*neomru.txt* MRU plugin includes unite.vim MRU sources. Version: 1.0 Author : Shougo <Shougo.Matsu@gmail.com> License: MIT license CONTENTS *neomru-contents* Usage |neomru-usage| Install |neomru-install| Configuration Examples |neomru-examples| Interface |neomru-interface| Variables |neomru-variables| Sources |neomru-sources| Commands |neomru-commands| Functions |neomru-functions| FAQ |neomru-faq| ============================================================================== USAGE *neomru-usage* To browse a list of mru files. > :Unite neomru/file :Unite file_mru < To browse a list of mru directories. > :Unite neomru/directory :Unite directory_mru > nnoremap <silent> [unite]d \ :<C-u>Unite -buffer-name=files -default-action=lcd neomru/directory<CR> < Note: To import previous version of unite mru candidates, you must use |:NeoMRUImportFile| and |:NeoMRUImportDirectory| commands. ============================================================================== INSTALL *neomru-install* Requirements: unite.vim https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim ============================================================================== INTERFACE *neomru-interface* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VARIABLES *neomru-variables* *g:neomru#time_format* g:neomru#time_format Specify the output format of the modified file in MRU sources. Uses |strftime()| formatting. Note: It is not access time format. *g:neomru#filename_format* g:neomru#filename_format Specify the output format of the filename of in MRU sources. The format is same to |fnamemodify()|. If this variable is empty, drawing speed is faster. g:neomru#do_validate *g:neomru#do_validate* Specify whether automatically remove invalid file paths from mru history. *g:neomru#update_interval* g:neomru#update_interval Specify the update interval to save updated mru files/directories to disk. g:neomru#file_mru_path *g:neomru#file_mru_path* Specifies the file to write the information of most recent used files. Default value is "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/neomru/file" or expand("~/.cache/neomru/file"); the absolute path of it. g:neomru#file_mru_limit *g:neomru#file_mru_limit* The number of recent file candidates to show in default file_mru window. *g:neomru#file_mru_ignore_pattern* g:neomru#file_mru_ignore_pattern The ignore regex pattern of neomru/file source. Refer autoload/neomru.vim about the default value. Note: This variable is deprecated. Please use |unite#custom#source()| instead. Note: This variable must be set before using |unite|. *g:neomru#directory_mru_path* g:neomru#directory_mru_path Default value is "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/neomru/directory" or expand("~/.cache/neomru/directory"); the absolute path of it. *g:neomru#directory_mru_limit* g:neomru#directory_mru_limit *g:neomru#directory_mru_ignore_pattern* g:neomru#directory_mru_ignore_pattern The ignore regexp pattern of neomru/directory source. Refer autoload/neomru.vim about the default value. *g:neomru#follow_links* g:neomru#follow_links A boolean which determines whether symbolic or hard-linked files should be followed (resolved): if false, symlinked files and directories are listed in the unite buffer using the symlink's path; if true, they are listed using the real path. The default value is 0 (false). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SOURCES *neomru-sources* *unite-source-neomru/file* neomru/file *unite-source-file_mru* file_mru Nominates files you used recently as candidates, ordering by time series. The mru code is overhauled to tracking long mru history. Set a large number like 5000 for the long limit will not impact vim performance. Source custom variables: fnamemodify a flag to modify given paths. Use |filename-modifiers|. (default is ':~') *unite-source-neomru/directory* neomru/directory *unite-source-directory_mru* directory_mru Nominates directories you used recently as candidates, ordering by time series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ COMMANDS *neomru-commands* :NeoMRUReload *:NeoMRUReload* Reload MRU files. It validates the MRU files. :NeoMRUSave *:NeoMRUSave* Save MRU files manually. :NeoMRUImportFile [{path}] *:NeoMRUImportFile* Import the files from previous version of MRU {path} file and |v:oldfiles|. If {path} is omitted, "~/.unite/file_mru" is used. :NeoMRUImportDirectory [{path}] *:NeoMRUImportDirectory* Import the directories from previous version of MRU {path} file. If {path} is omitted, "~/.unite/directory_mru" is used. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ FUNCTIONS *neomru-functions* *neomru#append()* neomru#append({filename}) Include the specified file in the MRU list, mimicking a file open by unite/denite. This will mainly be used in |unite#custom#action()|/|denite#custom#action()|. ============================================================================== FAQ *neomru-faq* Q: mru sources are slow in large mru files. https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim/issues/422 A: You can set |g:neomru#do_validate| to 0. It is faster. But unite does not validate mru files. Q: I want to restrict the files I see to the current project or the current directory in mru sources. https://github.com/Shougo/unite.vim/issues/456 A: You should use |unite-filter-matcher_project_files|. > call unite#custom#source( \ 'neomru/file', 'matchers', \ ['matcher_project_files', 'matcher_fuzzy']) < ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:ft=help:norl:noet:fen: