"` | check `:h :map-modes` | | `key` | `string` | key for the mapping | **Examples** ```lua local ok = popup:unmap("n", "<esc>") ``` --- ### `popup:on` _Signature:_ `popup:on(event, handler, options)` Defines `autocmd` to run on specific events for this popup. **Parameters** | Name | Type | Description | | --------- | --------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | | `event` | `string[]` / `string` | check `:h events` | | `handler` | `function` | handler function for event | | `options` | `table` | keys `once`, `nested` and values `boolean` | **Examples** ```lua local event = require("nui.utils.autocmd").event popup:on({ event.BufLeave }, function() popup:unmount() end, { once = true }) ``` `event` can be expressed as any of the followings: ```lua { event.BufLeave, event.BufDelete } -- or { event.BufLeave, "BufDelete" } -- or event.BufLeave -- or "BufLeave" -- or "BufLeave,BufDelete" ``` --- ### `popup:off` _Signature:_ `popup:off(event)` Removes `autocmd` defined with `popup:on({ ... })` **Parameters** | Name | Type | Description | | ------- | --------------------- | ----------------- | | `event` | `string[]` / `string` | check `:h events` | **Examples** ```lua popup:off("*") ``` --- ### `popup:update_layout` _Signature:_ `popup:update_layout(config)` Sets the layout of the popup. You can use this method to change popup's size or position after it's mounted. **Parameters** `config` is a `table` having the following keys: | Key | Type | | ---------- | ------------------ | | `relative` | `string` / `table` | | `position` | `string` / `table` | | `size` | `string` / `table` | They are the same options used for popup initialization. **Examples** ```lua popup:update_layout({ relative = "win", size = { width = 80, height = 40, }, position = { row = 30, col = 20, }, }) ``` --- ### `popup.border:set_highlight` _Signature:_ `popup.border:set_highlight(highlight: string) -> nil` Sets border highlight. **Parameters** | Name | Type | Description | | ----------- | -------- | -------------------- | | `highlight` | `string` | highlight group name | **Examples** ```lua popup.border:set_highlight("SpecialChar") ``` --- ### `popup.border:set_text` _Signature:_ `popup.border:set_text(edge, text, align)` Sets border text. **Parameters** | Name | Type | | ------- | ------------------------------------------- | | `edge` | `"top"` / `"bottom"` / `"left"` / `"right"` | | `text` | `string` | | `align` | `"left"` / `"right"`/ `"center"` | **Examples** ```lua popup.border:set_text("bottom", "[Progress: 42%]", "right") ``` ## Wiki Page You can find additional documentation/examples/guides/tips-n-tricks in [nui.popup wiki page](https://github.com/MunifTanjim/nui.nvim/wiki/nui.popup).