"============================================================================= " FILE: history_unite.vim " AUTHOR: Shougo Matsushita <Shougo.Matsu at gmail.com> " License: MIT license "============================================================================= let s:save_cpo = &cpo set cpo&vim " Variables "{{{ let s:unite_histories = [] " the last modified time of the unite histories file. let s:unite_histories_file_mtime = 0 call unite#util#set_default('g:unite_source_history_unite_file', \ unite#get_data_directory() . '/history_unite') call unite#util#set_default('g:unite_source_history_unite_limit', 100) "}}} function! unite#sources#history_unite#add(unite) abort"{{{ let s:unite_histories = filter(s:unite_histories, \ 'v:val.sources !=# a:unite.sources \ && v:val.context.input !=# a:unite.context.input') \[ : g:unite_source_history_unite_limit - 1] if !empty(filter(copy(a:unite.sources), \ "v:val.name ==# 'history/unite' || !v:val.is_listed")) " Don't save non listed source or history/unite return endif let context = deepcopy(a:unite.original_context) let context.input = a:unite.context.input call insert(s:unite_histories, { \ 'sources' : deepcopy(a:unite.sources), \ 'context' : context, \ 'source_args' : \ join(map(copy(a:unite.sources), \ 'unite#view#_get_source_name_string(v:val)')), \ 'time' : localtime() \ }) endfunction"}}} function! unite#sources#history_unite#define() abort return s:source endfunction let s:source = { \ 'name' : 'history/unite', \ 'description' : 'candidates from unite history', \ 'action_table' : {}, \ 'default_action' : 'start', \} function! s:source.gather_candidates(args, context) abort "{{{ return map(copy(s:unite_histories), "{ \ 'word' : v:val.source_args, \ 'abbr' : v:val.source_args . ' -- ' . v:val.context.input, \ 'source__history' : v:val, \}") endfunction"}}} " Actions "{{{ let s:source.action_table.start = { \ 'description' : 'start sources', \ 'is_start' : 1, \ } function! s:source.action_table.start.func(candidate) abort "{{{ let history = a:candidate.source__history let history.context.split = unite#get_context().split let history.context.no_split = 0 call unite#start(history.sources, history.context) endfunction"}}} "}}} let &cpo = s:save_cpo unlet s:save_cpo